I've been saying this ever since January 6th, 2021. Garland is a failure as AG. Biden should fire him yesterday and put someone in the office who has a spine.
I think the blame is pretty widespread. The way I recall it, Garland was held as something of a hero, in sympathy for his getting screwed out of his SCOTUS seat by McConnell тАФ who, I think, shoulders most of the blame. He had at least four chances to stop Trump (ScaliaтАЩs seat, RBGтАЩs seat, and two impeachments) тАФ just by showing a little integrity тАФ and he weaseled on all four.
But the sympathy for Garland led many of us to clamor for him to be made AG. I think Biden responded to that. I donтАЩt know if Joe considers it a mistake, but I do.
What happens now is not that relevant, IMO. One way or another, he will not be AG after this year. ЁЯдФЁЯШЙЁЯШК
Garland should be ousted...Where are the Dems outrage and shouts to throw that sick Maniac in jail...he is mentally unfit and absolutely insane
I've been saying this ever since January 6th, 2021. Garland is a failure as AG. Biden should fire him yesterday and put someone in the office who has a spine.
I think the blame is pretty widespread. The way I recall it, Garland was held as something of a hero, in sympathy for his getting screwed out of his SCOTUS seat by McConnell тАФ who, I think, shoulders most of the blame. He had at least four chances to stop Trump (ScaliaтАЩs seat, RBGтАЩs seat, and two impeachments) тАФ just by showing a little integrity тАФ and he weaseled on all four.
But the sympathy for Garland led many of us to clamor for him to be made AG. I think Biden responded to that. I donтАЩt know if Joe considers it a mistake, but I do.
What happens now is not that relevant, IMO. One way or another, he will not be AG after this year. ЁЯдФЁЯШЙЁЯШК
You canтАЩt have been saying that since January 6th. Garland was not AG on 1/6/2021.
Meh, probably just doing what he's being paid under the table to do