Thank you for amplifying and encouraging the Resistance Dean. It's is vitally important. People are craving a Leader right now so much. I saw Paul Reickoff (sp?) last night on MSNBC and boy would he be a good one. Hope he steps up too. I am going to upgrade my subscription. I have some extra money since I finally quit smoking (Yay) and I'm trying to support as many progressive causes and Leaders as I can. So Thank you for all you do!! ❤️🇺🇸💙

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Congratulations on quitting smoking 👏

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Thank you!! ♥️

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That's awesome that you quit smoking; congratulations! (For what it's worth, the gum works great for quitting and random cravings.) Good for you! ♥️🥳‼️

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Thank you so much!! I appreciate that. I used the patch and a vape. It's not been easy. I was almost a 3 pack a day smoker. Feel so much better today though!! 🥰

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You totally got this! I was a two+ pack of Winston Reds girl. If I could do it, you totally can (I have absolutely no willpower 😂)! I was the biggest baby about it, and I let myself be. Vent, cry, feel it all so you can let it go and not trap it and hold it inside you. Feel free to contact me if you ever need to vent or anything! ♥️

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Thank you so much. That really means a lot!! ❤️❤️❤️

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Thank you for some good news.

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Maybe we need to get a couple of Dem’s to announce that they are going to run for president and start to steal so of the media attention. Start stealing the limelight from Trump.

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Good idea! Take the microphone. The news media will cover whoever stands up to this group.

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Tom Hanks for President!

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Why not?!!! 🗽

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Thanks Dean, the Trump/Musk autogolpe protesters have taken to streets, our representatives and attorney general’s have been overwhelmed by cards, letters, emails and phone calls!!

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U.S. Senator Angus King (I, ME) delivered a passionate, fiery, stemwinder of an address yesterday that celebrated democracy so brilliantly that even Patrick Henry, upon hearing it, would have cheered and stamped his feet in approval. Check it out, and then pass it along.

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Elon Musk is a criminal and I want Congress to do something about it. He’s engaging in industrial espionage via theft of proprietary technology paid for and belonging to the American public. He is violating privacy laws by stealing the private financial and personal information of every American. He is violating national security laws by accessing top secret documents without a security clearance.

Musk has no loyalty to the United States or to the American people. He’s using his position for personal financial gain. He has substantial conflicts of interest because of his business with foreign governments, especially China.

Musk is about to do to the federal government what he did to X—a company that has lost 75% of its value since he took over. Unless Congress gets him out of our government now, our country will meet the same fate and every member of Congress who failed to act will bear the blame for it. Stop Musk’s crime spree now. Thanks.

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Chop Wood and Carry Water… 🤓

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How does anyone know if Musk deletes the copies he has?

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My thought exactly. At least one of his little boys has already been spanked for compromising his last employer’s info and selling it to a competitor. Highly principled kids there.

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Ha. His brats probably show them to their friends to brag.

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Not to appear petty or pedantic, but it's correctly stated 'attorneys general'. Otherwise, an excellent review of events.

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Thanks for the catch!

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For what it's worth, I'd rather know. 🤷‍♀️

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Feb 8
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What you call "patronizing," I call grammar.

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I have unfortunately encountered a few nasty maga trolls here on substack, and their complete adoration for elon and trump fools me into thinking the Resistance is useless. Then I read Dean and others and feel hopeful again. Thank-you!

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Just ignore them. It deprives them of oxygen, so to speak.

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I block them, usually after a one or two response chance. It affects me nevertheless. I hate knowing they're even out there.

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We also need to flood the House Oversight Committee and Government Reform's website with whistle blower complaints.

The title of my complaint was

White House Oversight Committee-James Comer Obstruction

James Comer is the Chair of the Oversight Committee which is directly responsible for monitoring Government.

Earlier this week Comer blocked a majority vote to subpoena Musk to testify before the committee. You can watch Comer's obstruction in below video


You can file your whistle blower complaint here


Let's flood him so he feels the pressure.

Comer needs to understand he works for the American people not Trump or Musk and that we will hold him accountable

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It's good to know that a few brave souls are standing up to the orange fascist. Now, where are the rest of the Democratic elected officials? I've written to my Democratic Senators and my Representative, and all I received in return were platitudes and milquetoast statements. I'm disgusted. Where is the fire in their collective bellies? When are Democrats going to grow a spine? It might be good for them to do so before the nation is entirely lost to Putin. (As we know, Trump is only a useful idiot who worships Putin. Everything Trump does benefits Putin one way or another.) Stand up, Dems, and fight back. Loudly. The world is watching.

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If Dem leaders don't fight back and we do fall into authoritarian rule can we have them brought up on charges of treason by default?

Maybe we should start adding this to our rants. Make them scared of us too.

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Sadly, the “Supreme” Court is in bed with Trump. A charge of treason would never stick. I wish things were otherwise, but this is reality—and it’s harsh.

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Need to find a group with legal standing to take in the pillaging of the US Labor Department STAT!

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As a tenth generation American, I am proud of these legislators who took to the freezing streets to fight for Democracy! Meanwhile our CIC hosted a war criminal who neither stood up for his own citizens and fellow Israelites. No he is worried about straws and retribution.

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Thank You, Dean, for reporting on this Protest this morning ☕ MSNBC was about the only ones who spent any time on this story, and even then,it was just a few seconds.Corporate Media's coverage of Anything "Pro Democracy" again,has Failed Us. You are priceless, and will reStack ASAP 🙏💯👍

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Thanks, Dean, for being a leading catalyst and amplifier.

"We have not yet begun to fight." However, I hope that various of the plaintiff groups are also starting to coordinate, for example, the people supporting USAID, which I do know something about.

The people fighting the freezes in USAID funding and the people fighting the layoffs should coordinate. It doesn't help much to get the grants and contracts restarted if there aren't the USAID and partner staff to manage and implement them, and vice versa. Can they, e.g., join as plaintiffs in each others' law suits? Also, if the NGO (non-profit and private sector community), ESPECIALLY the "faith-based" groups, like Catholic Relief, World Vision, ADRA (Adventist Development and Relief Agency), whose work has been splintered by the abrupt cut off in funding, could join in, at least in screaming, even if they may not be able to join the lawsuits. The Republiscum politicians who claim to love Jesus need to get their lies shoved right back down their throats.

Best wishes, Ed in Boston

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Now Will We Believe What Is Happening Right in Front of Us? #Resist

Katherine Stewart has reported on the religious right for more than 15 years. Her most recent book is “Money, Lies, and God: Inside the Movement to Destroy American Democracy.” NYT 2/7/25

"In the coming months and years, the anti-democratic movement will cause many people to suffer real harm. We need to make sure these people know who did this to them — and who will fight for them…

Now is not the time to curl up in despair. We have institutions to protect, pro-democracy organizations to support, and elections in less than two years. We have lawsuits to pursue, corruption to expose. In normal times, it is the duty of democratic citizens to help a newly elected president succeed. In the present circumstances, it is our duty to protect our democratic republic from a lawless president and the profoundly anti-American movement he leads.” https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/07/opinion/trump-musk-christian-nationalism.html?smid=url-share

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