Aug 10Liked by Dean Obeidallah

Amen. "Trump’s apparent dementia and mental competence must be examined." How that was glossed-over for months, as every little slip by Biden was amplified and dissected, is the tragedy of our MSM. It is time for a spotlight on Trump, not on his hotels and gold fetish, but on the mind of the man, which is becoming more and more vacant. Definitely not presidential material.

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The American media loves and constantly promotes Trump. This includes CNN and MSNBC. They endlessly talk about him and play his deranged comments. The media bosses are greedy men willing to destroy the US for $

The Trump press conference has made it clear that the media has abdicated its job seeking truth, in favor of seeking ratings. They do not deserve the title of journalist and should not be respected as such. They are owed nothing because they have earned nothing.

A few days ago someone posted this "Kamala removes stubborn orange stains" shirt in the comments section 👇


So I ordered that shirt and it arrived yesterday! I’m going to wear it out by November 5 🤣

Whoever made this, thank you! 👍

It's so wonderful to enjoy politics again. The more joy Harris/Walz spreads the more doom and gloom Trump will spew!

We’re NOT going back.

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I think it depends on who you watch on MSNBC. Lawrence O'Donnell, Joy Reid and Nicole Wallace all call trump out all the time. Lawrence blasted the media for the way they handled trump's "press conference".

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I saw Lawrence’s show and jumped for joy. I am disgusted with WAPO and NYT and frequently criticize their letting Trump off easy. I comment on every relevant article about the way they treated Biden in contrast to how they continue to normalize Trump. Crossing my fingers that he snaps at the September debate!

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The media is absent when it comes to objective reporting. WAPO and NYT, the most widely read are the worst offenders. I’m not overly surprised by WAPO. It is owned by Jeff Bazos who hired as the CEO a former Murdoch employee. What could go wrong there?

Cable and regular television need to cut away from broadcasts of his rallies and “press conferences” when he goes off on one of his rants. Real time fact checking is a must!

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Susan, I would love to see him snap at the September debate - if he even shows up. I want the whole world to see that.

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There's also Chris Hayes who calls trump out all the time. That makes it at least four at MSNBC. NYT are the worst ass-kissers. At Wapo, you have Jennifer Rubin and Dana Milbank who call the moron out all the timr also. BUT it's still not enough.

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We don't watch Chris Hayes because I don't want to OD on news, but I know he's good. Ditto for Rubin and Milbank. I used to subscribe to Milbank's op eds, but half the time I wasn't able to get the whole thing because I've never subscribed to the WAPO. I have since canceled all WAPO subscriptions I've had. But I like both of them.

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Doesn’t Rachel Maddow call trump out??

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Yes, she does. I've just recently quit watching her because I no longer find her interesting.

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Well, she is academic due to her degrees in Poly Sci, but if you want to understand the subject, I think she’s the one.

I like almost all of the journalists on MSNBC. They’re very intelligent and no talking heads!

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I agree with you, but I prefer listening to Lawrence O'Donnell and Ali Velshi, who are also both very good at explaining things. I think I may just need a break from academic right now. Interesting you say there are no talking heads, because I've seen several comments (I don't remember where) that complained about some of the people on MSNBC being okay with trump. Or something like that. I don't know that for myself, because I have a limited tolerance for news and pick who I watch very carefully..

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Thank you for the link! I just purchased a couple of tops myself! 🌹💙

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You’re welcome Laura! 😉

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So well said, Heather.

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I can't fathom why the media don't report on trump. I was so upset every time they went after Biden and couldn't figure out why. It seems like they've wanted to appease trump. Seems rather stupid to me, unless they've got guarantees from the Heritage Foundation that they will be left alone if trump wins.

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If they believe that they are deluded. His outburst against the NYT for reporting his gaff about Willy Brown and the helicopter should demonstrate that they cannot trust him on anything. How long will the First Amendment last if he gets back into the WH?

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My guess is it will last out the first 5 hours of the first day before it turns into a dictatorship.

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Bribery money.

Money talks.

Corporate media is not independent or ethical.

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For years the NYC media ecosystem unfortunately gave him a lot of deference. From the 1980’s on saw him as a “real businessman” who wasn’t part of the government that Reagan was disparaging. The city’s economy was changing then due to a number of factors like automation and the containerization of freight to FIRE, Finance Insurance Real Estate. But someone unburdened, like those other CEOs “masters of the universe” who could cut through the pesky red tape like a Neutron Jack Welch from GE or Chainsaw Al Dunlap from Sunbeam. Judging by what they did to their organizations they certainly shouldn’t be held up as examples of competent executives.

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“Trump is seeking to become President of the United States who now is protected by “absolute immunity” for most actions thanks to the GOP Supreme Court.”

The scariest part of another Trump presidency is a fully immune President who has a fascist SC in his pocket, and has always been a petty, vindictive, crooked and reckless person; who will also possess the nuclear codes.

This alone is a reason this man must be stopped at all costs.

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The dementia makes it worse, because, IMO, that will mean that all the people like Heritage Foundation, Steven Miller, et al, will be allowed to do whatever they want, and he won't know or care.

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Agreed, but even before his dementia, these people were in charge. Trump is easily manipulated. All his aides need to do is put some garbage right-wing article in his face, regardless of its veracity, and he will be emotionally charged to decide the outcome in their favor.

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Excellent point, Robert. I think we've seen proof of what you've said during his prior administration.

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A perfect example is the bi-partisan immigration bill he was going to sign before Miller put a BS article on immigrate crime, made up by Breitbart. And the rest is history…:)

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Are you talking about the most recent immigration bill? The one he tanked in the last year or so? I'm not surprised that Miller is a huge influence on trump. I want Miller to go down with trump.

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No, the one that Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell and Ryan put forth when Trump had both the house and senate. Trump said he’d sign whatever bill they put in front of him, only to nix the deal when Stephen Miller showed him some fraudulent immigration statistics compliments of Brietbart.

Additionally, all anyone has to do is play up to Trump’s vanity, and he folds faster than a cheap lounge chair (see any foreign leader he kowtows to)…:)

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At ALL costs!

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Aug 10Liked by Dean Obeidallah

yep, going from his speeches and the babbling word salads, he definitely should be thoroughly examined by honest, top flight psychologists, and the results of that examination made public.

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Honest, top flight psychologists, NOT the liars who say he's healthy (I think that was medical doctors, like Ronny Jackson).

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Or was it Ronny Johnson…🤪

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Oops! I forgot about that one. Thank you for the reminder.

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Did he write that one himself too?

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RemovedAug 14
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Ohhh, could not meet his dealer…he needs his fix…anger is the first sign…ohhhhhh! Do you kiss your wife with your mouth….

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SALAD IS GOOD FOR YOU!!! Salad is good for America! Now, you……..?? How does tRUMPS diaper smell…your really up there aren’t you?????

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ah, you must be a magat. T is the one who has cognitive problems, and Biden is not running this year. T is the babbling word salad spewer, not Harris. Sad that you have drunk the orange Kool-Aid.

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RemovedAug 14
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you are the one spewing nasty comments. Loo at the mirror sometime.....

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OK, go your sad magat way. You seem to be the epitome of the T train types.

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I'm sorry, MAGAt—did you say something about tender snowflake fee-fees being hurt?

You can go fuck yourself now.

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Aug 10Liked by Dean Obeidallah

My dad died of Alzheimer’s disease, and I recognize those same types of symptoms in tfg. He remembers things in the past, but not quite accurately. His more recent memories are even more inaccurate than the earlier ones. It’s very concerning to me that the media is not reporting on his decline.

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I'm sorry the two of you had to deal w/ that. My dad more toward the end picked the 70s/80s as the era he thought he was living in at that time. He could remember fairly accurately what went on during that time period. Any other time period was a different story. He remembered very little and what he did remember wasn't factual at all.

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My mother died of dementia - I think she brought it on herself because she no longer wanted to deal with the reality of the present (and that was before the current political mess). I did not have to see that, and I am grateful. I'm sorry you had to go through that, but at the same time I'm glad that you can substantiate what others are saying.

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dementia is a brain disease. My Mom died from it also. There was nothing to be done. The victims of it have no control whatsoever of what is happening. It is a terrible condition. My Mom used to read stacks of books then she just stopped. her brain could no longer do the action of reading and comprehending. It looked like giving up, but it was part of her early symptoms.

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Kay, I'm familiar with what dementia is. I'm sorry you had to go through that. What you said about reading is very interesting to me, because my mother was also quite the reader. I wasn't around when she was sick, so I don't know if she had to give that up also. I would think she did have to.

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I’m sorry. That’s hard to go through…..

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At this point, I can't decide if the NY TIMES and their fellow travelers are listening to their superrich Masters who want those sweet sweet Trump tax cuts, or if they're so DESPERATE for "Drama!" that they'll burn down the country so they can write breathless headlines about the flames....

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Corporate media has refused to cover trump's malignant narcissism so no surprise they won't cover his dementia either. One main truth is they fear trying to discuss psychology.

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RemovedAug 14
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Trump has had a transactional relationship with the Russians since the 80s. He laundered their ill gotten stolen money through his casinos as far back as the 80s. You need to read up on this stuff. It’s all out there. He wanted to build a building in Moscow. You made the mistake of believing Trump and now you can’t accept the truth that has been there all along. You just can’t quit him even though you know he is a liar and a fraud.

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Removed (Banned)Aug 14
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Somebody must either be getting paid by Moscow to spend so much time spewing idiotic bile, or must be as detached from reality as Donald Trump himself.

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Just changed a few words to translate a fool's unconscious confessions folks.

trump has dementia. trump was a Russian asset. That was the truth. trump said that the Nazis were fine people in Charlottesville, that was the truth. trump said to inject bleach was the truth. Everything I believe about trump is a fucking lie that my media told me. & I believed. I know the notion of PP tapes & trump being a Russian asset are almost certain because trump is such a craven perv, but apparently the “retards” like me from the right were in denial, liars or both & still are today. I'm really dumb. I know I shouldn't pass on my poisoned blood.

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deletedAug 14·edited Aug 14
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Aug 10Liked by Dean Obeidallah

Is the press waiting until the election is over to start telling the truth? Or will they ever?

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Why does the press wait yet pressed Biden. Wondering minds need to know.

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RemovedAug 12
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Too bad you don’t know how to think for yourself….you are just pushing along rumors from the sheep herd…..there are professionals who say he has dementia. If you are partif the herd of non-thinking sheep, you need to go chew a piece if straw and have a drink!

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Certainly NOT FOX NEWS! Did MOTOR MOUTH pay their debts??

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Corporate media gives Trump every break and abets an unfit candidate at every turn. The media should be investigating the dark money crisis we’re in.

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Aug 10Liked by Dean Obeidallah

Thank you. I appreciate truth telling. Our existence as a country depends on it. I appreciate your truth telling.

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RemovedAug 14
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The ONLY downfall of this country is PEOPLE LIKE YOU….8th grade education, the words you use all cime from the wall of the boys’ bathroom! Ever read a book…not ‘Muin Kamtf ‘…oh wait, you can’t speak English…you cannot read English…you certainly cannot read German…..let me do this for you……🤚HEIL tRUMP! Feel better, now…good! go smoke a joint…..

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Wow! I don't know that much about dementia, but if trump believes what he's saying despite what sane people say, sane people who were there, it's pretty clear he's gone way downhill. Every time I hear a clip of him, despite the fact I have auditory processing issues, his speech is pretty much unintelligible and what I do get doesn't make sense. I hope the media do start covering this. NOW!

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You got it, though! Unintelligible and senseless!

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Thank you, Susan!

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The “free” press is so annoyingly not free when they fail to cover all important issues of the times and do just that. Apparently the reporters think their articles are on the editorial page. Your opinions are just that. I and most intelligent people, simply want the facts so we can draw or own conclusions. Are you

dumbing-down articles so the uninterested and therefore the ignorant can be swayed by your opinions?

If only Walter Cronkite and the other real journalists could be here. I’m fed up with newspaper hacks!

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Try Dan Rather on here, he’s SIMPLE to find and will probably meet your expectations. Times change as does the reporting of them. There are decent people trying to honestly cover Trump’s mental decline, which is exactly that… he’s the only one “dumbing down” our nation. Well, him and Fox “News”.

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And all his friends at the Heritage Foundation…

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I agree. I like almost everyone on MSNBC❤️

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I agree, they do tend to be a little more even-keeled; although it just seems like there aren’t many MSM JOURNALISTS doing much fact-checking or pushing back with Trump anymore; like they’re either defeated by his words or too afraid to lose their jobs, since most of the media is ran by corporations that do a SHIT TON of rubbing elbows and fraternizing directly with Trump or in his circles.

It’s just disturbing at the least…

But we do seem to finally be gaining some ground upwards out of Trump’s inevitable sink hole of a campaign that he’s forced us to be privy to.

Now, however, he’s flailing, he’s paranoid, he’s tired.. and he KNOWS THAT WE’RE ALL WATCHING HIM FADE LIKE A BAD DREAM!!!

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RemovedAug 14
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I'm sorry, Ass Lover—you insulted me somewhere, but since you insult everybody who has the TEMERITY (I know it's a big words—look it up) to disagree with you? I can't find it....

So I'll have to tell you to go fuck yourself right back right here, right now, and block you as a pollutant to the body politic.


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Jill, I think you mean FLEA PRESS. They really bug me LOL.

I totally agree on your observation on real journalists. Dan Rather is still doing a excellent job with https://substack.com/@steady

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Aug 10·edited Aug 10Liked by Dean Obeidallah

Dean, I applaud your perspicacity. Trump conflated and confused — and lied about — three or four different things. He confused Willie Brown with Jerry Brown, with whom he surveyed California wildfires, in the company of Gavin Newsom, who recalls Trump was terrified that the ‘copter would crash, despite its never being in danger. He confused Willie Brown with Nate Holden, presumably because they were both Black California politicians, and with whom he actually did experience an emergency helicopter landing, and who recalled that Trump was “scared shitless”. Then, on top of that, he claimed Willie (let’s keep them all straight) was dating Harris at the time (he wasn’t; it’s unclear whether they had even met by then) and shit-talked her (which Willie denies).

Conflation upon confusion with a blatant lie on top. Only MSNBC (of the major media) seems to be reporting on his ridiculous pronouncements; the rest just shrug, “Oh, well, it’s Trump”. And, as Lawrence O’Donnell pointed out, even they’ve dropped the ball a few times. 🤔😉😊

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I think that trump accused Willie Brown of shit-talking about Kamala Harris, because he wants everyone to believe that even blacks feel that way about her. That would take the blame off him.

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Amazing how Nate at 95 not only remembers everything and had to call the paper to correct the fact's! Why did they even write this without fact checking? I know cuz Trump said it so it must be true! He wasn't even trustworthy as a kid, that's why he was sent to military school

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I am sure by now there are many Republicans who would like a do-over for Trump and Vance, but can't do it. There is no push as yet from the donor base, and the voter base would revolt if they were to be deprived of their Dear Leader, who is a figment of their collective aspiration/desperation. The Republican party is stuck in the Maga mud, and they deserve to be.

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IMO, quicksand would be a better thing for them to be stuck in…

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Yes. His adding parts to, and taking parts from the helicopter story is very indicative of cognitive decline. As I've mentioned bf I was my dads caregiver for a long time. He lived w/ me. He had dementia. He was also a malignant narcissist. Trump and my dad share many different personality traits. Thats why I immediately recognized what was really going on w/ the helicopter story. Trump genuinely believes he was w/ Willie Brown in that helicopter. No I'm not making an excuse for his version of the story. It just is that simple. Many narcs are known embellishers. Usually told to fit a certain narrative they're wanting you to believe. Couple that w/ the dementia and it's never good. They also become absolutely furious when you question anything they tell you. As for the media calling any of this out, unfortunately I believe we'll be waiting a very long time bf that happens!

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Suppose the GQP is using tRUMP to keep his base. This will make the election (appear) legitimate to most Republicans. Without TFG’s base, the Republicans (at this point have no (likely) chance of winning PERIOD.

The reason ‘they’ are in disarray is because they had set Biden up to look like the candidate that Don-old ACTUALLY is.

Michael Flynn & Alex Jones discussed TFG becoming a Martyr. It’s possible this was meant to put this into the heads of young wannabe Rittenhouses.

This would open up the door for the man who wrote the foreword for Project 2025 to become “the Dictator on Day one.

Maybe 🤔 this is just a conspiracy theory? Or, is it?

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Read Anne Applebaum's new book, Autocracy, Inc. Not a conspiracy theory. It's a war happening now. The dictator/oligarchs/billionaires against freedom, self rule and human rights. Also see Bill Browder and the Magnitsky Act.

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Donald is their front man.

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As with other things (like ‘his’ buildings)they use his ‘brand’ (name) and he gets paid without actually owning (most) of the properties 😊

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And, if his dementia is that serious, he could die within a year. Hello, President JD.

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I think you are actually referring to the person who wrote the forward to Kevin Roberts' new book. The forward to Project 2025 was written by Kevin Roberts.

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Could be🤭

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And let’s face it dementia doesn’t get better. And if it’s Lewy Bodies dementia that is the fastest of all. Two male family Members had this type of dementia and the progression was so fast both were gone in less than a year. My FIL went from robust to forgetting to eat to where he was and who we all were in 10 months. He was gone at 11 months. The deteriorating is fast.

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I am very sorry you had to experience that.

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