YES! Not to mention the psychological trauma the illegitimate president has caused to his targeted minorities (Muslims-Jews, Mexicans, Chinese Blacks, Women, Gays and Transgender.)

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Thank you Dean!! I am a mom of young girls who have less rights. They will have to jump through greater hoops to vote. If one is LGBT+ then there will laws to harm them. He CRIMED against US!! And I'm tired of the media living in the dumb "if it isn't murder on 5th Ave" universe, when it comes to his criminality. He crimes. He gets charged. He gets his day in court. We need to stop deifying our leaders. It's silly and leads to wreckless rich people.

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Many good points in this column, but you somehow omitted to list the most important and intimately relevant consequence of the election of DJT. His criminal and negligent mismanagement of the COVID-19 pandemic not only contributed to the dysfunctional polarization of the country, and a culture of blatant disregard of truth and science, but also maybe as many as 500,000 American deaths that could have been avoided by wise leadership.

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Unfortunately, while narcissistic abuse should be considered a crime, it has been rarely understood, not fully grasped or poorly qualified and quantified by the police, Justice Departments, the courts and in our politics, which is why the number of victims has steadily grown.

On the bright side, one of the few pluses of trump is he increased some awareness of our societal failing in psychology, but far too many are still in the dark and have poor defenses against how our country's openness, rights and protections have been abused by malignant narcissists like trump and many others in what used to be known as the Republican Party.

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