Especially if the *respected* moderators do nothing to push back on the lies. In my opinion, the worst perrformance of the debate was Bash and Tapper. Despicable and unforgivable. Not one word of criticism - anywhere - of them and the lies told by Trump.
Especially if the *respected* moderators do nothing to push back on the lies. In my opinion, the worst perrformance of the debate was Bash and Tapper. Despicable and unforgivable. Not one word of criticism - anywhere - of them and the lies told by Trump.
Especially if the *respected* moderators do nothing to push back on the lies. In my opinion, the worst perrformance of the debate was Bash and Tapper. Despicable and unforgivable. Not one word of criticism - anywhere - of them and the lies told by Trump.