Techno-feudalism is a good term. That it came out of the mouth of Bannon is both accurate and infuriating. Bannon wants a white-supremacist populist movement. Musk just wants a billionaire plutocracy with an assist from Nazis. I do find it rich, however, that Bannon is calling Musk a racist. Do tell.

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It takes one to know one, remember?

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We’ve had a plutocracy for quite some time ( thank you Ronnie Reagan) but we have moved into an oligarchy, similar to what was common in Great Britain prior to WW1. Our previous plutocracy was broken by the Great Depression and FDR’s New Deal kept the oligarchs at bay. These next 4 yrs will determine if there will only be peasants/working class and the wealthy ( upper middle ). The middle class of 2 cars, a house/mortgage , family vacations will be gone ( if not so already ).

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It’s a strange day when I find myself agreeing with that villian Bannon.

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Actually Bannon agrees with us!! :)

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OMG, he's gone woke!

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I’ve heard of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”but damn

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If we can’t have honesty and decency, then this is beautiful. Let them do the heavy work and eat their own!!! A little less heavy lifting for the rest of us, who need to start at the bottom, plant seeds, frame everything in ‘kitchen table issues,’ and tend those planted seeds until they sprout and connect to realty. That’s what I’ve learned to do in situations where I can’t talk about politics, but can talk about life in general. It works!!

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I'd like to hear more about your process. I have family member I need to gently work on.

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With Musk's global ties, he could be extremely damaging to the US if he so chooses. He could easily cripple our space programs, leaving us at the mercy of the Chinese.

(I hope Ukraine has a communication method available other than Starlink because it could be stopped at any time based on one man's whims.)

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Some folks I know.. we’re deeply rural- they’ve long despised and been onto Musk but have no choice but Starlink. Quite a dichotomy, quitting the internets isn’t quite as easy as cancelling the NYT.

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I could be wrong but believe DJT is actually jealous and afraid of Musk now because of Musk’s perceived strong relationship with Putin and Xi—two people DJT wants most to impress and to become their BFF. I wouldn’t be surprised if DJT puts Bannon on ice for while. Because DJT realizes that Bannon, unlike Musk, doesn’t have the juice (overall wherewithal) to directly speak with desired BFFs whenever he wants to.


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Nationalize SpaceX

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Except if it puts it directly under control of the WH.

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Jan 12
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Early in the war, he moved satellites over Ukraine as Russia destroyed their infrastructure, later he wanted to start charging Ukraine for use of them which he was talked out of. Apparently, Russia took over internet access in the Donbas. What is the communication set up in Ukraine now?

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This supremacy war is laughable Bannon calling Musk racist and he is a white nationalist. I don’t know what to think because we have had stability for four years and now we will have chaos and infighting and the people of America will only be an after thought and nothing will get done. Global warming will continue to cause storms and hurricanes and fire and they will have every intention of destroying Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid and free lunch programs and take away healthcare while the richest people will receive their tax cut so the only thing that I can say is stay tuned.

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It's just a replay of Trump I, when there was likewise chaos and infighting. I actually thought Musk would have been fired by now, for monopolizing attention. That he hasn't been fired makes me wonder if Trump is scared of him.

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I think mush is bankrolling the convicted felon.

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That's what got Dr. Fauci into trouble with Trump. Early in the pandemic, one newscaster sald Fauci was more popular than Trump. Right after that, Trump started his campaign against him, turning MAGA against him.

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I am not sure Bannon has the wherewithal to take down Muskrat.

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I doubt it because Musk has that Bannon doesn’t is money and what has the Orange Felon been grifting off of and now he doesn’t have to do that much I got a hat or Bible to sale, he can say I got Musk. What we have to do is amplify what going on and create a divide that what the Democrats need to do

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I’m hoping that this brutal infighting, the sheer inappropriate, incompetence keeps the Trump administration so involved in spats&dirty tricks their focus is internal, not legislative

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Musk is The Borg. He wants to assimilate Earth, not just the US & Europe. Then, on to occupy Mars. Resistance is crucial.

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Steve Bannon… Civil Rights Crusader….? Really?

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Opportunist. Self-serving.

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More like it.

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As many others have already stated, it's an upside down world whe I agree with something Bannon has said. But the fact remains that his assessment of Musk's end goal of techno-feudalism is accurate. If this wakes magats up to this, great. THEY can be the ones to eat the rich.

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If you saw some of the MAGAs reactions to their Uber rich puppet masters trying to say glowing things about CEO Brian Thompsons murder, you can see they're ready to eat the rich, but have very poor aim, politically speaking. And now Musk is feuding with Asmongold, which is pissing off an entire swath of Musk admirers in the gamer crowd. There is some room for people to figure it out, though it will take some time. But then, it took time and a big crisis last time we had a Gilded Age.

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rasPUTIN! he also bedded all the women of the court, no?

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Can Musk (or Bannon) actually get women they don’t have to buy? Just wondering…

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Mush has 11 children by 3 different women.

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like they say about rapists: it’s not the sex, it’s the POWER.

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This article is epicly correct in all aspects- both historical and current!

Bannon not only is a Fascist provacutuer he is 1st & foremost a deeply seated anarchist - and it is his anarchist mind set has in its sights the International Nazi, Musk. Which I find a bit amusing- the more the 47-Git's political machine tear at each others throats, the better!

And I wonder now why that foul Nazi Stephen Miller has been silent.. he must be walking a tightrope from this war of Fascist fiends.

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Yeah, where IS Mr. "America is for Americans only"?

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The battle for power within the tRump cabal is testament to the supremacy of hate and fear within that crowd, countenanced and inspired by tRump's wicked and distorted personality.

It is his example that they all feed off. Such people and such behavior virtually guarantees tRump's failure to win the support of the necessary numbers and influencers to succeed in

his fascistic aims for wealth power and glory. Liars, haters and egotists are ultimately losers. Thus was it ever so.

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I sure hope you’re right. But if not, at least we can say we had a ringside seat. 😱

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Clever. Now I have to look up the battle of Stalingrad… lol.


For the other readers, the battle of Stalingrad lasted about six months (July ‘42 — February’43) and the Soviets successfully defended Stalingrad (now known as Volgograd) — it was a turning point in the war against Germany and a victory for the Allies.

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This is the second time I've ended up thinking Steve Bannon was sort of sane. I understand that envy plays a big part in his "war", but I think he makes some good points. I appreciate the education about Rasputin - I basically have only known the name. I hope musk is not as difficult to kill as Rasputin was…

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Bannon is not any more sane than Musk. He's just pissed off and jealous that while was doing jail time for his loyalty (for ignoring the Jan 6 subpoena) Musk was canoodling with the Orange Turd and his Turdlettes.

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Turdlettes 🤣🤣

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Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Laura Loomer was another maganut who was caught saying something actually right.

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It’s the motives behind these apparently-sane “positions” that one needs to keep aware of. 🤔😉😊

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Better keep the garlic, holy water, and silver spikes handy just in case.

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Like many of Trumputin's followers and sycophants, Musk has done an about face and kissed the ring, perhaps realizing pumping millions into trumputin will get him even more concessions and goverment contracts. Now that Musk has tasted a bit of power, he is like the heroin addict, will do anything to achieve more. I hope for a bloody ware between Bannon and Musk.

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What an irredeemable cast of characters! Trump, Musk, Bannon, Steve Miller … the lineup is endless.

Not too long ago, we laughed at buffoon leaders: Idi Amin, Baby Doc, Papa Doc, et al. Bad horror flicks.

But, like Hitler & Mussolini early days, we have also often admired autocrats for their robust “masculinity” and promises. Conclusion? No surprise—dark days ahead.

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Hitler? Robust and masculine? More like a troll.

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Circa early 1930s Hitler was admired as “a breath of fresh air” - even here in the United States; check out his Bund rally at MSG.

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How in any world can dumpty be seen as masculine? Or Elonia? Or that reptile Miller? In.What.World.

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