March 25 can’t come soon enough for me. 🤔😉😊

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Didn't Michael Cohen go to jail for this very crime?

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Yup. Because DFG didn't offer any protection to him and even tried to re-jail Cohen again after he became POTUS, Michale has spilled the tea about all kinds of shenanigans DFG & Co. have done. Cohen will testify in two trials against the Trump Org.

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I hold the "media" responsible for DFG's election in 2016. I also hold them responsible for the possible election and DFG's standing in the polls. If the media were to report actual news instead of fishing for clicks we might not have the political mess we're in today.

Our country is dangling by a thread and the media couldn't care one whit about it. The NYT front page frequently posts BS headlines on how DFG is doing while they criticize Biden for being old (3 years between Biden & DFG). If Biden were to have half the memory/gafs that DFG does he would never be off the front page. I get better news reading foreign press! Time to grow a pair American media!

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It would seem that the ‘press’ should realize they would be the first ones to stand against the wall if he is elected. That’s what dictators do, they destroy the free press.

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Journalism is plummeting toward the Earth's molten core, perhaps an attempt to mine it to replace the similar trajectory of it's subscription base.

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The GOP may call it "paying off a porn star," but let's call it what it is: Election Interference, a Trump specialty.

• Pay off Stormy Daniels to avoid affecting '16 election

• Get Zalenskyy to probe Biden to affect '20 election

• Minimize Covid-19 to avoid affecting '20 election

• Call Brad Raffensperger to affect '20 election

• Encourage Jan 6 to affect '20 election

• Discourage Border Bill to affect '24 election

Trump screams ELECTION INTERFERENCE, but he actually performs such actions himself.

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Every accusation is a confession.

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And projection

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The description you gave of election interference is in the tradition of Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and George Bush. If you can’t beat them, cheat them.

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More women voters should be aware of Trump’s assertion that he chooses not to have sexual relations with women who have had children, supreme misogynist that he is. Might explain those photos with Jeffrey Epstein ? And his affinity for younger women, blonde, his “type” he always speaks of is likely virginal. What a sleaze ball. 😖 Wonder where Melania is hanging her hat these days and what her immigration status is? I really don’t get the attraction.

Money, citizenship? Cannot imagine “encounters.” 😖😖😖

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Melania is probably hanging out with the pool boy at her parents home.

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And after this morning's hearing, Dementia J went out and ranted that "even if I'm guilty, there was no crime". He seems terrified. Good.

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I've been thinking about the "hush money" descriptor, and it occurs to me that the term is most likely used because it would attract viewers. Election interference doesn't sell the way hush money does. I'm glad that this case will be going to trial in the foreseeable future. It's way past time, IMO.

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MSM always wants to give important issues easy to remember nicknames. It’s probably because the average reader really isn’t interested in the much more serious facts. The politically motivated “hush money”, in retrospect, probably wouldn’t have moved the needle anyway. By the time the “pussy” tape came out, MAGA and easily duped Republicans had already drank the kool-aid.

The good thing is that his crimes (and they are crimes not infidelities against his wife) are going to be a compounding factor in acerbating his mental illnesses and increasing his well-documented dementia.

We, the sane Americans, need to keep the pressure on as it does appear to be to be wearing him down both physically and mentally. I am expecting some huge cracks will be opening up soon.

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Wise words Sharon! The congenital liar, cheat, criminal, and traitor will eventually struggle desperately in the web of his own deceit until the big spider comes for dinner.

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Glad for this clarification as media has played it down and is really important, as defrauding the American electorate by devious ploys means that his election is fraudulent, therefore illegitimate and

his Supreme Court picks are illegitimate. Not just a Democratic pipe dream, but the true legal narrative. And likely should disqualify him from running again too in those states that would prevent him from the ballot, as would using fake electorates, treason against the government in the espionage indictment, and of course inciting an insurrection, the unlawful peaceful transfer of power, the furtherance of the coup. Also need a coalition peace force for Gaza. Easy Peezy, just do it! Also let's hear it from Biden "It's a great day in America."

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Thank you for the clarity!

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I thought it was so funny that he was complaining that he had to be in court and not on the campaign trail. Maybe you shouldn’t have broken the law you grifter!

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I’m not entirely sure TFG would’ve lost. The Maga crowd wouldn’t have cared if that information came out. He was insulting EVERYONE. A disabled reporter, John McCain, women, gold star families, etc etc.

Nope, with these MAGA’s the cruelty is the point and they revel in it.

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Mafia-like mentality!

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“Hush money” is much *nicer* for delicate ears than “election corruption,” and “classified documents case” is *nicer* than saying “Espionage Act case,” like saying “genitals” is *nicer* for delicate ears than what he actually said.

Maybe if we stopped trying to play *nice,* Trump wouldn’t have ever been an issue? I’m past tired of the pearl-clutching delicate ears that refuse to see the male chauvinist traitorous pig behind those 10 lbs of lipstick the corporate media applies on a daily basis. Eff them all.

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It’s “hush money” in the press because sex sells. Calling it election interference in the press just creates more glazed over looks of “which case is that one?”

Bragg needs to keep calling it loud and clear what it is - election interference and business fraud. Maybe the press will finally get with it, but I’m not holding by breath.

I also hopes the judge only refers to potential and picked jurors by number, not name, for their safety.

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Trump thought he had the U.S. by the balls, right?

But now the U.S. has him, by the balls.

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Thank you for your great work, Dean!

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