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**NOV 27 Edition**
This will only get worse unless we crush it!
As much we want to ignore Donald Trump, we absolutely can NOT when he does something dangerous since he’s not only officially running for President in 2024—he’s far and away the leading candidate for the Republican 2024 presidential nomination per polls this week. That is why Trump having dinner just one week after formally announcing his run for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination with a Holocaust denying, white supremacist and a well-known anti-Semite cannot be ignored given Trump’s base well-documented history of committing violence.
On Tuesday, Trump dined at his Mar-a-Lago country club with Kanye West, a person who just weeks ago made headlines for his anti-Semitic remarks and the despicable Nick Fuentes, a white supremacist leader who has denied The Holocaust. And to be blunt, the only surprising part of this was Trump claiming he didn’t know Fuentes. (As I lay out below, it’s impossible to believe Trump was unaware of who Fuentes was and what he is about.)
Dining with bigots is perfectly on brand for Trump given his well-documented history of spewing hate and downplaying the threat posed by white supremacy. But let’s put aside for a moment if Trump knew Fuentes----a person who in past stated, “You can call us racists, white supremacists, Nazis & bigots. … But you will not replace us” and who praised the Jan 6 attack on the Capitol as “awesome.”
Trump 100 percent knows Kanye West—now known as Ye”—and still welcomed him to dine at his home despite West’s repeated spewing of dangerous anti-Semitic comments that could very well gin up hate crimes versus Jewish Americans. West’s horrific comments weren’t years ago, they were literally made weeks ago. Some of the West’s most dangerous remarks—as documented by the ADL-- include downplaying The Holocaust and claiming Jews promote Blacks killing each other through their “control” of the entertainment industry. This directly led to Adidas and other companies ending their business relationships with West.
Yet there was Trump—less than a month after this firestorm—not only dining with West, but defending it by way of post on his social media platform, Truth Social, that read in part ““Why wouldn't I agree to meet?” He noted that West sought “advice concerning some of his difficulties, in particular having to do with his business." The former President also added, “we got along great, he expressed no anti-Semitism.”
Perhaps Trump’s own history of trafficking in antisemitic tropes makes him comfortable with such bigotry. While we can debate why Trump would embrace West, what we do know is that Trump doesn’t seem to care about what the consequences are for any community he demonizes if he sees some benefit for himself. After all, this is the same Trump who demonized Muslims during his 2016 campaign, from his call for a “complete shutdown” of Muslims entering the United States to his lie that Middle Eastern people in New Jersey cheered the 9/11 attack. That led to a record number of hate crimes versus Muslim Americans.
Trump’s embrace of West is normalizing what should never be normalized. And then comes the arguably even more vile Fuentes, who Trump claimed he had no idea was attending the dinner, writing, “I didn't know Nick Fuentes.”
It is all but impossible to believe Trump was unaware of who Fuentes for a few reasons.
First, Trump as a former American president and an announced candidate for 2024 has Secret Serve protection. We must hope that Secret Service doesn’t simply allow anyone to walk up to a former President without some level of vetting.
But even more compelling is that Fuentes is a star in Trump world. In 2017, he began hosting the show “America First” on the Trump-aligned Right Side Broadcasting Network until Fuentes was fired for attending the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville that brought together white supremacists, Neo-Nazis and the like.
Fuentes is the founder of the Trump inspired, “America First Foundation.” In fact, Trump’s close political allies like GOP Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Paul Gosar caused media backlash earlier this year for their association with Fuentes, including a Fox News article with the headline, “GOP Rep. Paul Gosar to fundraise with Nick Fuentes, purported Holocaust denier.”
Fuentes also was in the headlines in January when he was subpoenaed by the Jan 6 committee for his work enlisting people to attend the Jan 6 rally and for a mysterious payment of $250,000 sent to him weeks before the Jan 6 attack. It was only a month later in February when Trump’s social media platform, “Truth Social,” verified Fuentes account so that users would know that in fact it was the white supremacist, Holocaust denying Fuentes operating the account. (By the way Fuentes—who was banned by Twitter in December 2021—will apparently be welcomed back on Twitter by Elon Musk next week given his new “amnesty” program.)
However, even if you believe Trump didn’t know who Fuentes was before the dinner, he absolutely does now, given the criticism directed at him from fellow Republicans such as former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and the Republican Jewish Coalition. Yet Trump has still not denounced Fuentes or his hate-filled beliefs.
Perhaps in a few days Trump will denounce Fuentes the same way during the 2016 campaign he first claimed he had no idea who former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke was when asked if he would reject his endorsement. After a firestorm of criticism, however, Trump begrudgingly “disavowed” Duke.
But we all know if Trump sincerely had been disgusted with Fuentes he would have no hesitation to quickly criticize him the same way over the past few days he has been repeatedly slamming by way of social media posts Special Counsel Jack Smith who was recently appointed by Merrick Garland to handle criminal investigations into Trump.
If past is prologue, future polls will show Trump has not lost any support among his fans for dining with West and Fuentes--as well as refusing to denounce the hate they are known for. This Trump episode can rightfully be labeled many things from normalizing anti-Semitism to emboldening white supremacy. But the overriding take away is that it perfectly sums up Trump’s brand. And until Republican leaders denounce it, we MUST define the GOP by the embrace of hate by their leader, Donald Trump.
I made it clear on MSNBC Saturday while talking to Ali Velshi that Donald Trump 100% knew who Holocaust denying, white supremacist Nick Fuentes was and that Trump dining with bigots is his way of getting his base excited for his 2024 run for President. I even made press for my comments in Salon.com and other outlets.
Former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner on my SiriusXM show to the vile smear attacks by Trump and a GOP member of Congress on the Special Counsel's wife.
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