Never going to happen—Congress is too timid and too corrupt to give corruption and incompetence any notice. Besides, precedence is noted only when it benefits.
Never going to happen—Congress is too timid and too corrupt to give corruption and incompetence any notice. Besides, precedence is noted only when it benefits.
This illegal presidency must be stopped and it CAN still be done. The reports from Jessica Denson and the #14thNow folks who lobbied electeds from both sides of the aisle on Friday said far more were open to this than they expected. Details on taking action below, but first, key quotes from speech:
"Enforcing the 14th Amendment against an insurrectionist is the most democratic position a lawmaker could take. It is not a violation of the peaceful transfer of power. It is in defense of the peaceful transfer of power."
"We are not disrespecting an election by invoking the Constitution. The founders and the drafters of Section 3 were well aware that majorities...may elect insurrectionists and they put [Section 3] in place in spite of that. It is a backstop, it is a Constitutional safeguard, a legal necessity to save our Republic, even when we do not save ourselves."
These quotes are part of a stirring 25-minute speech by Jessica Denson in front of the Lincoln memorial yesterday (viewable at YouTube link below). Denson was the first to take on Trump in 2017-18 in an "unwinnable" class-action lawsuit in which she prevailed. She also just so happens to be a Christian and former Republican, and, as such, was even able to find agreement with some GOP lawmakers she met with this week during her visit to Capitol Hill.
PLEASE, for the sake of saving our country from an illegal presidency and full descent into fascism and oligarchy, pick up your phone first thing Monday morning, January 6. Call the Congressional Switchboard at 202-224-3121 to, in turn, reach your Senator and Representative(s). Demand that they uphold their oath to the Constitution and object to the certification of adjudicated, oath-breaking insurrectionist Donald J. Trump as REQUIRED by Section 3 of the 14th amendment.
NOTE: It will only take 87 Representatives and 27 Senators to bring this to a vote and a mere simple majority is required to pass it. It remains doable if enough of us urge our elected officials to honor their oath to the Constitution and they find the courage to act.
You need to tell us where to sign - if we can't go to Washington & physically do something to stop his inauguration at least if enough of us signed something it might get into the news & wake a few people up. We all know the SC is a total waste of time now - nobody has any confidence in the Repubs on that court ! They now know it & are getting annoyed - serve them right - their bias is so obvious !
The phone #s to call first thing tomorrow a.m. and short statement you can use are in my post above. Time is of the essence and bombarding their offices with calls is what Denson said would be most helpful at the last minute. You could also send an emai and find them via the following links:
This is exactly right, it seems to me—outrage isn’t enough, especially by people who can afford it, but not enough to actually do anything at all. The 2024 election proves it—democracy was on the line and millions stayed home. Too late to resist now?
Exactly this! We blame and scapegoat those we elected to serve Us because we are too timid or passive to get out of our comfort zones and actually put this all in motion. It's like standing on the train tracks watching a speeding locomotive coming straight for you and just observing and commenting on the advance and discussing the possible options and outcomes of the inevitable collision, but not doing anything differently to save yourself from being annihilated by that huge machine. We Have Power as The People and the Law is on our side until its been legally altered to take that power away from us. Why aren't we stopping this abhorrent man and his cabinet of degenerates from taking over completely? What are we waiting for? Nobody will step in at the last moment and save Democracy for us. Bottom line is we Allow this to transpire after hoping since 2020 that real justice would be delivered and while we waited they dug in even deeper
Wake up calls are too few and far between. I believe there are still enough of us in this country thst would sacrifice much to mobilize, unify and find the means and strength to take on one old convicted felon together as a nation, or even half a nation and declare that we do not nor will we ever accept or recognize a person with multiple felonies as suitable and capable leader of our country. It's not even about personal feelings or political ideology. It's a legal issue and he's breaking the law according to our Constitution. Someone needs to set this directive in motion and give it the exposure and legitimacy it needs to facilitate and expedite its message to those in Washington who must be convinced that we will not back away or stop demanding accountability for denying us justice and also for the hypocritical and immoral actions taken to circumvent our laws and place a life long criminal into our White House. Once that occurs,America will no longer be The land of the Free or home to anyone they deem a threat or inferior according to their intolerant and discriminatory agendas. We can be heroes together or we can become like Germany during the occupation by the Nazis. Deny and obey and hide in fear,or stand by each others side and become freedom fighters ,not just for this present time,but for our children and their children. It's not too late.
Never going to happen—Congress is too timid and too corrupt to give corruption and incompetence any notice. Besides, precedence is noted only when it benefits.
Read the article- as I note: Who cares what Congress does. We need to do something and we can!
This illegal presidency must be stopped and it CAN still be done. The reports from Jessica Denson and the #14thNow folks who lobbied electeds from both sides of the aisle on Friday said far more were open to this than they expected. Details on taking action below, but first, key quotes from speech:
"Enforcing the 14th Amendment against an insurrectionist is the most democratic position a lawmaker could take. It is not a violation of the peaceful transfer of power. It is in defense of the peaceful transfer of power."
"We are not disrespecting an election by invoking the Constitution. The founders and the drafters of Section 3 were well aware that majorities...may elect insurrectionists and they put [Section 3] in place in spite of that. It is a backstop, it is a Constitutional safeguard, a legal necessity to save our Republic, even when we do not save ourselves."
These quotes are part of a stirring 25-minute speech by Jessica Denson in front of the Lincoln memorial yesterday (viewable at YouTube link below). Denson was the first to take on Trump in 2017-18 in an "unwinnable" class-action lawsuit in which she prevailed. She also just so happens to be a Christian and former Republican, and, as such, was even able to find agreement with some GOP lawmakers she met with this week during her visit to Capitol Hill.
PLEASE, for the sake of saving our country from an illegal presidency and full descent into fascism and oligarchy, pick up your phone first thing Monday morning, January 6. Call the Congressional Switchboard at 202-224-3121 to, in turn, reach your Senator and Representative(s). Demand that they uphold their oath to the Constitution and object to the certification of adjudicated, oath-breaking insurrectionist Donald J. Trump as REQUIRED by Section 3 of the 14th amendment.
NOTE: It will only take 87 Representatives and 27 Senators to bring this to a vote and a mere simple majority is required to pass it. It remains doable if enough of us urge our elected officials to honor their oath to the Constitution and they find the courage to act.
Learn more at
You need to tell us where to sign - if we can't go to Washington & physically do something to stop his inauguration at least if enough of us signed something it might get into the news & wake a few people up. We all know the SC is a total waste of time now - nobody has any confidence in the Repubs on that court ! They now know it & are getting annoyed - serve them right - their bias is so obvious !
Great details on how to contact your Member of Congress available on this page
The phone #s to call first thing tomorrow a.m. and short statement you can use are in my post above. Time is of the essence and bombarding their offices with calls is what Denson said would be most helpful at the last minute. You could also send an emai and find them via the following links:
Contact your Representative
Contact your Senator
What can we do? Seriously. What can we do? We have no power anymore.
This is exactly right, it seems to me—outrage isn’t enough, especially by people who can afford it, but not enough to actually do anything at all. The 2024 election proves it—democracy was on the line and millions stayed home. Too late to resist now?
Exactly this! We blame and scapegoat those we elected to serve Us because we are too timid or passive to get out of our comfort zones and actually put this all in motion. It's like standing on the train tracks watching a speeding locomotive coming straight for you and just observing and commenting on the advance and discussing the possible options and outcomes of the inevitable collision, but not doing anything differently to save yourself from being annihilated by that huge machine. We Have Power as The People and the Law is on our side until its been legally altered to take that power away from us. Why aren't we stopping this abhorrent man and his cabinet of degenerates from taking over completely? What are we waiting for? Nobody will step in at the last moment and save Democracy for us. Bottom line is we Allow this to transpire after hoping since 2020 that real justice would be delivered and while we waited they dug in even deeper
Wake up calls are too few and far between. I believe there are still enough of us in this country thst would sacrifice much to mobilize, unify and find the means and strength to take on one old convicted felon together as a nation, or even half a nation and declare that we do not nor will we ever accept or recognize a person with multiple felonies as suitable and capable leader of our country. It's not even about personal feelings or political ideology. It's a legal issue and he's breaking the law according to our Constitution. Someone needs to set this directive in motion and give it the exposure and legitimacy it needs to facilitate and expedite its message to those in Washington who must be convinced that we will not back away or stop demanding accountability for denying us justice and also for the hypocritical and immoral actions taken to circumvent our laws and place a life long criminal into our White House. Once that occurs,America will no longer be The land of the Free or home to anyone they deem a threat or inferior according to their intolerant and discriminatory agendas. We can be heroes together or we can become like Germany during the occupation by the Nazis. Deny and obey and hide in fear,or stand by each others side and become freedom fighters ,not just for this present time,but for our children and their children. It's not too late.
What? I read it.