6 hrs agoLiked by Dean Obeidallah

I don’t know if I am more angry or terrified. How is this election close? Because of lies from Trump , the MAGA party, there is no more Republican Party. We know the other side is already filing lawsuits in the hope that one will go to the Supreme Court and they will hand the election to Trump. It has taken years to get to this point and so many things have led us to this. Let’s not forget if McConnell had convicted Trump in the impeachment trial we would not be dealing with this. NO ONE is coming to save us. I am terrified for my children and grandchildren.

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We can and will save ourselves, by voting the bloodthirsty, corrupt, lying racist out of our lives once and for all.

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We had better, or the U.S. is toast.

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I'm with you. It really shouldn't be close at all, there is NO choice for reasonable people. An articulate, intelligent, conscientious, energetic, successful person with a vision for moving America forward in excellent ways vs. a convicted felon who instigated a lethal insurrection against the country/Constitution he took an oath to protect as well as defying the espionage act with the theft of top secret documents and who has nothing to offer America except cozying up to dictators, advancement of white supremacy, division and tax cuts for the very wealthy.

During Democrats, lower and middle class increase standard of living. During Republicans, billionaires become richer and lower and middle class Americans needs are ignored. That's a fact.

Imagine wearing these t-shirts in a red state 👇 🤣


Kamala is the ONLY choice. She will preserve our Democracy.

Vote blue up and down the ballot!

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You forgot to mention that trump is again working to instigate violence.

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At first it seemed like a wonderful choice choosing him for Attorney General after being deprived of the SC. But it became obvious soon enough that Garland ended up being the worst choice after all. I agreed with you from the beginning that he was a whimpering small man.

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The creepy, spectral Marley’s Ghost — oops, I mean Merrick Garland — has failed us in catastrophically slow motion. So yes, it’s up to us to trash Trump ourselves. Let’s bury him in ballots!

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I agree we have to vote him out by a large margin of votes. It is inconceivable to me that he is even allowed to run for anything let alone President!

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I hope Kamala replaces him as AG.

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Garland was Biden’s biggest failure. I’ve been saying this for years. Trump attempted to murder this nation on January 6th and the entire world witnessed the crime. He should have been arrested on January 7th.

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Merrick Garland and the corrupt partisans at SCOTUS are the proximate causes of our current nightmare, but the rot goes far deeper. Nixon committed treason by submarining peace talks in Vietnam to get elected and only got forced out of office because of taped conversations that he could not suppress. But he got pardoned by Ford and was well on his way to totally rehabilitation when Satan called him home. Reagan committed treason in Iran/Contra with the help of GW Bush, Caspar Weinberger and others. He was saved from impeachment and prosecution by Republican partisans and a conveniently engineered (by Bill Barr) set of pardons for all of the co-conspirators. Oh, and the dementia didn't hurt either. He was also never held to account for his racism and his destruction of the economy. Which brings us to George W Bush and Dick Cheney who should have been impeached and removed over 9/11 (does anyone doubt if Gore had been president, the Republicans wouldn't have demanded it). They had diverted all the resources away from global to Russia and their plan to conquer the Middle East. The ignored multiple warnings. They were never even seriously questioned. And then there was the Iraq War for empire and oil. Abu Ghirab and torture. Allowing Bin Laden to escape Tora Bora. Crashing the economy. And more. No consequences because Obama wanted to look forward not backward. And then we got Trump. And because of Merrick F'king Garland and the Corrupt SCOTUS, he may escape as well. When do we, the people, say enough is enough and demand that Republicans pay the price for their crimes?

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Based on what I heard yesterday about Smith's latest brief, I see that he really wants to pursue trump and bring him to justice. I was also pleased to hear that the state of NY has disbarred Rudy Giuliani, which to my mind is another form of justice.

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The line is long but very direct. And to think, if those miscreants aren’t dead, they’re still running loose.

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AGREED! The question that needs to be asked is "What are we PREPARED TO DO?" Do they believe that the "3 Percent" is a strictly right wing movement? Plenty of people here believe otherwise and are likewise well armed. As is so widely said, "Fuck around and find out!"

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I wonder how Garland feels now. And of course the Supreme Court has damaged itself for years to come. Every president who appointed those horrible people is complicit. And yet George W., the only one besides Trump who's still alive, says nothing. At least some Republicans are standing up for democracy. Liz Cheney is campaigning with Harris today. Hell truly has frozen over.

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Kamala must choose a new Attorney General first thing.

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And it should be Jack Smith!

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Perhaps but he's really busy these days. 😉

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Merrick Garland......such a disappointment. Let's hope that our democracy will persevere in spite of his timidity.

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I always felt Garland was corrupt. When you have Fox News and their ilk continuing to spread lies and a good 40% of the public in a cult of hate, racism and lies and all the corrupt judges, lawyers and republicans in federal and state government, what do you expect?

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I have to disagree that he's corrupt. I think he was better off being a judge, because he doesn't have the right personality/skills to be an AG. After what trump did to the DOJ I can understand Garland not wanting to appear political, but this was really never about politics. The not appearing political overshadowed the real need the country has for prosecuting trump.

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Sadly, the battle for Democracy won't end with a Harris/Walz win. The HUGE MONEY behind MAGA is in for the long term, and won't be giving up until we get money out of politics and Elon Musk out of our Space program, satellite dependency and unrestrained hate propaganda. Project 2025 will just become Project 2029, and on and on. If you read today's Substack by Robert Reich, you will understand what they are doing. The goal is to turn our government into a giant corporation where only oligarchs have power.

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Garland is 72 years old next month. The AG is not a lifetime appointment. He can retire and leave President Harris with the opportunity to replace him without any of the drama that firing him would bring, especially in the press.

The SC is a much greater threat to democracy. I guarantee 4 years of lawsuits overturning every action she or a D majority takes that they deem a threat to their Authoritarian Kleptocracy. They will not stop their primary mission to dismantle American democracy. If anything they will double down cherrypicking certain cases to simply avoid taking or voting in favor of that pose no threat to their own agenda in an effort to appear legitimate and squash the momentum and support to expand the court. We've seen them do this over and over. " Hey, maybe we were wrong about Barrett" or Kavenaugh or Gorsuch and Roberts isn't a swing vote btw. He wrote the immunity decision and is the architect of the dismantling of the Voting Rights Act.

Democrats have never made the SC an integral part of their platform. But R's have and that's a huge contributor to how trump won in 2016.

Who is the AG pales in comparison to who is on the SC.

How can we have a functioning democracy with a SC that is anti-democratic? We can't.


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From what I know, the tenure of the AG (and all other cabinet positions) ends when the new President takes office, unless they are asked to stay. I would be very surprised if Harris asked Garland to stay.

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Retiring would be better. The corporate media will skew it if she doesn't ask him to stay as a " firing"

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Really? I guess they'd skew it because we're dealing with Democrats here. All new presidents have always picked their own cabinets. At least during my lifetime.

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I totally agree that AG Merrick Garland ‘s fear and quite frankly cowardice may by the answer to Walz question “ where is the firewall?” Our Department of Justice should have been the fire wall but AG Garland failed America and failed his oath. My question is WHY? Separate from that is the failure of Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts who presided over two impeachments of trump with the affect of a court jester. I believe the founding father’s wanted the Chief Justice to preside over impeachment’s to guarantee the impeachment trial honored and respected the rule of law and the top oath to preserve and protect the constitution, Justice Roberts did nothing to honor his oath and the unique job the founders asked him to do over 200 years ago. Roberts listened to the charges against trump twice that both included personal and official acts of treason and misconduct yet he went on to listen to the oral arguments on the presidential immunity appeal and offered none of his direct knowledge to his fellow justices as they minimized the attack on Capitol as just a “peaceful” protest. Roberts then went on to author the fetid Presidential immunity decision. The of course the US Senate under Moscow Mitch with his corrupt Republican colleagues failed in their duty to convict trump and prevent him from ever holding any public office. It is now up to Americans to save our democracy from Trump and Vance and the oligarchs and fascists funding them.

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Garland's lack of action is incompetent at best and disastrous at worst. We'll learn more after the election. As far as the "Supreme" Court goes, the conservatives on that bench are right-wing tools and Trump accomplices who are corrupt as hell. Between Garland and the SC, I'm amazed that our republic is still standing (for the moment, anyway).

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Garland chose to rehabilitate the reputation of the DOJ over preserving our Democracy. His catastrophic shortsightedness has almost damaged our country beyond repair. It’s been left to the Special Counsel to dig out from under the debris of unprosecuted criminality and treason: when Jack Smith needed a backhoe, the Supreme Court handed him a shovel, and admonished him not to use it.

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It was my thought the evening of January 6, 2021 that Trump should be arrested for inciting to riot, but apparently, "when you're president, they let you do it." We had so many chances to stop this demon, but instead we had people, more concerned with party than law or democracy, who were only too happy to run interference for him to gain, or stay in, his favor.

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The entire WH should have walked out and called the police to come get him.

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Who’s who in Trump's Jan 6th insurrection? Follow along with this interactive relationship map.


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