Some Black peoples are CONFUSED. They’re also victims of Internalized Racism. Trump has shown time and time and time again he has no respect for Black people. Please reference Trumps call for the death penalty for the Central Park/ Exonerated Five. Trump took out a full page ad calling for the young Black and Brown men to be executed for…
Some Black peoples are CONFUSED. They’re also victims of Internalized Racism. Trump has shown time and time and time again he has no respect for Black people. Please reference Trumps call for the death penalty for the Central Park/ Exonerated Five. Trump took out a full page ad calling for the young Black and Brown men to be executed for the rape of a White female jogger. They were exonerated using DNA and to this day Trump won’t apologize for calling for these innocent men’s death. LISTEN TO Trump when he’s talking about “ the Blacks”. Only a self- hating Black person, or a Black person willing to give up our hard earned freedoms to live under Trump’s authoritarianism would be a Trump supporter. But self hate is a disease SOME Black people experience.
From the earliest days in this country there’ve been Black people willing to sell out other Black people for crumbs from the White racists’ table. Their mission is to oversee and try to control Black people.
I love my confused Brothers and Sisters. They have every constitutional right to vote against their own interests. They Do Not have the right to sell out mine or the vast majority of Black peoples’ interests.
Some Black peoples are CONFUSED. They’re also victims of Internalized Racism. Trump has shown time and time and time again he has no respect for Black people. Please reference Trumps call for the death penalty for the Central Park/ Exonerated Five. Trump took out a full page ad calling for the young Black and Brown men to be executed for the rape of a White female jogger. They were exonerated using DNA and to this day Trump won’t apologize for calling for these innocent men’s death. LISTEN TO Trump when he’s talking about “ the Blacks”. Only a self- hating Black person, or a Black person willing to give up our hard earned freedoms to live under Trump’s authoritarianism would be a Trump supporter. But self hate is a disease SOME Black people experience.
From the earliest days in this country there’ve been Black people willing to sell out other Black people for crumbs from the White racists’ table. Their mission is to oversee and try to control Black people.
I love my confused Brothers and Sisters. They have every constitutional right to vote against their own interests. They Do Not have the right to sell out mine or the vast majority of Black peoples’ interests.