Wasn't there language in the bail agreements from GA or AZ that forbids meeting up with coconspirators? I distinctly recall this being a thing prosecutors include to prevent indicted criminals from plotting more shit (regarding their trial and/or additional crimes) and wouldn't this (and dangling pardons) fall under "Offering aid and comfort"?
Thank you for the parole reminder! There are parole conditions to consider for the convicted felons in the group, sure hope they don't forget those! I cannot recall if Pete Navarro sentence had any probation attached? I figured they were given a pass on the RNC for political rights, but a “gala” for co conspirator treason weasels should be looked at through the lens of the law.
If Kamala Harris reposted a meme about Trump that was of the same sexual nature as the meme HE did, the MSM would not be able to shut up about it.
MSM supports Donald Trump. Period. If they reported on him honestly, we wouldn’t be here. If they report this honestly, his campaign will be over. But they won’t!
Everyone needs to get out and vote BLUE up and down the ballot so Harris gets in and gets backing in congress to undo TRUMPS’s TERRIBLE LEGISLATIONS. This time there is only ONE candidate who’ll support America. That's why I wear this reminder everyday 🤣 👇
the oligarchs were allowed to buy and control our media. this monopoly has created the biggest propaganda machine the world has ever known. we need to win and win big , and take out airwaves back from those that have proven beyond all doubt, that they are not to be trusted with such great power. MAKE TRUTH GREAT AGAIN ! we deserve and expect truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth from our media (when they call themselves NEWS} and from our politicians ,(when they are doing the peoples business). anything less should be considered malpractice !
We've literally run out of Adjectives to describe all the Vile, Heinous, Offensive, Disgusting and Hateful things they do. Why is the Media ignoring it?
I'm glad they're ignoring it, and that is because of their worthless "objective" reporting that portrays Trump as just an unusual guy but not as the psychopathic scumbag he actually is.
Yes you’re right, Giuliani has been found liable in a civil suit. That is not a felony. He has pled not guilty to criminal charges.. that case goes to trial in October. I don’t like him any more than you do but as of this time he is not a convicted felon.
Rudy isnt in jail ... he is going to be at mar a lago , helping trump with the GALA on jan 6, that is giving out awards and giving aid and comfort to the insurrectionists. LOCK HIS SEDITIOUS ORANGE ASS UP !
rudy has been found guilty and owes nearly half a million dollars for slander. he is a unamed co-conspirator and has been disbarred. im going to go out on a limb and say that , rudy fits the bill as a subject that trump isnt supposed to be having ANY dealings with.
America? This is all part of America and always has been. I know, not the American the Beautiful we idealize.
Nevertheless, those of us that would like our country to be closer to that ideal can keep working by seeing the reality, setting a better example, not ignoring hate and bigotry among our acquaintances, friends and relatives and working to elect decent people like Kamala and Tim.
And then, here we are again, Dean. I believe I heard about the J6 Gala from Mary Trump?! After that,Thom Hartmann hit on it, but the Media? Crickets 🦗!! This is why you are so important ! It's trump's campaign every day. They have made him a Legitimate candidate, when in fact, he's a convicted Felon,tax Fraud, adjudicated Rapists and Traitor!!! Thanks for sharing your Friday Funday, you Rock 💯💙🇺🇸
There wasn't even much coverage when Trump had those jailbirds singing Christmas songs. The creep calls them hostages and patriots. That's what makes me sick, and even more so because the media gave it the "that's just the way Trump rolls" kind of treatment.
For a long time, Trump would call the MSM fake media; I didn’t believe him. Today, I wouldn’t call them fake news, but their collective reputations are approximately two notches below tabloid journalism. All they care about is clickbait and ratings, not democracy. They don’t even pretend to care anymore: it’s not their job, according to them. I guess the fourth estate is a myth!
That said, Bash spent all her journalistic capital asking Harris questions to respond to false accusations labeled by Trump and Vance.
Please tell me how this helps America decide the next presidency? The only person it helps is Trump, by legitimatizing all his nonsense.
If the MSM wasn’t so shameless, they’d be shameful!…:)
That's because we've become a society that gets its "information" from social media. Conventional news outlets are trying to compete by churning out clickbait and sensationalism, which is why Bash demeaned Kamala Harris by trying to make her stoop to responding to Trump's ugly rants.
The Fairness Doctrine was partly responsible for that. Professionalism was the other foundational piece that no longer exists. It went away as media focused across-the-board on entertainment. No fairness. No professionalism. Valueless, like Trump, it's just another tool.
Infotainment. One very good thing about Kamala Harris' delay in giving interviews is that she was not subjected to gossipy questions like when Dana Bash asked her what she thought about Trump's racist remarks about her. This is a historical campaign; never in US history has a woman of color been so close to winning the presidency. But instead of showing Harris respect, she's treated like she's Stormy Daniels. Let's not talk about issues, Let's get some gossip shit to offer as clickbait instead.
Why doesn't this violate these people's terms of parole? Convicted felons associating with convicted felons should land them all in jail? How does any media look past this? Consequences are in order. Perhaps Fox will broadcast the event for the whole world to see? I would appreciate the video evidence for future trials. DOJ and the New York State Attorneys General needs to be on seen for this criminal event.
It doesn't take Lawrence Tribe to explain this one to Merit Garland. WTF!
In case this hasn't come up, more & more people need to realize it, especially law enforcement:
Trump should not associate with other convicted felons unless he gets permission from his parole officer. Is it too much to hope the place gets raided and anyone whose probation isn't over gets violated?
Another enlightening perspective on this subject would be whether or not all of the attendees have been given permission from their parole officers to attend this event. Do your job national media and investigate this issue.
It's like the Taliban giving awards to Al Kieda for 9/11 at Bedminster.
Check that -- tRump might be out on his own recognizance, not on parole; not sure here. But same caution applies to the hero invitees. Caveat, everyone
I live in central NJ and am trying to build up some enthusiasm to go protest in front of TFG’s stupid golf club/cemetery (lvana is buried there, God rest her soul.)
“…website, “the J6 Awards Gala … will honor and celebrate the twenty defendants who contributed to the powerful ‘Justice For All’ song” and celebrate “all J6 defendants who have shown incredible courage and sacrifice.”
A presidential candidate letting his property be used to host an event where a mob attack on police officers will be celebrated as heroic is 🤬blood-boiling.”
Wasn't there language in the bail agreements from GA or AZ that forbids meeting up with coconspirators? I distinctly recall this being a thing prosecutors include to prevent indicted criminals from plotting more shit (regarding their trial and/or additional crimes) and wouldn't this (and dangling pardons) fall under "Offering aid and comfort"?
This event is ALLLL about the bail and parole violations!
Thank you for the parole reminder! There are parole conditions to consider for the convicted felons in the group, sure hope they don't forget those! I cannot recall if Pete Navarro sentence had any probation attached? I figured they were given a pass on the RNC for political rights, but a “gala” for co conspirator treason weasels should be looked at through the lens of the law.
The corporate media simply needs to implode. Something’s got to give.
If Kamala Harris reposted a meme about Trump that was of the same sexual nature as the meme HE did, the MSM would not be able to shut up about it.
MSM supports Donald Trump. Period. If they reported on him honestly, we wouldn’t be here. If they report this honestly, his campaign will be over. But they won’t!
Everyone needs to get out and vote BLUE up and down the ballot so Harris gets in and gets backing in congress to undo TRUMPS’s TERRIBLE LEGISLATIONS. This time there is only ONE candidate who’ll support America. That's why I wear this reminder everyday 🤣 👇
We’re NOT going back. We’re going FORWARD.
the oligarchs were allowed to buy and control our media. this monopoly has created the biggest propaganda machine the world has ever known. we need to win and win big , and take out airwaves back from those that have proven beyond all doubt, that they are not to be trusted with such great power. MAKE TRUTH GREAT AGAIN ! we deserve and expect truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth from our media (when they call themselves NEWS} and from our politicians ,(when they are doing the peoples business). anything less should be considered malpractice !
The MSM will be completely different if trump ends up in the WH again and not in the way these CEOs want. It will be RWNJ owned media only.
Are these CEOs aware that they’re in the “Leopards Won’t Eat My Face” party.
Substack has got to find an easier way to edit things
We've literally run out of Adjectives to describe all the Vile, Heinous, Offensive, Disgusting and Hateful things they do. Why is the Media ignoring it?
I'm glad they're ignoring it, and that is because of their worthless "objective" reporting that portrays Trump as just an unusual guy but not as the psychopathic scumbag he actually is.
American Greed
Since don-old is a felonious traitor is he even allowed to spend time with other felons?
MSM would rather report that Kamala looks tired. I’d still like them to investigate the assanination details.
Trump's canoodling with other felons should be taken under consideration by Judge Merchan during sentencing on Sept 18th.
Also, aren't they all not allowed to associate with each other?
They are in jail so no he’s not breaking any conditions of probation
Yes you’re right, Giuliani has been found liable in a civil suit. That is not a felony. He has pled not guilty to criminal charges.. that case goes to trial in October. I don’t like him any more than you do but as of this time he is not a convicted felon.
Rudy isnt in jail ... he is going to be at mar a lago , helping trump with the GALA on jan 6, that is giving out awards and giving aid and comfort to the insurrectionists. LOCK HIS SEDITIOUS ORANGE ASS UP !
No conviction yet
rudy has been found guilty and owes nearly half a million dollars for slander. he is a unamed co-conspirator and has been disbarred. im going to go out on a limb and say that , rudy fits the bill as a subject that trump isnt supposed to be having ANY dealings with.
Trump. Isn't he the rapist/racist/convicted felon dude?
I'm so sick of TFG mocking everything Americans hold sacred! 😭 Lowest of the low.
America? This is all part of America and always has been. I know, not the American the Beautiful we idealize.
Nevertheless, those of us that would like our country to be closer to that ideal can keep working by seeing the reality, setting a better example, not ignoring hate and bigotry among our acquaintances, friends and relatives and working to elect decent people like Kamala and Tim.
And then, here we are again, Dean. I believe I heard about the J6 Gala from Mary Trump?! After that,Thom Hartmann hit on it, but the Media? Crickets 🦗!! This is why you are so important ! It's trump's campaign every day. They have made him a Legitimate candidate, when in fact, he's a convicted Felon,tax Fraud, adjudicated Rapists and Traitor!!! Thanks for sharing your Friday Funday, you Rock 💯💙🇺🇸
There wasn't even much coverage when Trump had those jailbirds singing Christmas songs. The creep calls them hostages and patriots. That's what makes me sick, and even more so because the media gave it the "that's just the way Trump rolls" kind of treatment.
It's definitely a sad state of affairs, when it comes to the Corporate Media, reporting Failures?! I'm thankful for you 🙏💯💙🇺🇸
For a long time, Trump would call the MSM fake media; I didn’t believe him. Today, I wouldn’t call them fake news, but their collective reputations are approximately two notches below tabloid journalism. All they care about is clickbait and ratings, not democracy. They don’t even pretend to care anymore: it’s not their job, according to them. I guess the fourth estate is a myth!
That said, Bash spent all her journalistic capital asking Harris questions to respond to false accusations labeled by Trump and Vance.
Please tell me how this helps America decide the next presidency? The only person it helps is Trump, by legitimatizing all his nonsense.
If the MSM wasn’t so shameless, they’d be shameful!…:)
That's because we've become a society that gets its "information" from social media. Conventional news outlets are trying to compete by churning out clickbait and sensationalism, which is why Bash demeaned Kamala Harris by trying to make her stoop to responding to Trump's ugly rants.
They are failing miserably.
I don’t disagree, but MSM journalists are supposed to ethics and standards; apparently, they don’t…:)
The Fairness Doctrine was partly responsible for that. Professionalism was the other foundational piece that no longer exists. It went away as media focused across-the-board on entertainment. No fairness. No professionalism. Valueless, like Trump, it's just another tool.
Infotainment. One very good thing about Kamala Harris' delay in giving interviews is that she was not subjected to gossipy questions like when Dana Bash asked her what she thought about Trump's racist remarks about her. This is a historical campaign; never in US history has a woman of color been so close to winning the presidency. But instead of showing Harris respect, she's treated like she's Stormy Daniels. Let's not talk about issues, Let's get some gossip shit to offer as clickbait instead.
Why doesn't this violate these people's terms of parole? Convicted felons associating with convicted felons should land them all in jail? How does any media look past this? Consequences are in order. Perhaps Fox will broadcast the event for the whole world to see? I would appreciate the video evidence for future trials. DOJ and the New York State Attorneys General needs to be on seen for this criminal event.
It doesn't take Lawrence Tribe to explain this one to Merit Garland. WTF!
Sorry, I just realized that Bedminster is not in New York but is in New Jersey.
No worries then!
I agree.
Why is Corporate America News deflecting news of a clear and present danger to the United States!?!
Trump got away with staging a violent coup attempt on 1/6/21 .
Fortunately it failed. And unfortunately, Trump was never held accountable.
But the wheels of Justice are turning. Slowly. Trump is desperate to be President again.
Corporate American News has a “Duty to Warn” that Trump is Planning another Coup.
The only campaign agenda that Trump has is to win, by hook or by crook, the election.
He’s lined up the help he needs: from local voting officials all the way to the Supreme Court.
All the “policy” chatter and distractions by JD Vance are gaslighting the news cycles.
The Coup is being planned and is ready to be executed.
Along with the USA.
Report That!
In case this hasn't come up, more & more people need to realize it, especially law enforcement:
Trump should not associate with other convicted felons unless he gets permission from his parole officer. Is it too much to hope the place gets raided and anyone whose probation isn't over gets violated?
Thank you for sharing this with everyone!
Another enlightening perspective on this subject would be whether or not all of the attendees have been given permission from their parole officers to attend this event. Do your job national media and investigate this issue.
It's like the Taliban giving awards to Al Kieda for 9/11 at Bedminster.
And now the celebration has been cancelled. Campaign thought it might be a bad look, or someone tipped off somebody about the legal risks?
Check that -- tRump might be out on his own recognizance, not on parole; not sure here. But same caution applies to the hero invitees. Caveat, everyone
I live in central NJ and am trying to build up some enthusiasm to go protest in front of TFG’s stupid golf club/cemetery (lvana is buried there, God rest her soul.)
Live stream the protest with a shot of the arrivals line. The courts will need evidence of the canoodling felons for their hearings.
“…website, “the J6 Awards Gala … will honor and celebrate the twenty defendants who contributed to the powerful ‘Justice For All’ song” and celebrate “all J6 defendants who have shown incredible courage and sacrifice.”
A presidential candidate letting his property be used to host an event where a mob attack on police officers will be celebrated as heroic is 🤬blood-boiling.”
The only thing more offensive than ignoring this travesty of a "gala" would be to give it media coverage.
Isn’t it against the law for felons to associate?