DJT is a liar, cheat and rapist and yet fellow Republicans fight to kiss his ring.
JOE BIDEN has a bad debate night and fellow Democrats trip over themselves as they scramble away. I don't get it. If Joe's campaign people knew what they were doing they would have
avoided the debate scene altogether. It's not Joe's strong point, plus debating someone that just makes up lies is not really a debate.
DJT is a liar, cheat and rapist and yet fellow Republicans fight to kiss his ring.
JOE BIDEN has a bad debate night and fellow Democrats trip over themselves as they scramble away. I don't get it. If Joe's campaign people knew what they were doing they would have
avoided the debate scene altogether. It's not Joe's strong point, plus debating someone that just makes up lies is not really a debate.
Especially if the *respected* moderators do nothing to push back on the lies. In my opinion, the worst perrformance of the debate was Bash and Tapper. Despicable and unforgivable. Not one word of criticism - anywhere - of them and the lies told by Trump.
DJT is a liar, cheat and rapist and yet fellow Republicans fight to kiss his ring.
JOE BIDEN has a bad debate night and fellow Democrats trip over themselves as they scramble away. I don't get it. If Joe's campaign people knew what they were doing they would have
avoided the debate scene altogether. It's not Joe's strong point, plus debating someone that just makes up lies is not really a debate.
Especially if the *respected* moderators do nothing to push back on the lies. In my opinion, the worst perrformance of the debate was Bash and Tapper. Despicable and unforgivable. Not one word of criticism - anywhere - of them and the lies told by Trump.