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It's good to know that a few brave souls are standing up to the orange fascist. Now, where are the rest of the Democratic elected officials? I've written to my Democratic Senators and my Representative, and all I received in return were platitudes and milquetoast statements. I'm disgusted. Where is the fire in their collective bellies? W…
© 2025 Dean Obeidallah
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It's good to know that a few brave souls are standing up to the orange fascist. Now, where are the rest of the Democratic elected officials? I've written to my Democratic Senators and my Representative, and all I received in return were platitudes and milquetoast statements. I'm disgusted. Where is the fire in their collective bellies? When are Democrats going to grow a spine? It might be good for them to do so before the nation is entirely lost to Putin. (As we know, Trump is only a useful idiot who worships Putin. Everything Trump does benefits Putin one way or another.) Stand up, Dems, and fight back. Loudly. The world is watching.
If Dem leaders don't fight back and we do fall into authoritarian rule can we have them brought up on charges of treason by default?
Maybe we should start adding this to our rants. Make them scared of us too.
Sadly, the “Supreme” Court is in bed with Trump. A charge of treason would never stick. I wish things were otherwise, but this is reality—and it’s harsh.