the oligarchs were allowed to buy and control our media. this monopoly has created the biggest propaganda machine the world has ever known. we need to win and win big , and take out airwaves back from those that have proven beyond all doubt, that they are not to be trusted with such great power. MAKE TRUTH GREAT AGAIN ! we deserve and ex…
the oligarchs were allowed to buy and control our media. this monopoly has created the biggest propaganda machine the world has ever known. we need to win and win big , and take out airwaves back from those that have proven beyond all doubt, that they are not to be trusted with such great power. MAKE TRUTH GREAT AGAIN ! we deserve and expect truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth from our media (when they call themselves NEWS} and from our politicians ,(when they are doing the peoples business). anything less should be considered malpractice !
the oligarchs were allowed to buy and control our media. this monopoly has created the biggest propaganda machine the world has ever known. we need to win and win big , and take out airwaves back from those that have proven beyond all doubt, that they are not to be trusted with such great power. MAKE TRUTH GREAT AGAIN ! we deserve and expect truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth from our media (when they call themselves NEWS} and from our politicians ,(when they are doing the peoples business). anything less should be considered malpractice !