May 7·edited May 7

This quote, originally about UK Conservatives, applies just as well to USA Republicans. And Democrats.

"I’m not arguing there are no decent people in the Tory party, But they’re like bits of sweetcorn in a turd; technically they’ve kept their integrity, but they’re still embedded in shit.

Iain Banks"

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I, too, applaud Duncan, even though I would never vote for him. I hope he is successful at persuading other Republicans to follow his lead. We need more like him and Liz Cheney. I also love his description of trump's moral compass. Thank you, Dean, for being for country above party.

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Yes. One who has a moral code and ethics. Are there more? We can only hope, but it seems doubtful of late.

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When I grew up we were taught your vote was a private matter and you didn’t say who you voted for. So much less hatred of people over their politics that way. I’m wondering if the ones who spoke out against Trump but now say they will support him will do something different in the voting booth but say nothing about it or lie.

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Good thought. Could be.

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I will always be skeptical why all of a sudden, after what, seven years? NOW some republicans are fed up? People lost lives, jobs, relationships and much more. It isn’t what they do now, it’s what did they do then?

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In the case of Duncan he stood up since 2020 after the election to defend the results in his state. Those are the facts as I note in my article

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I think because they've come to realize that so many voters are abandoning republicans, they fear for their public lives. And the ones hanging on, I believe think that whatever cheating they’re going to do such as voter suppression and gerrymandered might very well win Trump the election.

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I agree with everything you said in your article. Geoff Duncan’s response to Trump’s pressure since the beginning. He told CNN’s Jake Tapper that had the legitimate results of the 2020 election been overturned by Trump and his crew that (I’m paraphrasing - the interview is available) the streets would run with blood.

Donald Trump and his goon squad seem to think they are the only ones who can “threaten” violence. They are mistaken. Geoff Duncan knows that because he was pictured by a gun range. There are 400 million guns in this country - c/o the SCOTUS decisions relaxing gun laws.

People voted for their right to obtain affordable healthcare. They voted for their right to bodily autonomy. They voted for their freedom of religion and from religion (if that was their choice). People voted for their right to not have the US government or State government intruding on their personal lives.

Our Freedom to live our lives is what makes this country unique among nations.

The United States offers what other countries don’t - opportunities to begin again.

It’s why so many of our people went to war over the years - including World Wars - to preserve that freedom.

Now a bunch of thugs imagine that they can take it away?????

Geoff Duncan knew what the result would be - civil war in the USA - exactly as Putin and his henchmen like Dmitry Medvedev wanted.

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“I think the real danger to the country, the real danger to democracy, as I say, is the progressive agenda.”

This, "but Biden is even WORSE," horsesh!t is why it's so difficult to find a good Republican. They know Trump is a tornado inside a flood inside a tsunami inside a hurricane. That they still feel the need to save face belies their efforts to call for common sense solutions.

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Dear Dean (may I call you Dean?), Once again, you are 100% accurate and spot on with your latest article about finding a "good" republican in the form of former Georgia GOP Lt. Governor Geoff Duncan. Finding Mr. Duncan is about the equivalent of finding a white crow is a vast sea of black crows, i.e., black-hearted republicans who choose authoritarianism and fascist regimens over democracy. We all know Bill Barr's flip-flopping on where he stands with Trump is about he wanting the republican party to dictate to the American people on how things are going to be and that they are no friends to the poor and struggling in this country. His excuse for not voting for Biden because he feels the greatest threat to America is not Trump, but rather the progressive agenda is the lamest excuse I've heard in quite some time for the reason not to stand up for what is right. Anyway, keep up the great work and you truly are a candidate for "Profiles in Courage" with you consistently speaking truth to power!

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I can't imagine why so many elected officials still line up behind Trump unless they truly believe he will win due to enough gerrymandering, voter suppression, and flat out cheating. It makes me wonder what they have up their sleeves.

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Don’t forget about Adam Kinzinger

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Looking at you, Chris Christie… 🤔😉😊

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Just what exactly is Conservative policy? I keep hearing people say they disagree on policy without ever any explanation or details. As far as I can determine Conservative policy is just cutting taxes and giving all power to rich people and large corporations. Which when you get right down to it is the opposite of democracy and the same roots of both Communism/Socialism and Fascism. Didn’t we just spend 100 years and multiple trying to stop them?

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"We finally found a Good Republican"

There's only two kinds of Good Republicans.

The kind that says they're voting for Joe Biden.

And deceased Republicans.

But as soon as a living Republican announces he's a Good Republican, the Bloated Mango Flashmob terrorists want to turn them into the other kind. 😲

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I agree that Duncan has been consistent with his feelings towards Trump unlike the others you mentioned. I wonder if he was ever tainted by the Federal Society or Leonard Leo. Looks like they didn’t get to him, which is a good thing. It would be very refreshing if other R’s would step forward and state the same thing but I figure that Trump has something nasty on most of them. It’s fear that keeps them on his side.

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May 7·edited May 7

Can't you all work together to also beat Genocide Joe Biden? As I understand it there are other candidates, not all of whom support the ongoing atrocities.

I'd love to reform the USA's electoral system so that only people who don't live in the US / aren't US citizens get to choose your president. Cos we have to live with the results too.

MAHA (make amerika human again)

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Excellent article Dean.

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