
I'm posting this all day everywhere: ... "The predator has proven over and over again he is not to be trusted honoring a deal... May Zelensky stand firm and walk away because that mineral deal you all think is a boon for him & the US is not .... trump will dishonor before the ink is dry. & give the minerals and Ukraine to putin on a gold platter.. I hope to god Zelensky understands this"

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In fact, both Trump & Vance have already betrayed Ukraine with their stern (and loud) reiteration of Russian talking points … as this article admirably points out.

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Truth and proof he will continue... what jd has in this is as a "pathetic wannabe"

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In the words of Walz , Vance is a “ dip shit”

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Trump views himself as a winner: Rules are different on Earth Two.

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And MOST Americans view him as a POS.

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President Zelensky showed so much self control and dignity while being attacked by the Putin Puppets!!!!

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There was never going to be a mineral deal. Agent Krasnov still blames Zelenskyy for his first impeachment. The whole thing was staged to give him the pretext to blow the whole thing up.

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I also think he’s going to not pay for anything and give some of those minerals to Russia. We know Elon wants them.

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Maybe Musk wants to open another battery factory in Russia.

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Trump did in fact get out of jail free … now he believes he is untouchable. And ignorant, too—how can he slump in his chair and not notice Elon’s fresh footprints on his nice white shirt?

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What sickens me the most is how proud the orange POS is of his ignorance.

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This was the third leader from Europe that stood up to trumps lies. Trump is still the failing student of life he’s always been

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And always will be. ✊🇺🇸😎

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Older, fatter and smellier, but, yeah.

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Truly—he revels in it. Proof positive that the man is delusional.

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Hal, BE, instead, determined to stand up, and SPEAK OUT to topple Trump's regime. He cannot silence us.

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Thank you, Steve. I agree. Speak out!

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The nice white shirt that some how never got any blood (or red paint) on it.

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Oh yes, that bullet-ridden ear to match the bone spurred feet.

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Yes. It was all theatre. Poorly done, too. If it had yaken place on stage, people would have laughed, thinking it was a spoof.

Youtube blocked me for 24 hours about six times for me even questioning it!

Now, there are whole videos about it being fake, but at the time, i got blocked for pointing out how clean his shirt was!

So frustrating. Called it hate soeech!!! I said nothing rude! Pointing out a clean shirt and that he didnt even yelp or flinch! So unnatural.

He didnt care about those who died, either. Not normal.

And maga didnt care that he didnt care.

If each dem deconverted just one maga, this would get reversed.

I live in hope.

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And they said Burlesque was dead! We got the pratfalls … but where are the cream pies?

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Treasonous orange POS!

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Maybe Trump really is a Russian agent. It sure looks like it.

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He definitely is - and has been for decades.

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He obviously feels beholden to defend him at every opportunity. Where’s the lawmakers who should be investigating this behavior which publicly betrays the official stance of our allies and embraces our enemies?

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I have thought that for decades. He has been laundering money for the Russians, and everybody knows it.

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Yes there are facts about property in Florida. He is a law breaker what do many people expect? I do not understand.

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It’s beginning to look a lot like he’s pootie’s lap dog

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Trump has been a Russian asset for decades. Those who have been paying attention have known this for a long time. Putin has him by the short hairs, for sure.

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Not beginning but still!

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President Krasnov

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Agent Krasnov has been activated.

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I will never support this Russian orange corrupt gross hog, or VD Vance and the GOP and Elon working for Putin or any of the corrupt gop. I think anyone that punched Vance and knocked him out would be given a medal by the majority of the American people. He is being pushed and fed lines by Curtis Yarvin the dirty looking nazi tech bro, and gay Peter theil the other tech bro billionaire who looks like a goblin, and like Musk is a outsider and interloper trying to destroy our democracy, I would like to see all tried for treason and crimes against America. I despise Vance with all of my being. He's a mean corrupt angry man most likely in the closet, like Johnson, who’s truly a unique kind of psychopath who if he had to face a Ukrainian fighter would crap himself and run away. I would pay money to see a Ukrainian fighter beat the brakes off of him. I despise each and every one of the GOP and I just hope more people wake up and see the lies and propaganda. I just don’t have any more patience for those still supporting these monsters.

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Gay does not equal bad like you’ve intimated twice in your post here.

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No it doesn’t, it’s closeted gay politicians that loathe themselves and attack the LGBT community, that’s who I loathe, not gay people but those Nazis in the closet trying to pass draconian laws against gay people minorities and women.

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https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-25/history-gay-republicans-lgbtq-trans-bans-under-donald-trump/104015834?utm_source=abc_news_web&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_campaign=abc_news_web&utm_content=link closeted gay men have supported Trump in rolling back LGBT laws, this is my point that you can’t be a gay Nazi or Jewish one, or any one that is in danger of losing their rights like a disabled one will too. I don’t vote against my interests and these people not only vote against their interests, they cheer on hate and violence laws against people and vote to pass laws against people. They also seem to hate women rights and minorities too. Democrat openly gay men that serve this country, like Pete don’t have to vote against their own interests and encourage hate against their community. They act like all gay people are disgusting people who commit acts of debauchery. I never see anything but class from Pete Buttigieg. As this article says the conservative closeted men have had a huge role in defining the Republican Party, they hide behind wives that are beards and come out with some of the most draconian laws and ideas all brought on us by men who hate who they are. That’s fine if they hate themselves but just don’t push your hate and pass laws because of it.

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The closeted gay Republican men have shaped the Republican Party to be the hateful party it is. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-25/history-gay-republicans-lgbtq-trans-bans-under-donald-trump/104015834

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It’s not claiming who you are that this person is denigrating, they are too ashamed to be truthful even with themselves. And no, gay people have no reason to be ashamed of themselves. Anyway that’s the way I see it. And Thiel, Johnson, and Vance are just ugly, nasty subhuman opportunists!

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He’s a self loathing gay who says he’s a Christian nationalist who supports laws against gays, there’s a huge difference against self loathing GOP politicians and those who support the GOPs draconian laws, and that’s why I said vance and Johnson are self loathing. Theil supports laws against gays, he supports the purging of LGBT in military. I am sick of closeted GOP men passing laws against LGBT community and women. Curtis Yarvin is Jewish and yet he believes in nazi ideology, and I call these Jewish Nazis out too! Theil destroyed a whole media outlet because they said he was gay. I am listening to a media criticize phony Lindsey Graham and saying he was with a male prostitute that wants the gay stuff to be released, because of Lindsey Grahams hypocrisy. You don’t see a great guy like Pete Buttigieg hiding who he is and passing laws to hurt his own community and using language to make people that are crazy target them. Mike Johnson married a gay conversion therapist, who shouldn’t even be called a therapist. You can’t be gay or Jewish and side with the Nazis!

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Thanks for the context required to understand your usage of adjectives. Can you understand that your original comment didn’t qualify the word “gay” as “self-hating”? Many of us took your usage as negative because it carries equal weight in your comment as Nazi. It’s a writing thing. The explanations you’ve provided multiple times since your initial comment make perfect sense. I’ve read a lot about these assholes & know of their lack of anti-DEI purity. maga doesn’t have purity standards for their own members - Thiel, Graham, Patel, Bondi, and her highness, the double dog of DEI, Tulsi G. I’ve also read extensively about Nazis since #FatHitler first ran for office. You’re correct about the similarities of hating humans for not being male/cis/straight/white/blue-eyed, thus my allusion to Thiel having blue eyes.

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Because Thiel lives in a world of self hatred and hurts others in the process

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Thank you, that’s exactly it, and because closeted gay Republican men have done a ton of damage to shape the Republican Party to be the hateful powerful cabal it is! https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-25/history-gay-republicans-lgbtq-trans-bans-under-donald-trump/104015834

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Thanks Ken, I swear I don't understand how people could take this as anything but attacking the people in the republican party that hide behind a fake marriage or behind their hate to attack gays and are trying to destroy all civil and lgbt rights and womens rights. I have researched Peter theil and Curtis yarvin and am disgusted by what I discovered they want to do to this nation. And Harbin just spouts lies in his circle with no pushback. He said that Anders Brevik the terriorist from Norway should have killed more teenagers! When he murdered 77 teens on that island who thought he was a policeman and some tried to get in the freezing sea to avoid being murdered by that crazed white nationalist. And he bombed and killed more people in the city. How can you support someone who said a white nationalist should have murdered more teen agers! He's crazy and that's who is mentoring JD Vance and Peter Theil is just as nuts. And they think democracy should end and the tech bro billionaires should run the country like a monarchy. I wonder if its Russian trolls or right winged trolls just trying to start something because I said I can't stand their orange goon.

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The point maybe that you’d think as a gay person he’d have more empathy for those who are demeaned and disc against …. But I guess even those with blue eyes or orange skin can be racist and evil.

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Yes he can be and most certainly is. Closeted gay men have shaped the Republican Party to be the hateful body they are. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-25/history-gay-republicans-lgbtq-trans-bans-under-donald-trump/104015834

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Where our times find us. A Nation, without truth.

Without truth, real knowledge can’t be absorbed.

You are simply being indoctrinated. And positioned to be a mark, or a member of a cult. And deprived of your individual freedoms, and subsequently the freedoms of others.

The really important component of freedom involves truth.

From truth, flows knowledge.

From knowledge, in most (non-narcissistic/non-psychotic humans) will flow empathy.

And from empathy, selflessness.

Without selflessness, humanity would not have progressed to today.

History is replete with freedom fighters whose selfless sacrifices have paved the road of freedoms we ALL use and hold dear today. Even amongst those who today, disassemble the truth, for their own nefarious purposes.

Those freedom fighters are too innumerable to list, but for a stark visual representation, observe the undulating rows of gravestones at Arlington National Cemetery.

In science, whose truths have enabled 8 billion lives to be realized on our planet, see the wheel, fire, penicillin, electricity, contraception, vaccines, agriculture, and other sciences without which, we’d still be hunter gatherers.

In politics, whose truths have also been vital to humanity’s prosperity, Cleisthenes then later Euripides, and other ancient Athenian Greeks were the forefathers of democracy, even at risk of death for their truthful observations. Britain’s Charter of Liberties, then their Magna Carta, the French Revolution, the American Revolution, the American Civil War, WWI and WWII have all been events whose truths dramatically advanced humanity forward towards prosperity.

And individuals, Pythagorus, Cyrus the Great, our founding fathers, Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Jonas Salk, Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Louis Pasteur, Faraday, Kepler, Newton, Carver, and more, brought their truths of morals, and science to light and to bear, to advance humanity.

Trump, the GOP, and MAGA are untrustworthy liars. Propagandists. Traitors to our Constitution and Nation. Criminals and grifters.

Where our times find us. A Nation without truth.

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THANK YOU, PAPA, for this meditation... Our hearts are bursting with a sense of betrayal and helplessness.

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Truth, Justice and Courage

The cost of Freedom

It’s Time to Step Up 🇺🇸

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Of course Hillary was right about everything!

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Hillary would have been an outstanding President!!!!

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I wrote this yesterday when I restacked A Blessed Mess by John Pavlovitz. It works today:

I am not an embarrassed American.

I am an ashamed American.

I am a disgusted American.

I am a repulsed American.

I have such a deep contempt and revulsion for the feeble-minded, petty, vindictive, out-of-control and sickening behavior of 47, JD, and anyone else who didn’t stand up to those 2 thugs shaking down the duly elected president of a country fighting for its life.

None of those white men in suits speak for me!

Real Americans want you to know, President Zelensky, that if we can all hold fast to the example you & your people show us, living day in and day out with monstrous violence there just might be a merciful dawn in the world.

Meanwhile, God weeps.

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A Russian Asset just showed the Nation and the World who he is, The mask is officially off. Thank You, Dean, for your article this morning ☕ you've been a champion for the American people, and a True Patriot 🙏🇺🇦💔

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The election was rigged by Musk and Russian hackers so Trump cheated!!! That’s the only way he could have won!!! It’s time for a revolution!!!!!!!

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I've been thinking that A UNITED US MILITARY should knock on the White House door and PUT tRUMP IN SHACKLES, along with Vance and Musk, ship them to GITMO, and throw away the keys!!!!

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I agree!!!

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Jessica Denson had a great interview after the election about this. The man who looked at some granular time based data that was leaked for a short while was able to see what he called a "Russian tail" which is a tell tale indicator of election interference that has also been seen in the sham Russian election.

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Check out the video on Utube were Nevada ballots changed? The Mark Thompson show, the election truth alliance, election result discrepancies

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Trump and his henchman Vance performed the most rebarbative, self-revealing act of bullying, violent verbal ambush and abuse upon the leader of a sovereign nation that pthe world has ever witnessed. The crowning, hypocritical irony of the contretemps is that, while Vance chastised President Zelensky -- like a disobedient child -- for insolently litigating his case in front of the cameras rather than in private, Supreme Malignant Narcissistic Psychopath Trump pathologically berated his comparatively moral, intellectual, and courageous and humane superior in the Ukrainian leader in a set-up intentionally designed to play to the cameras, like a Mafia boss expostulating with and threatening one of his noncooperative marks for the whole world to view.

This was America’s political Mafia crime family in full, peacock-like display of its mental pathology that, in any sane environment, would trigger the 25th Amendment to place a psychiatric hold on both Trump and Vance that subjects them to involuntary, comprehensive mental health examinations by a panel of independent psychiatric experts in the interest of the public health and security of the American people and humankind.

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I can’t agree more. It was a tv op and these asinines are actually proud of themselves.

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But look how President Zelensky held his COOL, trying to respond with a historic context, even as they trampled all over his efforts to defend his point of view! MORE RESPECT TO PRESIDENT ZELENSKY!!!!

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We need some organization to organize a national Zelensky / Ukraine Day. We need to take to the streets en masse to show our support for the hero of our time.

I've contacted The DNC (new leadership, so maybe it will actually DO something), Indivisible, 50501, and The Peoples Union USA (which organized yesterday's Economic Boycott) asking them to take on this project.

I'm not on social media (Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, etc.), so please spread the word out there.

We need some group to organize a national demonstration in support of Zelensky and Ukraine. Soon!!!!!

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I hope the people that voted for him are taking notice !!!! I will never forgive them ! This was all about the border and immigration what are they hearing now ? A pompous ass demeaning a great President of democracy!

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The question is, what do we do? What do we do?

We can't survive 4 years of this, and when I say 'survive,' I'm not using 'survive' as a synonym for 'tolerate.' I'm saying that the type of governance he's pursuing will very soon put lives at risk from disease, hurricanes, poverty, hunger, lack of health care, and, yes, war.

There's zero chance of Congress even trying to use its authority to impeach him, and, even if they did, at this point, I don't think they'd be able to remove him.

And, unfortunately for us, as time goes on and Trump purges the FBI and the Defense Department, the chances that we'd get the help of law enforcement or the military in enforcing a removal-via-impeachment declines.

In other words, the cycle by which a democracy or republic becomes a dictatorship or monarchy might already be too far progressed for us to do anything except the most extreme option.

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Absolute trash, such an embarrassment. It's shameful to be an American right now. This traitor is bringing down our whole nation's standing in the world. What did all our WW vets even die for? To fight for freedom then get taken over by the Nazi's they fought. Trump needs to be impeached convicted and punished in public view along with his whole traitorous gang.

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