Loyalty of the Losers. Governance by Incompetence. Lord Save Us.

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I hope they all lose whatever remaining careers they have after 4 years. They haven't been paying close attention with his former administration. Or they don't care. Just to dance with the devil, Antichrist himself.

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Anti Christ

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And his followers are the weak stupid zombies. Thats how it goes like in End of days.

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That's why a lot of them don't believe in climate change being a problem--they're waiting for the end times and everything in their minds is "god's will."

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Terrible crazy situation next year. God help us

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Hey, as a long-time Arizonan I am glad we don’t have to vote against Fake Kari Lake again for awhile!!! Good riddance Kari and please don’t come back to the Grand Canyon state!!!

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I still have trouble comprehending that voters selected a mentally unstable person who’s with the developmental maturity of a 10 year old.

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I've known 6 year olds with greater maturity than trump…

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Me too.

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I'm just waiting on Nancy Mace for Press Secretary

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Yes. They are losers but quite different from the losers Lincoln chose for his cabinet. He loaded his cabinet with his rivals because they were the most qualified people. Imagine the felon offering Harris a position in his cabinet. Lincoln had a special skill in human connections—calming people down and wanted to hear counter views when in office. That’s what a true leader does! Trump is no Lincoln.

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What's behind all this losing is the fact that Republicanism as it exists today is hugely unpopular, but it persists and prevails largely because of boatloads of billionaire largesse and the sheer force of their will.

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And extreme gerrymandering in the "red" states.

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The election was bought by Musk, who seems to think he has power. His only power in the administration is to suggest to Congress what he wants destroyed, and ha depends on Congress to do it. I’m hoping that there are a meager few who will not fall in line.

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As the election showed, Musk DOES HAVE POWER.

It seems human history is that of power that is abused by the vainglorious.

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What horrifying examples set for children of what gets you to the top in America...lying, cheating, abusing women, stealing, bullying. Why would any child aspire to a college education or an honest career, when it's being evil that gets you noticed, power and a comfortable life. It's time for the flood to wipe out humanity again.

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Or at least the MAGA party.

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I think of the French and Russian revolutions. The people rise up against their oppression and some leaders jump in front of the stampeding herd of humanity and calms the herd into a false sense of stability as tens of millions are killed as with the Napoleonic wars and Stalin murdering millions.

Poll Pot, a former Buddhist monk, is another example leading to the killing fields of over 3,000,000 people.

The leaders will live in luxury as the surviving head eats whitening grass.

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I did not realize that Pol Pot was a former Buddhist monk. What he did was so against his religion, and so unspeakable. I would love to see our country get to a point where it takes care of everyone, but I fear we'll never get there as long as stupid reigns.

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I only learned about Pol Pot being a former Buddhist monk while recently visiting the killing fields. Now I am haunted by that knowledge.

During different trips in Europe, I chose to not visit different former concentration camps because I knew I would be haunted. Yet, seeing the former location of the Gestapo in Berlin, the last remnant of the Warsaw Jewish Ghetto and more, I now know it is impossible to avoid the omnipresent locations of man’s inhumanity to man and women.

All religions, philosophies, religions and beliefs can and are exploited by the evil within some of us. Look at the Buddhist in Sri Lanka murdering Muslims or Myramar murdering Muslims. Look at the continuing violence against the Muslims in India. Look at the continuing violence against non-Muslims by Muslims throughout history and the world. Look at the slaughter by Christians during the first Crusade. Look at the murderous history of the Catholic Church against the Cathars for the heinous crime of wanting to find their own connections to their god and not relying on the papal cannons. Study how 1/3 of Europe was wiped out in the thirty years war with Christians fighting Christians.

I could go on and on from Northern Ireland to the Middle East.

What does all this say about the true nature of humanity?

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I still believe that there are a lot of good people out there, but OMG, I've known about a lot of the awful history you mention, and am not far removed from from the German concentration camps, since they murdered 38 of my fathers relatives. Unfortunately those nasty people seem to be dominating our country right now. Very sad.

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I believe there are good people out there also. But, they are not in control.

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The Orange Turd is filling the toilet with other floaters all of whom are going to try to execute on his agenda as quickly as possible. The overreach, if properly resisted by Democrats and the rest of us, will destroy him, his party and the MAGAs. But we need to be united against the onslaught of shit that will be coming. Many of us are ready, Democratic leadership is not.

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Dean, you forgot the trump fellating loser from my district, Lori Chavez-DeRemer. I’m grateful she’s no longer my rep but supposedly she is trump’s pick for Secretary of Labor. She’s a stupid, mean, mendacious harpie with an abysmal voting record (of course).

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She was my rep, too. So thrilled she is gone. She had a huge ad buy here and thankfully that didn't work.

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This is spot on! We all should refer to the Trump administration as the LOSER administration. Use it every single day for the next 4 years.

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There is a flaw in this discussion. The metric is measured by how well someone did in an election, a glorified popularity contest where the voters have shown over and over that they vote for some type of charisma rather than competence.

Winners, losers. What is the difference in elections determined by marketing—big money—to ignorant voters.

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Perhaps - just perhaps - the Senators who will be tasked to confirm these picks may consider their own futures. Do they go along with these “loser” picks, particularly the outrageous ones, or do they heed their inner warning systems that some of these people are completely ill suited for the job.

As Trump’s promises to his voters of lower costs don’t happen. As his tariff policies greatly increase prices to the consumer and in some places bring about shortages in energy and other vital products. As Trump’s deportation policy is implemented with it’s costs and chaos - who are those voters going to target?? It may not be Trump but it will be every elected Republican who didn’t protect them from this mayhem.

Forget the Democrats - that’s not going to stick because their No votes for the outrageous picks were a given. The Democrats will be ready for that spin.

The Republicans (and the billionaires) made promises to Americans that gave Trump the slimmest of victory’s.

it will and already is becoming a rich versus poor divide in this country that will only get worse DEPENDING on the votes of the Republicans.

The obscene wealth of the Trump administration, especially with the direct influence on the election of Elon Musk - whose company, Tesla is being investigated by the DOJ (how convenient to have $200+Million to swing a Presidential election in favor of a man who wants to eliminate the DOJ - I know every Corporation would have loved to have that power - my late father in law was a CEO!)

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Add to this list Herschel Walker, potentially named as Ambassador to the Bahamas. We taxpayers are footing the salaries of this whole lot of duds.

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And today did I read that he has added Hershel Walker to be ambassador to Bermuda?

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