I've been saying this ever since January 6th, 2021. Garland is a failure as AG. Biden should fire him yesterday and put someone in the office who has a spine.
I've been saying this ever since January 6th, 2021. Garland is a failure as AG. Biden should fire him yesterday and put someone in the office who has a spine.
I think the blame is pretty widespread. The way I recall it, Garland was held as something of a hero, in sympathy for his getting screwed out of his SCOTUS seat by McConnell — who, I think, shoulders most of the blame. He had at least four chances to stop Trump (Scalia’s seat, RBG’s seat, and two impeachments) — just by showing a little integrity — and he weaseled on all four.
But the sympathy for Garland led many of us to clamor for him to be made AG. I think Biden responded to that. I don’t know if Joe considers it a mistake, but I do.
What happens now is not that relevant, IMO. One way or another, he will not be AG after this year. 🤔😉😊
I've been saying this ever since January 6th, 2021. Garland is a failure as AG. Biden should fire him yesterday and put someone in the office who has a spine.
I think the blame is pretty widespread. The way I recall it, Garland was held as something of a hero, in sympathy for his getting screwed out of his SCOTUS seat by McConnell — who, I think, shoulders most of the blame. He had at least four chances to stop Trump (Scalia’s seat, RBG’s seat, and two impeachments) — just by showing a little integrity — and he weaseled on all four.
But the sympathy for Garland led many of us to clamor for him to be made AG. I think Biden responded to that. I don’t know if Joe considers it a mistake, but I do.
What happens now is not that relevant, IMO. One way or another, he will not be AG after this year. 🤔😉😊
You can’t have been saying that since January 6th. Garland was not AG on 1/6/2021.