
Trump did this! NEW: The Arizona Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that a 160-year-old near-total abortion ban still on the books in the state is enforceable, a bombshell decision that adds the state to the growing lists of places where abortion care is effectively banned. This is more of what Trump is "proud" of doing!! https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/arizona-supreme-court-ruling-abortion-ban-rcna146915

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Apr 9Liked by Dean Obeidallah

The ads write themselves.

AMERICAN WOMEN: “We will be the ones who get rid of Donald Trump” and we will be “honored” to have done so.

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Just so everyone understands the Arizona Supreme Court decision that imposed a total abortion ban was brought by Republicans. The Alliance Defending Freedom-the GOP backed group that the current GOP Speaker of the House Mike Johnson once worked--filed the suit and argued for the ban. The total abortion ban in Arizona is 100% because of Trump and the GOP.

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Digging a little deeper into this issue, it was actually the (un)supreme court that overturned roe v. wade. But, by taking credit himself for that action, THE ALWAYS-WHINING, BIG FAT, CORRUPT, DEMENTED, INCOMPETENT, RACIST, SEXIST, SERIAL ADULTERER, LYING RAPIST, AND NAZI admitted that he personally controls 6 of the supreme court justices, a terrifying admission that he commands another supposedly independent and co-equal branch of our national government.

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How can anyone be uncommitted when we've seen time and time again what happens when people give Republicans power? Has failing to vote affirmatively for the Democratic party ever made things better? Did voting for a third party ever result in a better outcome? Was sending a message to Gore worth what Bush did? Was standing on a soapbox and shaking a fist at "...the corrupt Democratic party establishment..." keep Trump from appointing the Supreme Court Justices that brought us to where we are now?

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I am quite convinced that his conniving to end Roe v Wade is going to be the tombstone of his political career. Though I’d rather see his actual tombstone. We aim to please! You aim too, please! When I heard him lie that Democrats do post natal abortions, I could have slapped the dentures out of him.

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I wonder how many abortions he's paid for?

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Do, Trump was “honored to kill Roe, and “honored” to impose a nationwide abortion ban. And I am truly honored to cast my vote for his Democratic opponent.

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If men are so fixated on controlling women’s bodies, why can’t we turn the tables on them? Can’t we file suit to prevent men from having vasectomies and access to erectile dysfunction medication? After all, vasectomies limit the possibility of pregnancy and ED drugs are mostly used for pure pleasure.

THAT might get their attention?

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Thank you for this piece. It is right on the money. I hope the loser keeps flapping that heinous mouth. I think he did himself in yesterday, but keep on talking, orange menace. And the Biden digital ad has me in tears every time. Powerful and true. I can’t wait to vote against this monster.

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Trump's attempt to appear moderate did nothing to win him any votes, in fact betraying his right wing evangelical lunatic fringe, even if a lie, might have lost him votes from the abortion absolutists. But that's not the issue. The issue is that Trump killed Roe and with it more than a few women who live in red states. Democrats have the receipts, and they need to make Trump and his MAGA enablers pay in November.

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TFG, as a malignant narcissist, it is more accurate to say that “Trump only cares about himself, and his base feeds his insatiable need to be validated.”

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As someone who was involved in Issue 1 in the backwater state of Ohio, these radical bans can be overturned but it’ll take work. Lots of work.

We, too, had marijuana legalization also on our ballot and we still only reached 58% approval.

60% is a tall order.

Women of Az and Fl- no one is coming to rescue you. Forget marching. Organize, or join one, knock on doors, register voters, send out postcards, go to the college campuses… make every single student aware, push the vote.

And Vote Out Every Republican.

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Humpty Dumpty TFG is the leading cause of WCN religious impositions on Americans. Their biblically based superstitions will result in a Taliban style theocracy in America unless they are stopped.

Think about public stonings, hangings and mutilations in addition to the healthcare, education and women’s rights limitations already being carried out under the color of law in your community. The theocratic groundwork is already being laid by your local and State GOP adherents in red states and the People there are already feeling the effects.

If you don’t want those things don’t vote for Humpty Dumpty TFG.

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Dean, I disagree with one statement you made: "Trump only cares about his base." Trump only cares about himself. He will do and say anything to appease, embolden, or enrage his base, but he only cares about himself.

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I wish you would have also included the time tRump said that women needed to be prosecuted for having an abortion. Does anyone else remember that?

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