Or a US Attorney in Texas. DoesnтАЩt have to come from Garland. Would have to be violation of his rights, there probably isnтАЩt a federal murder charge here. Maybe the family could wrongful-death sue Perry into permanent poverty. ThatтАЩs poor justice, but thatтАЩs where we are.ЁЯдФЁЯШЙЁЯШК
There is not much dispute among the rational that Trump is guilty of many things; doesnтАЩt mean even if these stalled cases ever get to court he will be convicted. It only takes one crazy person on a jury to hang a jury. Simple probability theory.
And just who is going to prosecute him?
attorney general
Or a US Attorney in Texas. DoesnтАЩt have to come from Garland. Would have to be violation of his rights, there probably isnтАЩt a federal murder charge here. Maybe the family could wrongful-death sue Perry into permanent poverty. ThatтАЩs poor justice, but thatтАЩs where we are.ЁЯдФЁЯШЙЁЯШК
I think IтАЩd have a better chance Waiting for Godot than Waiting for Garland.
you might be right, but there is not much of a dispute here on the guilt
There is not much dispute among the rational that Trump is guilty of many things; doesnтАЩt mean even if these stalled cases ever get to court he will be convicted. It only takes one crazy person on a jury to hang a jury. Simple probability theory.
this is not about trump. this is about a murder
Oh. Thank you. I forgot.
I grow old
I grow old
Shall I wear my trousers rolled
Do I dare eat a peach
In the substack
The comments come and go
Better off talking to Michelangelo.
maybe you shouldnтАЩt opine when you are old and confused
Hmmmm. Interesting suggestion. Thank you for your obviously great perspicacity into the superposition of intellects and satire.
you obviously been smoking too much trump. good luck to you sir