Tfg’s mental decline has been more visible by the day. It must be covered by MSM far more than President Biden’s age. He is dangerous in more ways than one. He should be in an assisted living facility.

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As someone who helped care for my mom, she lived a structured and quiet life. But the last year was tough cognitively. Clearly, Trump has no one around him who actually LOVES him, because he's kinda a threat to his own well-being. Also, there are all these stories of him smelling, because he's incontinent. That's a typical sign of dementia and/or major back hell. The incontinence may also be due to a supposed history of abuse of speed, addarall and cocaine. Perhaps. But I do find it interesting that his family doc was the infamous Dr. Harold Bornstein, a gastro doc, not a GP or internist. Anyway, I hope the GOP poo-bahs stage an intervention. At this point, Trump may be more demented than he his fascist.

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So thy destroyed all the info on 1/06…? So where did they get 10,000 hours of footage for the investigation and arrests? 🤣

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Maybe it’s one of those Space Lasers being directed at his Brain? 🤣🤣🤣

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Republicans are TRASH; when the mainstream republican leadership knows a PERSON is not mental able/fit to be the leader of a major country and THEN still acts like said person Is. Well, that is a dishonorable, evil ACTION to bestow on US all; such cretins are NOT honorable Americans, and they should be nowhere near any United States position of authority - FULL STOP.

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