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Exactly. The single most disturbing book, fiction or non-fiction, I have ever read is Timothy Snyder's Bloodlands - the history of the region between Russia and Germany - Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, etc. - and the genocide perpetrated in the people by Stalin and Hitler. Oh, and the tsars and the Kaiser.

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All we see named in the comments seem to be the Stalin\Hitler stand-ins for US the United States of Amnesia. What spin-off imperial minded financial elite-led mercantile settler and indigenous genocidal movement turned into a global 20th C. super-power by selling to both the Stalin and Hitler machines all the provisions harvested from these here heirs to the Doctrine of Discovery, namely the Americas?

Don't tell me the Dust Bowl and Great Depression that 2 World Wars could not end along with cyclical stock market collapses and crashes with our perma-Daddy Warbucks E-CON-O-MY have all clouded our collective dollar-sign fixated mind? Mercantilism and Militarism made the world scream MAGA...

Selling to all sides before during after World Wars and muddled manipulated global venture conquest is the bid-net model that made Washington's hemispheric Americas enterprise what we are today. MAGA GOO GOO GA GA.

A largely pauperized and methodically while scientifically distracted citizenry turned into industrial and now financialized, privatized and Private Interest-led indentured wage slave drone staffed economic wonder lorded over by our own greediest and insatiably selfish consumer addicts.


Colonists into global power brokers. The wealthiest nation in quantified human his\herstory has by now normalized homelessness spreading Hooverville tent encampments as fast as those globally networked investor speculated upon Safety Deposit Boxes In the Skies of our hollowed out 21st Century stratified cities teetering between the luxury condos that are mostly vacant and built for speculative profiteering rather than housing human necessities.


PUSH - ( some excerpts from the documentary )

Tiktaks Point of View

382 subscribers

1,875 views Sep 1, 2021

Some excerpts from the documentary "PUSH" (2019) (full doc @ "Push | TVO Docs" on YouTube)

Exploring why people cannot be allowed to live in cities... The high cost of housing and global investment funds that push people to poverty and strip them of a fundamental human right.

Producers: Fredrik Gertten, Margarete Jangard

Director: Fredrik Gertten

From Knowledge Network Aired Feb. 2, 2021

Full documentary can be seen here "Push | TVO Docs" on YouTube:

• Push | TVO Docs

Mitch Ritter\Paradigm Sifters, Code Shifters, PsalmSong Chasers

Lay-Low Studios, Ore-Wa (Refuge of Atonement Seekers)

Media Discussion List\LookseeInnerEarsHeartsHearHere

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I was having lunch with a group of people yesterday. We had a long discussion about the damage the Doctrine of Discovery has done in the world. One of the people has a sister-in-law who is descended from a guy who owned 1900 slaves. And she has no awareness that it is the source of the family's wealth.

BTW, I live in the historic land of the Haudenosaunee. The Treaty of Canandaigua, signed by George Washington in 1794, was supposed to respect Haudenosaunee lands. As their elders say, it has been violated over and over by the whites, but never broken by the native Americans.

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Thank you for sharing Peter! I'd guess most of US have had Road to Haudenosaunee moments listening to others not for any GOTCHA merit badges or bragging rights, but for insight into how our very own minds work and keep us functioning blinder and deafer and more insensitive to all that we quite naturally take for granted in this overwhelming world of woes. Whatever benevolent Maker we worship, we do live on a Food Chain and that is an unsettling experience every waking moment. Was it Miles Davis who said: "If you ain't depressed, you ain't been paying attention."

The world of woes is all around the wider Weeeee as contrast. Finding a balance tween necessary survival skills and unnecessary solipsism and narcissism is a blessed place to be and I am not certain I've ever even visited that resort! Yet it is also on the food chain of life! And that Weeeeee is wider and more powerful a force than the small-minded miser, allowing for greater communal thriving with much less than what we now take to be necessary as part of survivor skills.

I was raised downstate from Haudenosaunee lands of the Iroquois Confederacy and in high school was even subscribing to the Akwesasne News periodical. Not because I deluded my child of refugees inner self into thinking I could be a First Nation indigene. Nor did I want to pass as one or in today's Jacqueline Keeler parlance become a Pretendian. However, during summers of visiting the Iroquois communities and soaking up all the lore from the most interesting elders willing to share with a curious city kid, a lifelong communal cultural tie has only strengthened my own ethnic ties of birth and happenstance. Everybody is indigenous to somewhere. The names and languages change and the more we can learn the fuller life feels when we're not out trying to make a living rather than a killing!

Health and balance to ye.

Keep on doing and speaking out!

Tio Mitchito

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