I actually was an "Arendtian scholar" on the back half of my career. I asked my scholarly elders why they ignored her works (I was a politics of ed scholar). Yup, it's the female thing, and in some quarters, I'm sure it was the Jewish thing. *SIGH!*
Then you know Arendt’s history and her complicated relationships with Heidegger—who became a Nazi—and nascent Israel after he musings about the “banality of evil.’ I humbly bow to your expertise.
One last thing. The more I learn about her thinking process, the more I appreciate her. IMO, she was a marvel.
Right. But the affair was when she was 19, and was rather short-lived. She remained loyal to Heidegger, but she was intensely loyal to ALL of her friends (no matter how despicable) who actually survived WWII.
Her point on the "Banality of Evil" (Eichmann in Jerusalem) was that the Israeli prosecutor had portrayed Eichmann as an utter monster, a living breathing demon. She pointed out that he was a rather banal man, whose dentures didn't even fit (she could be catty), but actually DID MONSTROUS things. And THAT was the horror--that rather ordinary people were capable of horrible deeds.
BTW: When I was teaching, I would inflict Eichmann in Jerusalem on my doctoral students in Ed Adm and Policy. Why? Because they were working or going to work in bureaucratic organizations that could shape the lives of children and their families--for good or ill.
Yeah, she could wreak my thinking career, but she'd have a LOT to say about #47, as she did Richard Nixon.
But what CAN and SHOULD we do!!!??? More protests in the streets, until Hegseth calls in the troops? More social media posts that will be drowned out by misinformation Bots? We honestly need a plan for effective resistance, Dean - not just wonderful quotes from MLK.
The first step is being there for each other. From there it's getting more involved in grassroots organizations to expand alliances. Then pressing Democratic officials to be fighters. And prepare for 2025 elections in Va and NJ for Governor as we head into 2026.
Try being liberal in the middle of Trumplandia where the signs never came down and there are no representatives to reach out to that represent any progressive interests. Sure wish we had grassroots orgs in more rural places to turn to. I refuse to cede the countryside to those people who throw trash everywhere, destroy the environment they take for granted and tell me what my future is supposed to be.
It’s just as hard as being progressive surrounded by Dems. We have a shortage of pharmacists because people won’t stop spreading disease because the Dems were told Biden defeated Covid and it doesn’t exist anymore.
I testified in front of a committee in the legislative offices last year and only one other person in the whole entire room was wearing a mask, the matter was important enough for me to take my mask off to publicly speak about my private medical issues, but I can tell you I would show up there a lot more often if the Dems would even acknowledge that they need to not spread disease during flu season. But nah.
They expect the disabled to set ourselves on fire to help keep everyone else warm when they need us to show up, but when I just want to be able to exist in society without being killed off by airborne viruses they act like I’m being ridiculous.
I don’t know if you will see this but one of my Democrat state reps was out here fighting for women until trump won and then she was just going to roll over. The piece you wrote about being more like Republicans came to me right after she started giving up, I sent her that piece and someone else’s about obeying in advance. I can’t take credit for pushing her back on track, but YOU should because suddenly she started fighting for women again.
I don’t want to jinx anything, but if it works out for us I’ll be back to tell you exactly how you helped save women
* sorry I mixed that up a bit, it was Dean’s article about not obeying an advance and someone else’s article about Democrats being more like Republicans that made them lose.
True, Dean. We need to participate in every election. We need to support candidates who support what is good for the whole people, not a "dictator on day one." No one who supports MAGA, Project 2025, or suspension of any of our rights should run unopposed. Pay special attention to the election of school board members, sheriffs, Attorneys General, town supervisors and councils, and other local and state offices. If there are only 2 Democrats in a town, at least one should be running for office to be heard. We should be supporting them with media coverage and funding.
First things first: We must do whatever is necessary to make sure future elections are free and fair. 2024 almost certainly was not. While Democrats seem to ignore the work of Stephen Spoonamore and other statistical analysts, and MAGA is going to use it to perfect their techniques.
We need ranked choice voting. I know some of the southern states have made laws that prohibit it, but in the states that it’s not banned we need to push for it.
Excellent points. That also means participating in local election board meetings and supporting groups that defend against poll purges, voter suppression efforts, election disinformation, etc., and supporting the use of proper statistical data in combating these problems. It also means supporting efforts of local media and of other organizations to delve into candidates' histories and fact-check everything they say (which, for example, didn’t happen with George Santos).
That's a plan. Thank you, Dean. I'm newly retired so have more time to work for grassroots organizations that will work to save our democracy and protect the rights of women, people of color, and LGBTQ+.
Besides NOT obeying in advance, also play dumb when given an order or directive that is horrible. Cardinal Roncalli of Istanbul issued a slew of "Vatican Passports" to get Jews out of Europe during the Holocaust. This is also at the time the Vatican was turning the Jews of Vatican City over to the Germans (in 1943). Roncalli consistently played dumb, and since the Curia thought he WAS dumb, he was able to save thousands of Jews. He later became Pope John the 23rd. But we do have power to subvert the horror, if we are patient and strategic.
Sandy, I echo your sentiments. The first thing is to be psychologically prepared and not shocked like a deer in the headlights. It seems to me that if we are in a "ready, set, go!" crouch, we'll respond to creative actions that spring from inside us or someone else, spontaneously. It may seem small, but re-stacking and sharing information among this ad hoc group of activists is a vital function of spreading the word and energizing the voice of opposition in myriad, minor ways. It adds up…
RIGHT!! Also support "un-bought" journalists like Dean because the fellating of Fascists is breaking new lows of depravity. (My wife had the Sunday talk shows on--FFS).
I feel the same, Sandy. What can we do? I'm in Florida so writing to legislators goes nowhere. Writing to publications, the same. Even the ever-liberal Tampa Bay Times has bowed to conservative demand. Pretty said and speech-restrictive.
Rather than proffering the false dichotomy between admonition and action, inspirational words and practical implementation, as inferred by devaluing of the exigent power of MLK, Jr.’s words, understand that his rhetoric was symbiotic with his political action, creating a moral circle in which his stentorian speeches and nonviolent, often civilly disobedient, protest actions became both mutually reinforcing and communally galvanizing. We energize and enlarge the power of our actions by refining the meaning of our voiced purpose, and vice-versa.
Personally I think in addition to dean’s advice, the lawyers who are versed on human rights and civil liberties who know how to fight everything he’s doing esp the blatant unconstitutional actions, will be a line of defense.
We need to stay connected with each other and astute political pundits who understand and outline actionable items we can execute on to feel empowered.
It’s so easy to feel helpless and hopeless but we must voice are disgust with local officials.
I’m gonna let it burn, I’m going to take care of the people around me who take care of me. I’m going to continue to try to grow food for myself. But I’m done trying to save people from stupid decisions, I’m done trying to convince people that they shouldn’t get Covid because they’ll become disabled and there are no social safety nets. Now they’re really won’t be any social safety nets, and honestly, if that gets people to stop spreading disease out of fear that they won’t be able to survive it, well at least people will stop killing off the medically vulnerable. At least there’s that
“Keep your eye on the donut and not on the hole.” - David Lynch.
I started rewatching Twin Peaks last week as a way to momentarily escape the coming evil, as an attempt to reframe the contradictions of US culture that feed into the need for some men to have complete power over the rest of us. Bob is somehow scarier than Mump - but they are the same. “It’s happening again.”
No coincidence that the Nazi term "Blitzkrieg " , lightning warfare is interchangeable. A series of quick decisive blows to knockout out an enemy before it can mobilize either militarily or psychologically.
January 20, 2025 will be an eventful day for America.
Tomorrow, we honor and remember Martin Luther King, Jr and his tireless efforts for racial equality and civil rights across the country.
It also is Inauguration Day, when Donald Trump, who seeks to tear down our Constitution and our democracy, will be sworn in as president.
It doesn’t get more antithetical than that. In one breath, we go from “I have a dream” to “I have a scheme.”
I know what I’ll be celebrating and it won’t be about spawning more hate, revenge, and self-aggrandizement. It will be about extolling kindness, tolerance, and our Common Good…among other things.
Yes, I, too, have a dream, as do tens upon tens of millions of Americans. And, we all know that it isn’t an idle ambition. Stay the course.
PS: Consider supporting the ongoing work of civil rights, social justice, and similar organizations. A web search will give listings for entities large and small, national and local. A few of the ones that we support are the American Civil Liberties Union (www.aclu.org), the League of Women Voters (www.lwv.org), and the Southern Poverty Law Center (www.splcenter.org).
I ask myself this question regularly: “What’s mine to do in the world today?” One of my answers is financially supporting organizations that align with our core values: social justice, civil rights, equity, environment, health, critters, plants… It’s basically an amalgam of people who are willing to work together for others and our communities and planet. Our Common Good.
I’m not a social justice lawyer, but we support orgs that are. I’m not a voting rights activist, but we support orgs that are. I’m not a “hate” monitor working to act on the issue, but we support orgs that are.
So, the trio I listed fit into that realm, especially as we enter Trump 2.0, Project 2025, and the stupidity, racism, sexism, and greed that propelled the First Felon back into power.
I hope that there are thousands of lawyers out there poised to polish off the complaints they have prepared in anticipation of those executive orders, alleging that order X or Y or 98 more are outside the authority of an executive order. Preferably they will be focused on jurisdictions with a Biden appointee as district court judge.
Shock and Awe can be MET with shock and awe as the legal system gums up all his plans. Even if the suits don't SUCCEED, they will keep Bondi busy and spread the DOJ lawyers really, really thin--those that have chosen to remain. If they are assigned to defend the stupider of the orders, they may yet quit.
What I can do seems small but if many of us do it , it could have an impact. STOP shopping. No more Amazon. Just the necessities! Remember after 911 Bush said to Shop?!! Let’s quietly quit.
Today I purchased some seeds so I can make my own sprouts because our food supply isn’t going to be trustworthy in the coming years, and I can grow those inside so at least I will have those
Timothy Snyder's Brilliant book On Tyranny is a map of the path America has been going down since the eighties. I read it when I was in H.S. back in the late sixties, and is absolutely Relevant Today. Scary? Yes ! but I'm not going to be silent. I'll speak out, write my comments here, and support all progressive journalist, and anyone who are in this fight for Our Democracy. Thank You, Dean, for all you're doing for us, and will reStack ASAP 🙏💯👍
Trump and his acolytes are apparently planning to wage war with a massive assault - on the American people.
Every person who could conceivably be mistaken for an illegal immigrant, even those of Hispanic descent who can trace their ancestry all the way back to Albuquerque or St. Augustine in the mid 1500s, should carry with them copies of documents proving citizenship and the contact info for an immigration lawyer. Every immigrant here legally or who are awaiting immigration court hearings should carry copies of papers proving their status.
The new Act, if it allows for deportations based on suspicion or accusations of wrongdoings (ie, arrests or charges) instead of proof in court, should be challenged on Constitutional grounds for violating the 4th and 5th Amendments. These cover everyone who is covered by US law, not just citizens. The only exception is for people not subject to our laws: foreign diplomats.
As you said, Dean, shock and awe is nothing new, The Germans called it blitzkrieg, or "lightning war", Naomi Klein calls it the shock doctrine, which as Randi Rhodes says, "in chaos, one can steal." As Honore de Balzac said, "behind every great fortune is a great crime." Their modus operandi has always been theft through misdirection.
If you bow your head to a tyrant, don't be upset when they cut it off.*
*I'm paraphrasing Hannah Arendt, who was discussing Hitler AND Stalin.
I often quote Hannah as someone I think of as brilliant but often left on the shelf by academics (most of whom are men).
Didn’t know this one. Thank you.
I actually was an "Arendtian scholar" on the back half of my career. I asked my scholarly elders why they ignored her works (I was a politics of ed scholar). Yup, it's the female thing, and in some quarters, I'm sure it was the Jewish thing. *SIGH!*
Then you know Arendt’s history and her complicated relationships with Heidegger—who became a Nazi—and nascent Israel after he musings about the “banality of evil.’ I humbly bow to your expertise.
One last thing. The more I learn about her thinking process, the more I appreciate her. IMO, she was a marvel.
Right. But the affair was when she was 19, and was rather short-lived. She remained loyal to Heidegger, but she was intensely loyal to ALL of her friends (no matter how despicable) who actually survived WWII.
Her point on the "Banality of Evil" (Eichmann in Jerusalem) was that the Israeli prosecutor had portrayed Eichmann as an utter monster, a living breathing demon. She pointed out that he was a rather banal man, whose dentures didn't even fit (she could be catty), but actually DID MONSTROUS things. And THAT was the horror--that rather ordinary people were capable of horrible deeds.
BTW: When I was teaching, I would inflict Eichmann in Jerusalem on my doctoral students in Ed Adm and Policy. Why? Because they were working or going to work in bureaucratic organizations that could shape the lives of children and their families--for good or ill.
Yeah, she could wreak my thinking career, but she'd have a LOT to say about #47, as she did Richard Nixon.
But what CAN and SHOULD we do!!!??? More protests in the streets, until Hegseth calls in the troops? More social media posts that will be drowned out by misinformation Bots? We honestly need a plan for effective resistance, Dean - not just wonderful quotes from MLK.
The first step is being there for each other. From there it's getting more involved in grassroots organizations to expand alliances. Then pressing Democratic officials to be fighters. And prepare for 2025 elections in Va and NJ for Governor as we head into 2026.
Try being liberal in the middle of Trumplandia where the signs never came down and there are no representatives to reach out to that represent any progressive interests. Sure wish we had grassroots orgs in more rural places to turn to. I refuse to cede the countryside to those people who throw trash everywhere, destroy the environment they take for granted and tell me what my future is supposed to be.
Not sure where you live, if you can go on line, there are lots of groups coming together for actions big & small. (& it helps to feel included!)
Try Jess Piper’s Substack for rural support 💫
oh I really liked her when I was still on Twitter, I forgot about her I didn’t know she had a substack thank you so much for the information
It’s just as hard as being progressive surrounded by Dems. We have a shortage of pharmacists because people won’t stop spreading disease because the Dems were told Biden defeated Covid and it doesn’t exist anymore.
I testified in front of a committee in the legislative offices last year and only one other person in the whole entire room was wearing a mask, the matter was important enough for me to take my mask off to publicly speak about my private medical issues, but I can tell you I would show up there a lot more often if the Dems would even acknowledge that they need to not spread disease during flu season. But nah.
They expect the disabled to set ourselves on fire to help keep everyone else warm when they need us to show up, but when I just want to be able to exist in society without being killed off by airborne viruses they act like I’m being ridiculous.
Sorry for your troubles. I am fortunate to live in a small city where most folks where masks in crowded venues during flu season.
Stay safe 💫
I don’t know if you will see this but one of my Democrat state reps was out here fighting for women until trump won and then she was just going to roll over. The piece you wrote about being more like Republicans came to me right after she started giving up, I sent her that piece and someone else’s about obeying in advance. I can’t take credit for pushing her back on track, but YOU should because suddenly she started fighting for women again.
I don’t want to jinx anything, but if it works out for us I’ll be back to tell you exactly how you helped save women
* sorry I mixed that up a bit, it was Dean’s article about not obeying an advance and someone else’s article about Democrats being more like Republicans that made them lose.
True, Dean. We need to participate in every election. We need to support candidates who support what is good for the whole people, not a "dictator on day one." No one who supports MAGA, Project 2025, or suspension of any of our rights should run unopposed. Pay special attention to the election of school board members, sheriffs, Attorneys General, town supervisors and councils, and other local and state offices. If there are only 2 Democrats in a town, at least one should be running for office to be heard. We should be supporting them with media coverage and funding.
First things first: We must do whatever is necessary to make sure future elections are free and fair. 2024 almost certainly was not. While Democrats seem to ignore the work of Stephen Spoonamore and other statistical analysts, and MAGA is going to use it to perfect their techniques.
We need ranked choice voting. I know some of the southern states have made laws that prohibit it, but in the states that it’s not banned we need to push for it.
Excellent points. That also means participating in local election board meetings and supporting groups that defend against poll purges, voter suppression efforts, election disinformation, etc., and supporting the use of proper statistical data in combating these problems. It also means supporting efforts of local media and of other organizations to delve into candidates' histories and fact-check everything they say (which, for example, didn’t happen with George Santos).
We do all that in Florida and it is quashed like yesterday's roaches.
There have been only and a few notable exceptions in Florida. It won't be easy.
If we all work together, we’ll be a bunch of people working together.
I love this. Simple, accurate, and motivating. ❤️
I have buttons of this motto; at work, when someone says something extra collaborative, they get a button. It’s become a symbol of pride.
That's a plan. Thank you, Dean. I'm newly retired so have more time to work for grassroots organizations that will work to save our democracy and protect the rights of women, people of color, and LGBTQ+.
Besides NOT obeying in advance, also play dumb when given an order or directive that is horrible. Cardinal Roncalli of Istanbul issued a slew of "Vatican Passports" to get Jews out of Europe during the Holocaust. This is also at the time the Vatican was turning the Jews of Vatican City over to the Germans (in 1943). Roncalli consistently played dumb, and since the Curia thought he WAS dumb, he was able to save thousands of Jews. He later became Pope John the 23rd. But we do have power to subvert the horror, if we are patient and strategic.
Sandy, I echo your sentiments. The first thing is to be psychologically prepared and not shocked like a deer in the headlights. It seems to me that if we are in a "ready, set, go!" crouch, we'll respond to creative actions that spring from inside us or someone else, spontaneously. It may seem small, but re-stacking and sharing information among this ad hoc group of activists is a vital function of spreading the word and energizing the voice of opposition in myriad, minor ways. It adds up…
RIGHT!! Also support "un-bought" journalists like Dean because the fellating of Fascists is breaking new lows of depravity. (My wife had the Sunday talk shows on--FFS).
I feel the same, Sandy. What can we do? I'm in Florida so writing to legislators goes nowhere. Writing to publications, the same. Even the ever-liberal Tampa Bay Times has bowed to conservative demand. Pretty said and speech-restrictive.
Rather than proffering the false dichotomy between admonition and action, inspirational words and practical implementation, as inferred by devaluing of the exigent power of MLK, Jr.’s words, understand that his rhetoric was symbiotic with his political action, creating a moral circle in which his stentorian speeches and nonviolent, often civilly disobedient, protest actions became both mutually reinforcing and communally galvanizing. We energize and enlarge the power of our actions by refining the meaning of our voiced purpose, and vice-versa.
Feel the same way.
Personally I think in addition to dean’s advice, the lawyers who are versed on human rights and civil liberties who know how to fight everything he’s doing esp the blatant unconstitutional actions, will be a line of defense.
We need to stay connected with each other and astute political pundits who understand and outline actionable items we can execute on to feel empowered.
It’s so easy to feel helpless and hopeless but we must voice are disgust with local officials.
I’m gonna let it burn, I’m going to take care of the people around me who take care of me. I’m going to continue to try to grow food for myself. But I’m done trying to save people from stupid decisions, I’m done trying to convince people that they shouldn’t get Covid because they’ll become disabled and there are no social safety nets. Now they’re really won’t be any social safety nets, and honestly, if that gets people to stop spreading disease out of fear that they won’t be able to survive it, well at least people will stop killing off the medically vulnerable. At least there’s that
“Keep your eye on the donut and not on the hole.” - David Lynch.
I started rewatching Twin Peaks last week as a way to momentarily escape the coming evil, as an attempt to reframe the contradictions of US culture that feed into the need for some men to have complete power over the rest of us. Bob is somehow scarier than Mump - but they are the same. “It’s happening again.”
It's been a long time, but my recollection of Twin Peaks is that it wasn't exactly a place of comfort. Different strokes, I guess.
You know that phrase isn't from David Lynch, right?
No coincidence that the Nazi term "Blitzkrieg " , lightning warfare is interchangeable. A series of quick decisive blows to knockout out an enemy before it can mobilize either militarily or psychologically.
January 20, 2025 will be an eventful day for America.
Tomorrow, we honor and remember Martin Luther King, Jr and his tireless efforts for racial equality and civil rights across the country.
It also is Inauguration Day, when Donald Trump, who seeks to tear down our Constitution and our democracy, will be sworn in as president.
It doesn’t get more antithetical than that. In one breath, we go from “I have a dream” to “I have a scheme.”
I know what I’ll be celebrating and it won’t be about spawning more hate, revenge, and self-aggrandizement. It will be about extolling kindness, tolerance, and our Common Good…among other things.
Yes, I, too, have a dream, as do tens upon tens of millions of Americans. And, we all know that it isn’t an idle ambition. Stay the course.
PS: Consider supporting the ongoing work of civil rights, social justice, and similar organizations. A web search will give listings for entities large and small, national and local. A few of the ones that we support are the American Civil Liberties Union (www.aclu.org), the League of Women Voters (www.lwv.org), and the Southern Poverty Law Center (www.splcenter.org).
Why do you recommend those 3 groups in particular? I'm thinking estate plans here.
I ask myself this question regularly: “What’s mine to do in the world today?” One of my answers is financially supporting organizations that align with our core values: social justice, civil rights, equity, environment, health, critters, plants… It’s basically an amalgam of people who are willing to work together for others and our communities and planet. Our Common Good.
I’m not a social justice lawyer, but we support orgs that are. I’m not a voting rights activist, but we support orgs that are. I’m not a “hate” monitor working to act on the issue, but we support orgs that are.
So, the trio I listed fit into that realm, especially as we enter Trump 2.0, Project 2025, and the stupidity, racism, sexism, and greed that propelled the First Felon back into power.
I donate to the FFRF because they actually file a lawsuit to prevent some of this Christian nationalism from taking hold.
The ACLU isn’t what it used to be. Are they even doing anything?
They are but they are disregarded and underfunded.
I hope that there are thousands of lawyers out there poised to polish off the complaints they have prepared in anticipation of those executive orders, alleging that order X or Y or 98 more are outside the authority of an executive order. Preferably they will be focused on jurisdictions with a Biden appointee as district court judge.
Shock and Awe can be MET with shock and awe as the legal system gums up all his plans. Even if the suits don't SUCCEED, they will keep Bondi busy and spread the DOJ lawyers really, really thin--those that have chosen to remain. If they are assigned to defend the stupider of the orders, they may yet quit.
Great points! Yes, keep them busy!
Thank you Dean. That was a really great post. Today is so hard because it's our last day of Freedom and tomorrow God only knows what will happen
. I, too, will choose to remember Martin tomorrow and put the orange menace out of my mind.
Martin deserves Honoring. The other guy does not. 💔🇺🇸💙
Crash & Burn - TRUMP LEGACY
Not scared. Pissed
Same here!!!
It’s a smash and grab oligarchy.
What I can do seems small but if many of us do it , it could have an impact. STOP shopping. No more Amazon. Just the necessities! Remember after 911 Bush said to Shop?!! Let’s quietly quit.
Yep I’m saving out of spite
Today I purchased some seeds so I can make my own sprouts because our food supply isn’t going to be trustworthy in the coming years, and I can grow those inside so at least I will have those
For the win 🙌🏽
Busch’s Shock and Awe was a flop. More than likely t follow suit.
We fervently hope
Timothy Snyder's Brilliant book On Tyranny is a map of the path America has been going down since the eighties. I read it when I was in H.S. back in the late sixties, and is absolutely Relevant Today. Scary? Yes ! but I'm not going to be silent. I'll speak out, write my comments here, and support all progressive journalist, and anyone who are in this fight for Our Democracy. Thank You, Dean, for all you're doing for us, and will reStack ASAP 🙏💯👍
Trump and his acolytes are apparently planning to wage war with a massive assault - on the American people.
Every person who could conceivably be mistaken for an illegal immigrant, even those of Hispanic descent who can trace their ancestry all the way back to Albuquerque or St. Augustine in the mid 1500s, should carry with them copies of documents proving citizenship and the contact info for an immigration lawyer. Every immigrant here legally or who are awaiting immigration court hearings should carry copies of papers proving their status.
The new Act, if it allows for deportations based on suspicion or accusations of wrongdoings (ie, arrests or charges) instead of proof in court, should be challenged on Constitutional grounds for violating the 4th and 5th Amendments. These cover everyone who is covered by US law, not just citizens. The only exception is for people not subject to our laws: foreign diplomats.
As you said, Dean, shock and awe is nothing new, The Germans called it blitzkrieg, or "lightning war", Naomi Klein calls it the shock doctrine, which as Randi Rhodes says, "in chaos, one can steal." As Honore de Balzac said, "behind every great fortune is a great crime." Their modus operandi has always been theft through misdirection.
The more he threatens, the more pissed off I get, and the more I fight his fat orange ass.
Also, the more he threatens, the more frightened he actually is. He's a bone-deep coward.
Yes! Excellent point.
It's why he is CONSTANTLY screaming about Liz Cheney, Adam Schiff and others. He is TERRIFIED of them.
I'm sorry, but I have to laugh. He's pathetic.
And THAT is his biggest fear: That crowds POINT at him and LAUGH!!
Why though? We’ve seen that nobody can do anything to him, some of them don’t even try