Apr 7Liked by Dean Obeidallah

I'm 74 years old and have been politically active since the 1980's. I have never, ever seen my beloved country in such dire straits before, with people eagerly willing to throw democracy under the bus if it means a fatter bank account for them. It's sickening, disgusting, and downright evil. I don't know how the election will turn out, but I do know that Trump and his supporters will do anything and everything, legal or not, to gain power. I'm seriously beginning to wonder if the nation can withstand the onslaught of these right-wing traitors. It seems as though everywhere I look, all I see are Trump-loving jackals who are totally ready to give the nation to Putin just as long as they get what they want. When did America spawn such vile, loathsome creatures? More importantly, how will we manage to defeat them? What can we do, other than vote Blue? The courts are aligned against us (and Biden steadfastly refuses to expand the Supreme Court, which would save us), Garland Merrick has sat back and let the insurrectionist leaders get away with their crimes, the mainstream media is in love with Trump, and the MAGAts are ready and willing to go to war, literally, for their orange messiah. Is democracy coming to an end in the U.S.? Are we done as a nation? If Trump wins, it's all over--and I have a sinking feeling that he will cheat just enough to regain power. I hope I'm wrong, but it feels as though the end is nigh. I don't want to live in a country that is ruled by authoritarians and autocrats. I am seriously considering leaving the country and moving to Canada if Trump should ooze his way to victory. I weep for my country and for democracy, and I fear for both.

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Apr 7Liked by Dean Obeidallah

Greedy bastards value tax cuts over everything! And they think that if Trump installs himself as Dicktator that he won't pull a Putin on them? They don't think he'll demand a cut of everything they do if not a 75% stake in their operations? Everyone one of these assholes better start thinking about what their life will really be like under the Dear Leader...or what their life will be like if the people of this country wake the fuck up and realize that their enemies are not gay or immigrants or trans or brown or women. Their enemies are the American plutocrats who have been robbing this country blind since the days of the last senile president, Ronnie Raygun.

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I'm sad for America and the rest of the world. Being British, if he ever sets foot in the WH again we will suffer too. How can these sycophantic followers of his be this stupid to try to damage their own country and be so ignorant, I was going to say selfish, but those, the people, have nothing to gain and everything to lose, healthcare being one of them, seems they just don't care. It defies all belief.

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Apr 7·edited Apr 7

Trump just gets scarier every day. I'm appalled at the number of people just like Trump who put money above everything else. Clearly I'm naive, because I thought that as a country we were better than that. That said, with the books I've been reading lately, which teach me a true history of our country, I'm not terribly surprised that the ultra-rich are behind Trump.

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It would be helpful to have a list of the Industrialists so we can boycott , if possible, their companies.

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If Shakespeare were alive today, he might write, "First, we kill all the billionaires."

But instead of killing them, we must elect people who will see to it that billionaires do not have excessive power over our gov't, pay increasing amounts of their income in taxes, and are forced to abide by all the laws enacted that preserve our democracy. We need to end all suppression of the votes, enact more severe penalties for fraud of all kinds, and increase investigations of all white collar crime, among other preventive measures. We have to get money out of politics by limiting all contributions, making campaigns much shorter, and limiting dollars spent on media buys. We must also rid gov't of unethical judges and make the extreme court judges toe the ethical lines their lower court colleagues must toe. In other words, political money has to be scrutinized like never before.

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We need to know who these supporters are and boycott their companies!

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$824,600 From *one* person? Are there no contribution limits at all anymore? I guess not… 🤔😉😊

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This is why Project 2025 scares me. Heritage Foundation and its backers are actively working to ensure their agenda will succeed no matter who is in office. They're doing it in plain sight.

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I wish there were a list of those that attended so we could see who these anti-democratic scoundrels are. Why should they be allowed to hide in the shadows?!

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Maybe a comic book rendition of the book “Hell‘s Cartels,” mentioned in this essay, would be useful to educate the 60% of Trump voters with a high school education or less?

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When did greed become . . . GOOD?

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We have made the billionaires too wealthy. We need to go back to the taxes of the 60s and tax them at 60-70%. If we don’t they will destroy democracy. There really is no choice here. The cap MUST be raised on social security so billionaires pay the same percentages as the rest of us. We need Biden to win the Presidency again and then have a really strong Democratic President after him. We need to strengthen our courts with Democrats and Biden needs to expand the Supreme Court because the GOP extremists on the court have gone rogue.

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Excellent article and historical overview on what has taken place in the past, and what is currently taking place in our country. If we fail to study and learn from history, it is bound to repeat itself!

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Wouldn’t it make sense to know bit inky who these wealthy traitors are, but to know what industries they make their money in, what niche they sell a product in, a brand name to NEVER (and tell your friends) Ever to buy again?

Let’s cancel that revenue stream.

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John Paulson stood early alongside Donald Trump as Trump decried the state of an empty factory in Youngstown blaming, of course, progressive policies and knowing that Paulson’s hedge fund was responsible for closing the factory and offshoring a huge segment of the US auto parts manufacturing business even after accepting billions in TARP funds to keep its US factories open.

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