That was an excruciating read. It must take a lot out of you to stay in that place long enough to write it all down. Ty

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And what of the people of color and Jewish Americans that support white supremacy? To me that is even more despicable. Robinson isn't the only black nazi and Miller isn't the only Jewish nazi.

They aren't billionaires but Miriam Adelson is. So we can add an embrace of misogyny into the mix.

Their money won't protect them in the final analysis. Neither will gluing their lips to trump's ample ass.

There is literally NO one who will be safe.

Their embrace of white supremacy won't save them.

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The billionaire class paid a lot of money to build a judiciary that is hostile to voting rights, DEI, affirmative action, women's rights, labor rights and anything else that might result in a loss of one dime in their pockets. If only a Democratic trifecta had the balls to raise the marginal tax rate to 50% (at least), raise the Estate tax to 100% over $50 million, and pass a wealth tax to be paid annually on assets in excess of say $100M. The rich would still be rich. Musk would still be an asshole. And Jeff Bezos would still be banging Lauren Sanchez on his $800M yacht. But the country would be a lot better off.

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As a white woman, I have never felt discrimination for being white, but I have often been mistreated because I’m a woman. There is no such thing as anti-white discrimination.

There are times when I’m ashamed to be white. My black and brown sisters and brothers have the right to be treated with respect and equality simply because we are all members of one race - the human race!

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I agree 100%. My children and grandchildren are mixed race; my niece is transitioning to be my nephew, my friends are of various races, ages, backgrounds, & sexual orientation. I love them all.

I know discrimination as a white woman. Why Congress has lost its collective spine puzzles me. Their lust for power and support for a man with not only hate but dementia will eventually take them down.

Musk, Melanie & her parents are immigrants. They need to be sent back. What about TFG’s sil & daughter who are Jewish? Do they get swept up in the purge he lusts after?

MSM has sold out and the truth is found in sites like Reich, Mary Trump, Jay, & Dean to name a few.

It is interesting to note that white people are not the majority in America today. A recent article based on (I think) the census has white people at less than 50% of the population. America is not the land of the free, and not all people are brave.

In the 1960s I filled out job applications that asked for race: HUMAN RACE. That is the only race. The “race” tfg and his minions are screaming about is not a scientifically valid argument; it is a SOCIAL CONSTRUCT.

Harris/Wolz and a Blue Congress is critical to saving Democracy. ♥️

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You are absolutely right about race being a social construct. You again remind me of the anthropology class I took, titled "The Concept of Race", which basically pointed out that if you grouped all the people of the world according to specific sets of characteristics, and lined them up, you would have peaks where those characteristics are and everything in between in the valleys, and up and down the sides of those peaks. There is only one race. And the different "races" have characteristics that enable them to survive in the regions where they originated.

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Couldn't agree more. This land started out with no white people. It doesn't belong to us whites. We should never forget that.

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I join you in feeling ashamed to be white, just like I often feel ashamed to have Christian beliefs (even though those beliefs are not tightly held). EVERYONE deserves to be treated with respect and to have equality.

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You shouldn't be ashamed to be white or Christian, Susan. It's how you behave that matters.

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Thank you, Paula. Unfortunately I am good at feeling shame (leftover from childhood) and I remember from way back, one of the owners of the quilt store I spent time at would preface everything she said with "I'm a Christian" which was invariably followed by spewing hate. Because of her I never wanted anyone to know about it when I did become a Christian. I agree with you completely that what matters is how you behave.

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I can understand that but just because one person in a category is awful doesn't mean everyone is. You know this!! Please don't beat yourself up!!

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and There it is, Dean, What donOLD's whole campaign has been about, White Supremacy! You've Nailed it, once again, it's all about the Power of Hate, and J D Vance is an echo chamber for IT. Let's see what Tim Walz does with that dip shit tonight on the Debate stage?! The rules for this gig reads like it's for a contestant on the Jerry Springer show?! I think the network wants a literal"Street Fight" to happen on Air. Terrific piece this morning ☕ Dean Thanks 💯👍🇺🇸💙🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊

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Saw you on the Stephanie Miller show this morning ☕ Good Job 💯

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Morbidly wealthy white CEOs, hedge fund managers, and private equity managers cannot plead the anti-tax, but we’re not white supremacist card. Ever since the Rethuglicans, the southern Democrats switched to Rethuglicans, and the John Birchers equated taxation to socialism and communism, they know that really means they don’t want their White dollars paying for schools, roads, and health care in counties that are predominantly people of color.

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And white supremacists have done so well in the U. S. too. Trump has lost the popular vote twice. The Deep South - Mississippi, Alabama, et al. - is not exactly a shining example of economic success. The Great Replacement Theory finds support from MAGA and Viktor Orban only. For sure, a remarkable success story.

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Seems to me, those white people who have sold out to follow Trump miss a pertinent point. Trump, and his greatest ally, Musk, are for eliminating the color threat to their benefit. Their purpose is not to r white supremacy enable and enrich the lowly white peon, but to pit the gullible white peon against those of color, while enriching themselves as a result, and taxing the white peon and exempting themselves from taxes. They’re less for white supremacy, and more for billionaire protection.

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It'll be interesting to see, when the Bloated Yam is re-elected, the Supreme Court voting 9-0 (including Clarence Thomas) to invalidate the 13th Amendment.

Nothing would make white supremacists happier than rounding up every black and Latino person in America to use as slaves again.

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I live in a Latino majority city, and it's the best place I've ever lived. I would hate to see anything happen to those people or any of the "other" groups.

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Being all about white supremacy is stupid. IMO. I find myself wondering if the corporate media executives have to fight within themselves over whether money is more important than racism, or if those two things are tied in importance. My skin color may be classified as white, but I find white supremacy disgusting. I've met some wonderful whites, but I've also met many wonderful "others". I am all for immigration - if it weren't for immigration, I wouldn't be here. My father came from Hungary in 1913 and in his lifetime accomplished many good things. The immigrants are the people who keep us making progress, the people who make us great as a country.

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Of course they do, and BTW, both Trump and Vance are only here because of immigrants. As for Musk and Thiel, enough said.

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Among everything else, there are words Trump as ruined:

One is the word “beautiful.”

Another is “frankly” which is always part of a sentence full of lies.

And then he uses “unbelievable” as part of lying claims about himself.

Also, “never before seen” again falsely describing something about himself!

We CANNOT let him win!



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Of course he uses "unbelievable" - it's projection again. He IS the epitome of unbelievable.

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Shit, Dean..... this must have sucked to write but thanks for doing it... 🤔😒

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Harris for the People!

The halloween season fantasies, lawless depravity & corruption of MAGA leadership has consequences. That the base may "lap it up" is not an excuse, but of course MSM needs to normalize the whining MAGA depravity & create a horse race…ads, eyeballs, $...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmr1owmG2aI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQt1Na560Mc

Trump's idea of stolen valor? https://youtube.com/shorts/UTJ6ZYEBgHg?si=74JzRZA7LzrrLwy6

Economist Paul Krugman: “It’s amazing how at this point the Trump campaign rests entirely on denouncing things that aren’t happening—[an] imaginary bad economy, imaginary runaway crime…"

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"I’m not suggesting every white executive supports Trump’s agenda of white power, but we can’t deny that plays a role for some."

Dean, you provide great examples for specific people like Elon Musk, but none for other executives other than "we can't deny ...." I'm not buying it, and I think you're casting aspersions without sufficient proif.

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BULLSHIT! Most corporate executives are white supremacists.

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