Scotland enacted stricker gun laws March 1996 a gunman entered Dunblane Primary School 16 students, a teacher and injuring 15 the deadliest mass shooting in UK history. Scotland Parliament banned most hand guns semi-automatic weapons and required mandatory registration of shotguns. There have been no shootings in the UK since. Over the past several years England, Scotland and Wales combined have seen thirty gun deaths a year. According to the CDC the number of murders involving firearms in the US in 2020 was 19,384. In the US 283 teens and children have been killed in gun violence so far this year 😥💔🫂😡🤬🕯️

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Well at least your monster is mythical. However, our monster is real...

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Love this idea as a step in the right direction. I say, do whatever sticks to the wall until we get enough Democratic Congress members.

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