This is all true, and it is one of the major reasons the MAGAs love him. If only the corporate media would stop treating it like just another Trumpian brain fart and take him seriously on this, on his Christo-fascism, on his threats to lock up his enemies and antagonists.

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wonder how many times in the newsroom that the manager killed a story because it exposed Trump and the evidence of his crimes.

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The corporate media is working overtime to keep Trump and the MAGA Republicans relevant. That's why they always refer to Congress when Ukraine aid is blocked or voting rights are filibustered rather than Republicans as the bad actors. That's why they continue to under-report Trump's obvious dementia while screaming about Biden's age.

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Feb 25, 2024
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What does that mean? To what fake news are you referring? (Let's hope you're talking about a lousy entertainment network like Fox so-called News, because there is nothing factual or truthful about anything that the Fox "personalities" have to say when it comes to real news.)

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Don't we just love it when the trolls prove our point for us?

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Yes, they are masters of ghastly PR.

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I would like to have seen it, if only for the entertainment value.

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Congrats for being able to know everything that is true and everything that’s not, just based on what channel the TV is on!

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Think of a number, double it a few times, and then use several squares.

You have to remember that the gossip columns -- the New York Post's Page Six particularly -- survives on the tips given by restaurant and nightclub owners about which famous people were seen canoodling at "Joe's House of Slop" the previous evening.

Readers then make tracks to Joe's House of Slop to eat the over-priced hot dogs in the hope that they, too, can meet the supermodel who is fooling around with the very married outfielder on the team in town to play the Yankees.

Newspapers used to pay the owners a small sum for the tips. It was a small price to pay for filling that daily column. Believe it or not, writing a daily column, whether it's gossip, sports, advice, news, or even home repair, is a daily death struggle.

You can often tell when an aging sports columnist has to fill the column and has nothing to say...he whines about how the Brooklyn Dodgers left Ebbets Field in 1957 and throws in a few stories about Pee Wee Reese and Pete Rieser to fill it.

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What crimes?

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I am recovering from a total hip replacement, and live in Iowa. I will continue to email and call my Republican US Representative, Iowa’s two Republican senators, and email all three, regarding the hideousness that is the #tRumpdumpster. I’ll also continue to “X” and contact the mainstream media about their lack of calling out exactly who is actively destroying our democracy - the MAGA Republicans. It helps my recovery knowing I’m doing what I can to save this democracy.

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I had a full knee replacement a few years ago. Do the PT no matter how annoying, you'll feel better soon.

I send an email a day to my MAGA congressman, Brandon Williams, NY22. He doesn't even bother to reply anymore and I'm sure all of my emails get shitcanned by his staff, but it doesn't stop me.

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Wow you’re indistinguishable from a bot. You think what we have is democracy? I know, I know. All the smart people, the people you read, tell you it is. But have you ever wondered about it? Say, why in an age where direct democracy is technically possible, we have to go through the extra step of hiring a representative? Does your rep actually vote the way you want him/her to? Do you have any power at all in your democracy?

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Black conservatives? Jews for Hitler? Chickens for colonel sanders?

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African-Americans for the KKK? Like that?

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Gay Republicans?

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I’m 66 years old, and a member of the LGBTQ community. Way back in the day we were looking over our shoulders a lot, and spending time finding safe spaces for us not to get beat up or killed, so we never did the “politics” thing. But once I got into the real world, in the 80’s, and actually owned who I was, I became involved in liberal politics. As the years passed, I met some folks that were actually gay Republicans - mainly through the Log Cabin organization. Until about a decade ago, they were tolerable, some even friendly to liberals. But since the #tRumpdumpster was birthed, gay Republicans have mostly become loyal cult members to the orange menace - even though he is the monster that he is, and hates LGBTQ people. I simply don’t acknowledge anyone who is gay and supports the orange menace, or any the menace’s disciples. They’ve lost their gay card, at least in my world.

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There is such a group...the "Log Cabin Republicans."

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Oh, I'm very aware of those oxymorons. I refer to them as Uncle Tom's Log Cabin Republicans. Talking with them is a complete WOT.

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Thanks for a new-to-me acronym. I’m finding trying to adjust to my newest computer a complete WOT!

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You bet. To be honest, I first learned it as a decaf coffee, soy milk, and Splenda - a WOT!

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They had one: Harry Edgerton, a black guy who showed up at their rallies in a Confederate uniform.

The Klukkers and other nutters made t-shirts of him, showing how he agreed that whites were superior and the "Lost Cause" was great.

They parted ways when Harry started asking them for increasing sums of money for his allegiance.

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Well, people don't know it, but the "Jews for Jesus" is an arm of the Baptist Church to convert Jews to the Baptist Church.

They were booted out of Israel under a law that bans conversion under false pretenses.

My father encountered them in Herald Square once. He voiced his disgust with them. One of them called Dad an anti-Semite. For the only time in my life, I saw Dad punch a guy in the nose. They shut their faces.

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As I've said, those reeking of testosterone love him. Dean deserves all of this to be widely shared. And to Trump and his idiot flock, I can only utter an Arabic word (but never try to write it): WEE-JAH!!

(very roughly translated it means PAIN ON THEE.

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Quoting Tillerson, again, that the turd45 is "a fucking moron".

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Quoting an oil exec. Is that your idea of an own?

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Feb 25, 2024
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If you can’t respond with anything valid (Tillerson DID call him a “moron”, and he worked closely with him. You, on the other hand, have not.), and choose to use 3rd grade name calling instead (which is an insult to 3rd graders everywhere…), then you’re adding NOTHING to the discussion and just being a troll.

Maybe you should take Abraham Lincoln’s advice: “Better to be silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.”

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You don’t understand. The people who hate Trump do so because they are in possession of the truth!

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First, speaking as a Black man nothing riles the hell out of me like “ the Blacks”. It’s a loaded expression for many Black people because we hear it from people like Trump who isolate our humanity like we’re bugs under a microscope.

As to why any Black person would be supporting Donald Trump there’s a thing called Internalized Racism. Internalized racism is where Black people believe we’re inferior, believe we’re inherently criminals. We’ve accepted the stereotypes imposed on us by White supremacists and essentially hate our Blackness. Only a self hating Black person could sit in a Trump audience and listen to him claiming “ the Blacks” embrace him because he’s been indicted 4 times. The subtext is “ the Blacks” love him because he’s really one of us because he has “ street cred”. Internalized racism makes you sit and applaud your own degradation.

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Thanks for the comment- very insightful!

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So black people are racist and that’s why they like Trump? Can’t possibly be that blacks look at the facts and decide that Trump is better for them than the corrupt puppet now in office? That’s incredibly racist in my book. Every black person has the same agency as anyone else.

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Some Black peoples are CONFUSED. They’re also victims of Internalized Racism. Trump has shown time and time and time again he has no respect for Black people. Please reference Trumps call for the death penalty for the Central Park/ Exonerated Five. Trump took out a full page ad calling for the young Black and Brown men to be executed for the rape of a White female jogger. They were exonerated using DNA and to this day Trump won’t apologize for calling for these innocent men’s death. LISTEN TO Trump when he’s talking about “ the Blacks”. Only a self- hating Black person, or a Black person willing to give up our hard earned freedoms to live under Trump’s authoritarianism would be a Trump supporter. But self hate is a disease SOME Black people experience.

From the earliest days in this country there’ve been Black people willing to sell out other Black people for crumbs from the White racists’ table. Their mission is to oversee and try to control Black people.

I love my confused Brothers and Sisters. They have every constitutional right to vote against their own interests. They Do Not have the right to sell out mine or the vast majority of Black peoples’ interests.

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Anti-Semites say the same thing about "The Jews."

Your point is extremely well-taken and well-written.

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I second that emotion.

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Narcissists instinctively play the victim & conflate their "suffering" with the actual trauma & suffering of others because it helps them gain sympathy, hide in plain sight & fish for the gullible, but if you know what to look for, it just reveals them. Obviously the exceptions are the poorly educated, racists & other narcissists who clearly lap it all up.

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I will never understand that 12% who voted for a racist who would have them destroyed.

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Feb 26, 2024
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No, there were slightly less than 63 million who voted for a racist (Hillary won the popular vote by just under 4 million votes), but since you’re unbelievably horrible at reading comprehension, which would only matter if you even read Dean’s essay first, I’ll spell it out.

“In 2020, exit polls found that 87% of Blacks voted for Biden while only 12% voted for Trump.”

Hmmm. 12% of Black voters voted for a racist who would have them destroyed. Seems about right.

There are only 47.9 million self-identified Blacks in this entire country.

And no, you definitely cannot argue facts: https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/fact-sheet/facts-about-the-us-black-population/


I take back what I said about you being horrible at reading comprehension. You seem more like an all-around horrible person.

God bless your heart.

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Feb 26, 2024
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Facts are…facts. NYTimes is not even close to a leftist site. Surprised you don’t read it. Oh, wait, you can’t read. But you always will have an excuse, a whine, an injustice, a complaint, a grumble, a grievance. You seem most happy when you’re constantly bitching about someone else who done you wrong. Grow up. Don’t you have a bridge somewhere to guard?

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"Who taught you to hate your own kind? Who taught you to hate the race that you belong to, so much so that you don’t want to be around each other? No, before you come asking Mr. Muhammad does he teach hate, you should ask yourself who taught you to hate being what God gave you. We teach you to love the hair that God gave you." ~ Malcolm X

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I didn't agree with Malcolm X and "By Any Means Necessary" until I saw Mark Fuhrman and his fellow cops kicking that poor guy in Los Angeles in 1992, and being acquitted.

Then I saw Malcolm's point...non-violence is great, but some people in this world LACK consciences, and they won't get the point until you slam their head into the wall.

I told that story to Malcolm's daughter Atallah, a decade later, at an official luncheon. She chuckled and agreed. I added that while it seemed to often be necessary, I wish it wasn't.

She agreed to that, too. Without a chuckle.

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Ask a white lefty this question. Loads of whites hate their race. Some of them right here right now.

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Yeah, cuz the Nation of Islam doesn’t teach hate. What a joke.

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Superb article. So very true..... The right is all about victimhood.

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It's hard for me to believe that anyone with more than two brain cells can't see right through that orange, racist con man. The people of color that I know are, for the most part, quite intelligent and insightful. They can recognize a racist when they see and hear one. Let's hope that awareness manifests itself into voting Democratic across the ballot on November 5th. If you are a person of color in the United States, here's a gentle reminder that republicans are not your friends. Please vote wisely.

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Of course you’re correct, but when it comes to MAGA supporters, I think “two brain cells” is being rather generous.

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It’s incredibly simplistic to condemn a whole group based on one characteristic. But don’t let me interrupt your 2 minutes of hate! Must feel really great to be in the good people group, unlike all those dirty republicans. In fact, don’t you think it would help if they wore something so that you could avoid those awful people? Something like a yellow star, maybe? Then you’d have no chance of accidentally interacting with one of those dirty dogs. Carry on, you good people who love everyone, everyone who also hates the orange man!

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Trump is the anti-Christ...be ready, if he is to become the next president of the USA, we are doomed. I had a thought this morning, we, anti trumpet for the presidency should get out and rally , speak out about our concerns and fear for our well being as Americans.

Let our voices be heard because it is our country and we need to fight for it. I am very concerned .

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You are very brainwashed

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You are drinking too many grape sodas and it has burnt some brain wires. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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So true. 🤣🤣

GS is either totally brainwashed or he’s lonely and in need of attention so he posts ludicrous crappola hoping he will get the attention he craves. Or it could be both.

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I agree...you just have to feel sorry for people like GS .

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No, Lucy Lu isn’t brainwashed, but you are definitely brainwashed by a man that doesn’t care about you or anyone other than himself. Critical thinking skills are important, you should use yours, if you have them.

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Thank you

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The truth about Trump is right in our faces. Some people refuse to accept it!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💙💙💙

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This is what needs to be in campaign ads for Biden or with the help of Lincoln Project. There is another astonishingly racist rant by Raymond Arroyo during a Fox News interview. Jeff Tiedrich has it on his 2/24 rant, I believe. He said, “…very interesting as you see black support eroding from Joe Biden, this is connecting with black America, because they love sneakers! they’re into sneakers. this is a big deal, certainly in the inner city.” 😳😳😱🫢 They said, “wait a minute, this is cool” 🙄🙄🤥🤥 😵‍💫😵‍💫

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I saw that - unbelievable!!! Except that it wasn't really unbelievable because #1 - it was on Fox and #2 - it came out of that idiot's mouth! It was just horrendous to hear, that's for sure!

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Waiting for Trump to drop dead ...sick to death of that creep and the morons who think a rapist belongs in the WH...OMG

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One day, the sooner the better, 💩 trump will be gone from this earth, shedding his mortal coil, and we won't have to hear and see him or any of his bullshit, daily in the press.

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Yeah, he should’ve never done that to Tara Reade.

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Feb 26, 2024
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You seem to have trump’s name on your mind…Guilty of rape. Or didn’t Russia let you get this news! Trump has 91 other indictments and was impeached twice. Looks like your profile name should be Can’t find Facts.

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Obama’s IQ is definitely a lot higher than Trump’s. Barack is a very intelligent person and a great ex president!


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Yes, I’m sure that’s why Obama keeps his transcripts sealed.

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Why was Trump even AT the Black Conservative Federation Honors Gala??

He goes nowhere without turning his visit into a campaign event. His racist speech was directed to his supporters, not the audience.

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Seriously? Calling you fellow Americans the axis of evil? It’s so ironic seeing folks indulge in hate and project it onto an enemy. How about talking to someone who thinks differently than you to find out why? Or is it just so much easier to condemn them?

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When a criminal sociopath collaborates with Putin & his intel to win or overturn US elections in 2016, 2020, & 2024...

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