Because we negotiated with these people way back then. After we slayed their traitorous necks. Then we went easy to make peace. It was stupid. It’s the reason we STILL have that absurd Electoral College. We gave them too much power even after we defeated them. We should have punished them and squashed them THEN. As a country, we have thi…
Because we negotiated with these people way back then. After we slayed their traitorous necks. Then we went easy to make peace. It was stupid. It’s the reason we STILL have that absurd Electoral College. We gave them too much power even after we defeated them. We should have punished them and squashed them THEN. As a country, we have this motto “we don’t negotiate with terrorists.” Really? Then why did we ever negotiate with terrorists in our own country? Look how well that turned out. They’re STILL terrorists. And they’ll always be losers, too. It’s time to finally put them in their place.
Because we negotiated with these people way back then. After we slayed their traitorous necks. Then we went easy to make peace. It was stupid. It’s the reason we STILL have that absurd Electoral College. We gave them too much power even after we defeated them. We should have punished them and squashed them THEN. As a country, we have this motto “we don’t negotiate with terrorists.” Really? Then why did we ever negotiate with terrorists in our own country? Look how well that turned out. They’re STILL terrorists. And they’ll always be losers, too. It’s time to finally put them in their place.