May 18Liked by Dean Obeidallah

Abbott is a sick sick psychopath...where is the DOJ...this is insane...A murderer gets off bc he killed a progressive loving person...sickening and infuriating...

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In Texas, the Election Board allowed an immigrant green card holder to mistakenly vote. She thought she was allowed and the board agreed. She got seven years in jail.

Yet when a cold blooded racist murderer kills a liberal, he’s hailed a hero, given a pardon, as well as a ticker tape parade.

I’d say only in Texas, but it’s the entire Confederacy of Dunces!…:)

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And there's the case in Wisconsin where a man went into a crowd with activists and killed two of them and was actually let off by a jury of Wisconsinites. Now that is truly even more sickening than the Abbott affair even. The point is fascists protect their own.

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This troubles me more than any news item in the last days. Filmmaker Raoul Peck’s blistering 2021 4-Part HBO Docuseries EXTERMINATE ALL THE BRUTES and Isabel Wilkerson’s 2020 book Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents makes this incident so telling of the doom we are facing as a nation.

White Supremacy is a dastardly, evil, and deplorable thing and when a Governor flips the world off like this he’s saying “You are not fit to be on this planet with me.”

Bless this poor woman who has so many challenges… the burden of this I pray will not deter her to continue to fight.


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I'm glad to know that you have read Caste - it's one of the best books I've ever read. And Ms. Wilkerson's first book, The Warmth of Other Suns, is also very well worth reading.

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I am willing to bet they are banned in floriduh!

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Not to be too redundant, but DUH!! They certainly have also banned The 1619 Project, which is another extremely important book, for those who want to know and understand our history.

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Yes I teach Warmth of Other Suns. She’s a remarkable writer!

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Wonderful that you teach that book! I read Caste first, and was amazed when I saw the quality of her first book. No beginner's writing there! Isabel Wilkerson is a national treasure, IMO.

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Completely agree!

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Sing along—

Give him his ole time religion

Give him his ole time religion

Give him his ole time religion

It good enough for hate

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That's their intention. Find the most triggering infuriating actions to take to normalize their evil.

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Abbott is a sick and evil man. I still haven’t fully finished grieving the fact that he would prevent help to a pregnant woman drowning in the barbed wire he placed. How absolutely cruel. The good people of TX and all good people of our country must rise up and demand decency, integrity, empathy, kindness, and justice from our leaders as that is what TRUE strength looks like.

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I certainly understand your frustration. However, the crazies would not care what was demanded. They have crossed the Rubicon and will not return.

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Well, the sad thing is TX is fairly purple and many people don’t realize that but by ousting the really horrible people like Abbott things could turn around in that state. People often mistake my state of AZ as red but we are making big progress here… very close to overturning both House and Senate and we have Dems for governor and AG. Finally, the fake electors are being called out. Slow, but it’s tremendous progress. Many states are seeing the extremists for who they truly are: evil, hateful, racist misogynists.

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Thank you for the positive information about AZ. People like me in other states don’t realize the progress in Arizona.

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Cathy, thank you! That’s what I mean. We are so, so close to changing this ridiculous Republican legislature. They hate for women to be independent and in charge of their own bodies, for public education to actually educate people; they like to pray in tongues at our AZ capitol, strip people from the voting rosters, and some like to attend coups! But in reality, the stats show that we are about 1/3 Repub, 1/3 Independent with most leaning left, and 1/3 Dem. We will get there and I hope this is the year. I know of almost no decent Republicans in this state. And Kari Lake is cuckoo, of course. Ruben Gallego’s senate race is going really well. He is a good guy with a good chance of winning. 💙

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So happy Ruben’s race going well!

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Yes, I read an article yesterday that said Texas is quite blue, but gerrymandering keeps the Republicans in power.

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I’m also in Arizona. I thought we were making progress and then Sinema turned into a disaster. I love our new Democratic governor. She and our attorney general are surprisingly tough cookies but I’ll need to see if they can be re-elected.

If Kari Lake—a highly flawed candidate—even comes close, I’ll not believe this state is close to leaving its ignorant past behind. Remember, El Douchbag Ducy wasn’t that long ago.

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Yeah, Sinema was extremely disappointing. And I really hope the race with Kari Lake isn’t close. I will feel the same. I’m trying to stay positive. Lost a whole lot of faith in people in 2016. But I do think Ruben has a really good chance. What district are you in, Jim, if you don’t mind sharing?

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I worked—AS VOLUNTEER— for the election in a district with the highest percentage turnout in the state—or that was what we were told. After the election, lines were changed and because I now have no love for the Democratic Party I cannot tell you the number. I am in Tucson. Using probability, you are most likely in the Phoenix area.

Don’t get me wrong, I’d never vote for the MAGA Maggots. But politicians in general are all dishonest, IMO, even if they do not know it.

Off for medical appointment so bye.

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Suzanne, I apologize for being negative. I get that way knowing I must drive in midday traffic with all the crazies on the road.

I can be an ungrateful SOB sometimes because I always get great health reports. I have two sisters living up in what I’m guessing is your area of the state, one in Paradice Valley and the other in Scottsdale. Even though I’m the oldest sibling, I’m the one with the best health so a little survivors guilt.

Sorrry, too much information 🤪

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Very well put, Suzanne!

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Thanks, Leon. Just wish it didn’t need to be said. :(

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I agree. But since it did, thanks for doing so!

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Thank you!!

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What two things do we know for sure? 1) Perry will kill again. It's only a matter of time. 2) There is no line that Abbott will cross that will get him removed from office.

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Perry has been given a license to kill, just like James Bond… Sorry, I couldn't resist that. I am hoping that the democrats and any other sane people will rise up and elect someone like Wendy Davis or Beto O'Rourke as governor, and return our state to sanity, if that's possible.

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I'm not sure there are enough Democrats and other sane people yet in Texas to beat the angry white racists that populate so much of the rural part of the state.

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True, but one has to hope in order to survive. Maybe if we somehow kill the fossil fuel industry?

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Before it kills us all...

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How does one kill the blob? Sorry but I’m beginning to see the probability of successfully fighting big business is low.

Nevertheless, with the help of Sancho Panza I’ll continue to charge windmills—oil rigs—and dream the impossible dream.

Here is a thought. Sometimes activist promote boycotts but they never work. How about the caring people organize a campaign of 5% reduction in consumption.

Eat less food-get healthy

Drive less, walk Joe—get healthy and happy

Don’t care about fashion—who cares.

Save your money, consume less by only 5% and then re-evaluate after a year.

The problem is, this campaign will not be supported by either Repugnants or Dems because both worship at the altar of the great Capitalist God.

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I agree that the probability successfully fighting big business is low. I think, perhaps because we are old, we are already doing what you suggest. We don't need or want as much food. We do all our own cooking, and definitely eat healthy. We don't care about fashion. I'm not up for walking 1.2 miles to the grocery store and lugging all my heavy bags back (and I refuse to be one of the people like some around me who brings the grocery cart home and leaves it somewhere obnoxious), but I do walk every day, to help keep my sanity. Most of our driving is to doctor appointments and the grocery store, and it's way down from what it was before the pandemic. We've gone from buying gas twice a month to once every two months (approximately). Life is better that way. What makes our current lifestyle easily possible is being long retired.. I am much happier this way, and I wish others could get off the hamster wheel they're on.

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Great. You and I are of like minds as I’ve driving less than 5000 miles per year over the four years. Keep up good work a hopefully others you know will follow your example.

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Not just Perry. ALL the like-minded murderous fuckers have a license to kill...as long as they kill people who are perceived as liberals or progressives. And minorities. And foreigners.

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Seniors Too!! The GQP Is Coming For Your Social Security, Medicare, and Cutting Food Stamps, which as a senior, I need.

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Agreed. That's why open carry and military style weapons are legal in Texas. As the daughter of an immigrant, I believe that foreigners, as well as minorities, contribute greatly to our society. IMHO, what offends them (the murderous Abbott allies) is a combination of sanity and intelligence.

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Abbott is jumping on the coattails of Trump who has asked SCOTUS for full immunity that would allow Trump, as President, to kill somebody with whom he disagrees. Abbott is offering that immunity to the fine Texans who believe his racist, xenophobic, dumpfire of an administration is great.

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The Justices better be aware that Donald might decide one or all of them are his “opponents”. Lots of high windows in DC.

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Maybe he wants to be VP. Someone needs to remind him that people in wheelchairs depress trump. No way he'd want to be photographed or associated with a cripple.

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I think MAGA is really more like a pandemic. I love where I live in Texas, but our governor makes me sick to my stomach. He is absolutely disgusting. I am hoping that somebody can unseat him and Ken Paxton in the next election. I will also say that the next time Abbott is up for election, I'll be tempted to take down the signs that one of my neighbors always attaches to her fence. I feel badly for all of his victims, especially Whitney Mitchell.

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Do it, Susan. DO IT!

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Marlene, thank you for making me laugh. I would absolutely love to do it, but the woman now has signs on her fence that talk about 24-hour surveillance. I've always been too chicken to really do something like that, and also, she puts those signs up with zip ties. But I may start carrying scissors on my walks…

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🤩 Edwina Scissorhands! ✂️✂️

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A small pair of wire cutters would be more efficient and quicker. Good snipping!

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I'll have to see if we have a small pair. I'm amazed that people are encouraging me to do that. Is that a form of vandalism??

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Texas is a craven State, with a psychotic chief executive. And it is not the only one. Oil money has done this.

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Just so you know, not all of Texas is craven. I think the cities that are primarily democratic are good places - especially the one I live in. I'm sure oil money has a lot to do with our problems as a state. Any state that's run by the morbidly rich will be in trouble.

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I know there are literally millions of good men women and children in Texas, but the oil money and political leadership capture of the State are craven bedfellows. That is what I referred to, not the citizens of Texas, my apologies for any discomfort.

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No problem. I agree with you about oil money and political leadership. I'm sure the latter was bought by the former, and clearly they have no moral conscience. I am grateful to live in a place where such people do not occur in significant numbers.

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Greed. Greed justified by that good ole time religion.

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The old time religion is what?

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Any and all orthodox religious sects that force their mythologies on others, promote racism, sexism and all bigotry. These sects seem to be most typical in the Abrahamic religions but as India is now showing exists with Hindus and Sri Lanka even with Buddhists. All religions can be and are being corrupted.

I’ll just go back to the Temple of Inanna and rest.

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It's been obvious for quite a while that Christianity and Islam have been badly corrupted. It makes me sick to see the way people can't see the truth, even though it's right in front of them if they read the Bible or the Koran. I hope you enjoy your rest!

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Paraphrasing Bertrand Russel—Atheism is what happens to people when one reads the Bible, christianity is what happens when others read it to them.

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Don't forget its crooked AG.

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murder is still a federal crime and can convicted without double jeopardy

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And just who is going to prosecute him?

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attorney general

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May 18·edited May 18

Or a US Attorney in Texas. Doesn’t have to come from Garland. Would have to be violation of his rights, there probably isn’t a federal murder charge here. Maybe the family could wrongful-death sue Perry into permanent poverty. That’s poor justice, but that’s where we are.🤔😉😊

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I think I’d have a better chance Waiting for Godot than Waiting for Garland.

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you might be right, but there is not much of a dispute here on the guilt

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There is not much dispute among the rational that Trump is guilty of many things; doesn’t mean even if these stalled cases ever get to court he will be convicted. It only takes one crazy person on a jury to hang a jury. Simple probability theory.

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this is not about trump. this is about a murder

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So is driving a vehicle into a crowd of protesters! Apparently even that is not punishable by law.

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it is absolutely punishable and must be charged and convicted

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Except in Florida. Here you're allowed to run over/into protesters who block your path. Thanks, DeathSantis.

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that does not sound right. wherew do you get your information?

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Yep, Floridian here, that terrifying law is real.

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Thank you Jeff-I was remembering this same law.

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murder is not a federal crime?

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Not this one.

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it is a hate crime. it absolutely is

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Not sure what to do with this information. I had been unaware of the original story but it certainly seems the man was legitimately convicted. Heartbreaking that our government is so topsy-turvy with no regard for the rule of law.

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but was pardoned by governor abbott

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An evil move on justice (the pardon), by an incredibly evil man (Abbott), perpetuated by an evil movement (MAGA)… there will be a day when all of these evil acts will be judged, and only then will these evil acts be punished, harshly.

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Hopefully in FIRE!

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Self-defense is always an affirmative defense to a criminal charge. The jury has every right not to accept it. Abbott is attacking the whole jury system, the constitutional basis of our whole criminal justice system. But what else is new with GOP politicians nowadays. They're just getting us ready for the introduction of Star Chambers.

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Or, the American inquisition, for that matter.

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Abbott is an intolerable scumbag! Never should hold any public office!

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This is perhaps the very first step towards anti-democratic anarchy and totalitarianism. Like Orban, Trump will attempt to follow the former's blueprint: restrict the press, dismantle government, silence and or jail (or worse) opposition, and the list goes on. This might signal the beggining of the end, the death cry of our fragile democratic republic.

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Oh, it’s already well underway…

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Abbott's karma is not good, but waiting is the hardest part

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tRump cultists are so busy justifying any and all acts of violence against his 'enemies' that it is apparent that collectively, they have lost all sense of justice, morality and equality. In fact, they consider his enemies their enemies, and there are no limits on revenge and retribution. They are incapable of rational thought, they are all in on tRump and his amoral worldviews. TRump is all about #1, himself, and his cultists are, too. But he will throw them all under the bus in order to return to power, and he will somehow prove that to everyone in the coming months, when more of his cultisits will wake up and disavow their allegience to him. That portends a crushing defeat for the Big Liar in Nov.

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Let us pray 🙏….

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Killing people isn’t a Leftist monopoly. An AK47 being carried means it’s no longer a protest. A veteran knows this.

It’s a gunfight. BLM lost.

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