I wish I had something productive to add here. I don't. Every single J6 conspirator, participant, and supporter are a clear and present danger to America. This needs to be ended. For good.

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Today Donald Trump proposed a one-year jail term for anyone burning the flag. When asked to explain his upcoming J6 Awards Gala, Donald clarified:

"If you burn the flag, you go to jail. If you stage a coup so I don't go to jail, you get an award."

If they go through with a J6 Awards Gala, it will be the END of the GOP. If they let Trump go ahead with this, we need to pour it on full force for the next 10 weeks and SWEEP this election!

Harris landslide is imminent. I've gotten so many high-fives wearing this Kamala removes orange stains shirt 👇


Can't wait to have a woman President!

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Give all the J6 convicts a day pass, provide all transportation to Bedminster, and let the CPF know where and when to go. What's sauce for the goose...

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I wish all those fuckers got double digit year sentences. They're lucky if it was only 4-5.

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Yes. Especially the felon who made threats to public officials. He is a threat to the country.

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Any chance more charges come his way because of this?

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shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the

same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. seems like trump is thumbing his nose at the constitution. (while out on bail!) not just giving aid and comfort , but throwing a GALA and giving out AWARDS ! WTAF ?! revoke his bail and lock him up !

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He’s admitting to his crimes. That should make Jack Smith’s job easier.

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he is normalizing absurdities and supporting atrocities. (hitlers playbook). it is being allowed to go on unchecked ,because the oligarchs that have captured our government , that has allowed them to own and control the media and internet want to create chaos. in chaos they can exploit and steal.

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Is there no Bottom? Is there nothing off Limits? If trump's js on this Earth, who's running Hell?!!! Holy Smokes, Dean?! Despicable..! Thanks for this "Shocker"!!!👈💙🇺🇸

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It’s like having a Gala for Osama Bin Laden, Epstein, Hitler, McVey, Putin, MBS, every mass murderer….the list of humans doing heinous, unspeakable acts…an endless list. Any news outlet, network, publication that reports on this, attends, will be 100% complicit in showing their bias towards DJT, a convicted felon, a sexual predator, traitor to the United States selling (yet to be revealed thanks to Cannon and SCOTUS6) classified secrets to dictators.

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Let them report on it. The American people need to know what he’s doing before going to the polls.

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Send these enemy bastards to gitmo!

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This is disguising&disgraceful

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Pretty sure That’s their Whole Platform! Disgusting & Disgraceful

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How many Republicans, House and Senate, Governors, state legislators, law enforcement, military, will attend? JFKJr? Tulsi Gabbert?

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Felons aren’t allowed to commiserate with other criminals

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I wonder if their parole officers will be there.

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Wonder who gets the money from this event?

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I’m going out on limb but I’d guess tfg because it’s being held at his “club”! Just an absolutely disgusting person!!🙄🙄🤦🏼‍♀️

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The orange shitgibbon conman grifter does.

Just another con from the epitome of a conman/groper, oops, I mean grifter.

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Marguerite, I wish you could find a different animal to describe trump - Gibbons are beautiful animals… And BTW you clearly meant what you said before the correction, IMO. :-)

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You’re right, I should have said chimpanzee. I googled it. :)

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Much better choice, IMO! Thank you.

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Three guesses. Tfg, tfg, or tfg.

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They'll need to hire more SS on our dime if he shows. And we'll be stuck paying for their hotel charges too, which are just a tad more than government per diem.

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And I thought A Felon isn't allowed to hang out with other felons while their in probation ....how the F can this be legal ????

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The key word here is hang

They need to make chain gangs again for him and his fellow and female seditionist.

Anyone remember the song “workin’ on a chain gang”?

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How is this even legal? Especially if The Old Felon DOES show up?

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And I bet , Martha Anne and Ginny will be there or at least pay for the sponsorship if this convention . ...and shut won't happen to them ....this is treason .....a president having a party for terrorists that tried to overtake our Electrol vote certification . The FBI should show up and arrest them all ... .isn't this espionage ???

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It certainly seems like conspiracy.

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Not mentioned is what is being charged to attend: "Tickets to the gala range from $2,500 for general admission to $50,000 for a VIP Platinum table for 12 guests. " There is just no end to the hubris of Trump and his merchandising. And apparently to those gullible folks who bought into Trump University or golden sneakers. A two-bit chiseler whose main asset in the past "his name," is eroding fast.

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Thanks, Dean, for digging up the dirt for me. I cannot believe the details. I hope someone can stomach going undercover and attending this in person. Has Rudy quit drinking? If not, his appearance could be memorable, to say the least.

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I wonder if trump will charge him to attend?

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