Trump welcoming the “J6 Awards Gala” to his country club is what treason looks like!
Treasonous Trump!
Donald Trump’s idea of being patriotic is not about supporting the United States. It’s about supporting those who help him. That’s why Trump has long praised and defended the Jan 6 terrorists who were helping him attempt to remain in power despite losing the 2020 election.
Now Trump is taking this support to a new level by welcoming to his exclusive country club in New Jersey an awards show called the “J6 Awards Gala” created to honor those who attacked the Capitol—including those who brutally beat police officers.
This is akin to Osama Bin Laden holding an awards event four years after 9/11 to honor those who waged that terrorist attack. And it’s just as vile and anti-American.
The website for this Sept. 5 event--organized by the Stand in the Gap Foundation--boasts that Trump has been invited to speak—although reports are he’s not expected to attend. But the event website notes other visible Trump allies will be speaking including Rudy Guiliani and former advisor Peter Navarro—who was released in July from prison after serving three months for refusing to comply with the House Jan 6 committee’s investigation.
It's no surprise that this event is being held at one of Trump’s marquee properties given his track record. The GOP’s 2024 presidential nominee has hailed the attackers as “patriots” and vowed to pardon those convicted of crimes— including those “who assaulted officers.” And last year—to little media attention--he spoke at a fundraiser at this very Trump golf course in support of the Jan 6 insurrectionists.
Trump has even kicked off campaign rallies with an announcer asking the crowd to “please rise for the horribly and unfairly treated January 6 hostages” followed by a recording of the national anthem performed by people incarcerated in connection with the attack. Indeed, it’s these Jan 6 prisoners who sang that song--which Trump lent his voice to--who will be honored at the upcoming event at Trump’s golf course.
As the organizers explain on their website, “the J6 Awards Gala… will honor and celebrate the twenty defendants who contributed to the powerful "Justice For All" song.” The event description continues, “we gather to pay tribute not only to these individuals but to all J6 defendants who have shown incredible courage and sacrifice.”
Yes--as blood boiling as this sounds to any patriotic American—this event will honor the “courage and sacrifice” of those who waged the Jan 6 attack on Trump’s behalf. Given we know per a Washington Post report in May 2023 the identity of some who sang the "Justice For All" song,” that means the gala will celebrate those who have been convicted or pled guilty to assaulting police officers.
They include Ryan Nichols who travelled—with a co-defendant--from Texas to be at the Capitol on Jan. 6 “based on their belief that the 2020 presidential election was fraudulent”--per the Department of Justice. During the heart of the Jan. 6 attack as officers were trying to hold the Capitol, Nichols—who was wearing body armor—"delivered two streams” of pepper spray “hitting multiple law enforcement officers.” Nichols also urged his fellow attackers to enter the Capitol—which he did, declaring, “This is not a peaceful protest,” and “If you have a weapon, you need to get your weapon!” In May, Nichols plead guilty to two felonies, including assaulting law enforcement officers and was sentenced to more than five years in prison.
Another person identified as singing the "Justice For All" song” is Shane Jenkins—who posted on social media before he travelled from Texas to the Capitol, "I honestly wish we could drag ole Chuck Nancy and killary out and give em what for" and "I sent him the pic, and I have some sog tomahawks and tactical blades can I take those?"
As the DOJ detailed, Jenkins brought with him from Texas a “Sog" brand metal tomahawk axe that he took from his bag during the siege and used it to break windows. He then “riled up the crowd, telling other rioters, "Bro, we're going in that f— building one way or another" and "We paid for it; it's our f— building.’"
Worse, a short time later, Jenkins “grabbed one of the riot shields the other rioters had stolen from officers and carried it with him as he climbed the steps leading to the Tunnel.” From there, “Jenkins hurled nine different objects at the officers,” including a solid wooden desk drawer, a flagpole, and a metal walking stick. Jenkins was convicted of seven felonies, including assaulting law enforcement with a deadly or dangerous weapon, and sentenced to seven year in prison.
Others identified as the singers of the J6 song include Julian Khater, who pled guilty to “assaulting law enforcement officers with pepper spray, causing bodily injury to the officers.” One of those Khater sprayed with this toxic spray was Officer Brian Sicknick, who died the day after the Trump inspired attack.
In addition, the organizer of this J6 awards ceremony is Sarah McAbee, the wife of Ronald Colton McAbee, a former sheriff’s deputy who was sentenced to nearly six years in prison for assaulting police officers on Jan. 6. As DOJ detailed, McAbee despicably held down another police officer who had been “knocked to the ground, kicked, and stripped of his baton by other rioters” enabling the crowd to viciously beat him. As a result, “the officer sustained physical injuries, including a head laceration, concussion, elbow injury, bruising, and bodily abrasions.”
These are just some of the Jan 6 attackers expected to be honored at Trump National Golf Club in New Jersey. Interestingly, the country club’s website explains that for large events like weddings or galas, organizers need to contact the club management to utilize a “membership sponsored program.” Did Trump sponsor this event? Did he waive this requirement? It’s unclear but one thing is certain: Trump has not denounced the event, called for it be canceled or demanded his photo be removed for the website promoting the “J6 Awards Gala.”
At this point, even if Trump were pressured and ultimately denounced the J6 awards gala, it would ring hollow given his record of praising and defending the attackers. These are Trump’s people and Jan 6 was his attack. As the House Jan 6 committee’s final report summed up well, “the central cause of January 6th was one man, former President Donald Trump, whom many others followed,” adding, “None of the events of January 6th would have happened without him.”
Trump holding a gala to honor these terrorists perfectly sums up Trump and his MAGA movement. It’s also a reminder of how dangerous Trump is to our nation, our freedoms and our Republic. This traitor can never, ever be allowed to step foot in the White House again!
I wish I had something productive to add here. I don't. Every single J6 conspirator, participant, and supporter are a clear and present danger to America. This needs to be ended. For good.
Any chance more charges come his way because of this?