Terrific--and terrifying--analysis, Dean! We must all remain alert and keep in mind that maintaining a democratic republic requires eternal vigilance--not only during election season. One typo I saw: In the 1st sentence of the para that begins, "Have you ever *hard* a leading..." I'm thinking "hard" should be "heard" here. :) Fantastic writing as always!!
Terrific--and terrifying--analysis, Dean! We must all remain alert and keep in mind that maintaining a democratic republic requires eternal vigilance--not only during election season. One typo I saw: In the 1st sentence of the para that begins, "Have you ever *hard* a leading..." I'm thinking "hard" should be "heard" here. :) Fantastic writing as always!!
Terrific--and terrifying--analysis, Dean! We must all remain alert and keep in mind that maintaining a democratic republic requires eternal vigilance--not only during election season. One typo I saw: In the 1st sentence of the para that begins, "Have you ever *hard* a leading..." I'm thinking "hard" should be "heard" here. :) Fantastic writing as always!!
Thanks Michelle- I fixed that. Glad you enjoyed the article!