But I WILL equate trump to Hitler ! He is Hitler reincarnate. Is there anyone who doubts that his round up and camp incarceration of illegals, etc … will get so crowded and complicated that he will finally throw in with the “ovens solution” (responsibility for this suggestion goes to trump ‘s two Gestapo thugs ; Stephen Miller and Steve Bannon). Not far fetched idea here considering everything else trump has said or done that we could previously not have imagined. trump has a final solution also

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I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who thinks this.

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I remember when trump was elected, I saw immediate comparisons to Hitler ; I read a lot, and know my history. Everyone said I was over reacting ; no one would dare call him a “wanna be dictator”, let alone the things that many so freely say now. No one called his lies just that, LIES. They used (MSM) terms like “hyperbole, untruths”, and any other euphemism other than the reality ; LIES. They hinted at calling him authoritarian, but God forbid, not “dictator” , and certainly not a “Hitler”, and leader of a neo-Nazi party (MAGA). NOW the realization is upon us all ! Too late ?

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I am no where near as well read as you, but 20/20 hindsight says you are right. I sure hope we are not too late!

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Trump was making his kleptocratic proclivities known, very early-on, many of us Americans naively thought he would get better; instead he just kept doubling down, on his wannabe fascist dictator desires. Trump, and his head coach, Vladimir Putin, now have all of the GOP & most of the nation's very wealthy rowing in the same fascist direction. What many naive voters don't understand about Trump is, like his political mentor, Putin, in reality, they both hate America and both wish to inflict as much damage as possible. The really big prize they are after is to destroy the rule of law, destroy honest elections, destroy the press, destroy the Constitution and destroy the very essence of democracy. Biden should give Ukraine all the support they need, in the hopes it will mean an end to Putin's sadistic, corrupt reign of terror and the subversive criminal activity he spreads all over the free world.

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I was, too. I called him Twitler, Mango Mussolini, the Orange Caligula, & many more, & compared him to Hitler all the time, & the MAGA GOP to the Nazis, pointing out he kept a book of Hitler's speeches at his bedside, noting the resemblance of his speeches to Hitler's.

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I was born in 1940, so I saw a lot of what Hitler did. I’ve been saying that tfg is a ‘Hitler wannabe’ since he first took office. I remember the Nuremberg trials, and the atrocities that were brought as evidence against the SS, it turns my stomach to this day. It would not surprise me if tfg would try the same methods if he happened to be reelected (God forbid).

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Rest assured, he will !

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Terribly frightening that Trump’s speeches now invoke the Gestapo. My grandparents were rounded up in Berlin and sent to two camps before being transported to Chelmno gas camp. In 1942, Isaac and Martha Birken were gassed in a van, along with 9 others. And for what? Because one man turned the country inside out y of his complexes. Trump, with the help of his sycophants, wants to play “dress up”. Their ideas are atrocious so please PAY ATTENTION!

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😢 My heart aches for all the lives tossed away to satisfy a sick sick Hater. Millions. It isn’t just the Killing of our love ones or any Human. It is also the unimaginable torture they were put through. May God help us through this. 🇺🇸🙏🏻⚖️

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Actually, probability suggests there were many more like you, me for example. However, based upon my experiences most were given the Cassandra treatment like you and I both encountered.

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Add Jaime to the list. I responded before seeing Mr. Ramirez’s response above.

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Fascist dictators like Putin and Trump always devolve to the lowest common denominator.

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We have not yet seen the bottom of the sewer that trump exists in.

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Not yet, but when we finally do I bet we'll find the Supreme Court majority there.

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If it's not the full majority, the bottom of Trump's Sewer will certainly house Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, and Brett Kavanaugh, along with District Court Judge Aileen Cannon.

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Along with all his vile and vulgar or fully demented maga rat ba**ards.

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Why should anyone familiar with Trump's policies hesitate to equate him to Hitler?

Please remember that beginning in 2017, Part of President Donald Trump’s hallmark “zero tolerance” initiative, the administration’s family separation policy formalized the separation of children from parents as a deliberately cruel measure to attempt to deter future migrants. Internal investigations later found that the agencies implementing the “zero tolerance” initiatives did not adequately plan for tracking and reuniting separated family members, leaving hundreds of children still separated from their parents years after the policy formally came to an end.

(My reaction to this practice when I heard about it was to burst into tears, unable to think of any government other than Hitler's Nazi regime, that had coldly and deliberately enforced such a cruel, inhumane, and barbaric policy. They did not so much as give parents the equivalent of an airline luggage receipt, or a coat check tag!)

American Oversight launched an investigation into the policy’s origins and implementation, and to date has filed more than 120 public records requests to state and federal government agencies to shed light on this dark period in American history.

To my knowledge, many families have NEVER been reunited.

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We should resoundingly call trump out for what he is ; a white nationalist fascist in the exact mold of Hitler ; hie Nazi party being the MAGA cult movement. The Republican party can drop the pretense of being that, and just accept that they are now in reality, the MAGA party. trump surrounds himself with ideological sycophants such as Stephen Miller, Steve Bannon, Sebastian Gorka, Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Kash Parel, Michael Flynn (I’ll not give him the respect of recognizing his title of General), and so many other reprobates. He has a group no less twisted than the Nazis around Hitler. They advocate for policies no different than Hitler’s. If he remotely thought he could get away with it, I have no doubt that he would institute ovens for the elimination of Hispanic immigrants. THAT is how confident I am that trump is just a modern reincarnation of Hitler.

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There was a decorated General following Hitler in his Munich Beer Hall putsch: as the Bullet‘s started to fly Erich Ludendorff noted with disgust how Hitler broke ranks and fled for cover.. this was the end of Ludendorff‘s support for the coward! Trump‘s supporters seem to have no problems with any of von Schitzinpanz‘ behavior!

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As I wrote before and crazy substack put it in wrong location. Could it be my fault? 🙃

Sorry for piggybacking here but I have a question that would like others opinions.

Metaphorically, imagine an ostrich with its head in the sand. Now imagine that there is danger to the other ostriches and that this ostrich helped create this danger. Doesn’t this ostrich have a moral responsibility to pull his head out of the sand and warn the other ostriches.

Elements of Danger:

1. Who appointed the current Yahoo who is chief Justice of SCROTUS? George W

2. Who appointed the justice who is obviously corrupt? W’s dad

3. Who started a bogus war with phoney information? George W

4. Who helped corrupt SCROTUS by stopping an election count? George W

5. Who helped add to power of corrupt billionaire with bid tax cuts? George W

Who has their head in the sand pretending to be an artist? George W

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Sorry, I do not use google drive. I neither like nor trust google. The only good thing I liked about google was their chief of decision science and her embrace of Bayesian analysis. Dr. Cassie Kozyrkov has since moved on to form for own company.

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After his decades of lies, frauds, tricks, deceptions and crimes, you would think that a rational person would be suspicious when he speaks. Instead the "formerly skeptical" Press reports his deceptions as legit. See the Time magazine interview and half-hearted analysis this week. Trump's stupidity and lies were masked by Time's attempt to string together some coherence of his disgusting madness.

When Donald says anything, we must filter it through the Roy Cohn/Roger Stone playbook. There is, without a doubt, one or more tricks in the mix of fact and fiction in any of his claims/stories. What is the real message behind the words? What is his immediate goal? Try to think like Roger Stone. Winning is everything. No rules, no laws, no limits. The ends justify the means.

For a recent example of his deception: Could it be that the immunity petition of the Supreme Court has nothing to do with the Presidency at all? American Presidents have done their jobs (well or not) for 247 years without a SCOTUS dispensation for criminal behavior. Could it be that the primary purpose of the petition is to avoid prosecution for his Jan 6 attempted theft of the Executive Branch? Yet, the questions of some of the Justices, and their delay, to his benefit, indicate they have been gulled. (Not that they would ever admit it.)

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We know that Paul Manaford, Trump's 2016 campaign manager, was feeding polling data to Russian mobster Konstantine Kalimnik, who was in turn feeding the information to the FSB, Russia's clandestine spy agency & the central hub for Putin's election subversion projects. Manaford the campaign manager of the 2016 Trump campaign was a Russian spy and if Russian/MAGA operatives were not so infiltrated into our DOJ, Judiciary and Congress he would spend whatever time he has left on a strict diet of bread and water.

Donald Trump & co., Vladimir Putin, the GOP and Fox News have fraudulently tricked half the country into supporting their RICO & audacious criminal enterprise. The billionaires involved with this fascist love fest movement need a round house kick in their treasonous assets. They need extremely punitive taxation.

1/3 of the Supreme Court was installed by an illegitimate, Russian asset president, they need to be removed. Roberts dismantled reconstruction for the second time, he Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito need to find a fascist country more to their liking and move there, instead of trying to cram their right wing, indoctrinated anti-democratic Christofascist corporate lunacy down the throats of democracy friendly Americans. They should take Leonard Leo, the Heritage Foundation and the whole radical right wing Russian spy/treasonous billionaire network with them.

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Spot on. You broke the code, Richard. Corruption, as in rotting corpse filth, permeates the government and the corporate news media. Will the majority of the citizens reach the tipping point of Disgust? 147 formerly honorable congress members sold their soul to the conman. At least 3 Supreme Court Justices have been conned or bought. Who's next?

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Something like half of the American people have broken the code, the question will be, will enough of the corrupt and brainwashed, captured by Russia and the GOP, break the code to send his corrupt ass packing. The fact that our judicial system has not, so far, been able to expedite Trump's trials and expose his criminal activity, publicly, is a miscarriage of justice being perpetrated by a Russian asset-GOP so corrupt they endanger the survival of the nation.

Putin and his FSB spy service have to be besides themselves with all the corrupt joy that Putin's murdering terrorist regime is capable of feeling, for all the dysfunction he covertly visited upon the US.

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Time to call out out MAGA for who and what they are. They are a terrorist cult.

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we heard from Ivana (one of trumps wives whom he buried on his golf course for tax purposes) that trump kept a book of Hitler speeches in his nightstand drawer while they were married. i dont think it's far fetched to say that trump is acting like hitler . He is emulating the Tyrants he dreams to be like.

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Tax purposes? Or is he hiding top secret documents in there? 🤔

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are those mutually exclusive ? trump is a grifter. there is no bottom with this con man. remember the painting he had done of himself (using money he scammed from his charity) and he then went on to put it up for auction as the very last thing to be auctioned so that he could then use more money he scammed from his charity to bid the highest price paid for all other items (when nobody else even bid on it) . then he took the painting and hung it up at his golf course ? and then he charged the charity storage fees ? instead of doing prison time - he was only denied the chance to run another scam on charities. and since it was found that his family was also scamming charities, they were also denied the opportunity to run a charity. we know that this is just a tiny example of hair fuhrers crimes . this isnt an accident this is his M.O everything trump touches dies (after he sucks every drop of blood out of it and scams/sues everyone involved).

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I never knew the gory details of the charity rip-off! I hate him even more now, and I didn’t think it was possible!

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The ultra rich who attended Saturday's GOP donor event and those like them are the power behind the throne. They really don't give a fig about #45, any other psychotic moron would do just as well. Watch very carefully who is chosen as the GOP VP candidate.

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I am developing a very cynical opinion about what is transpiring in American politics and governance:

The folks attending the TFG seances are interested in electing him only because they have a shot at gaining control of American government. Once elected, they will put TFG on ice because of his dementia and become their puppet similar to how Reagan became a puppet for the then moneyed interests that backed him. They succeeded in getting Reagan to pass massive tax cuts, gut the middle class through neoliberalism, and eliminate governmental oversight by nullifying EPA rules, not pursuing antitrust monopolies, and declaring corporations were people and that money is their speech. Those processes will continue if TFG is reelected.

Project 2025 will work without TFG. His VP will continue whatever programs FEDSOC and the Koch led oligarchs want to see happen. None of those folk care about what form of government is in place or that the Constitution is still alive as long as they control whatever form of governance is there.

Everything else concerning TFG are distractions. He will be convicted, or not, based on delay tactics and corruption in the Federal legal system and SCOTUS.

I’m concerned the American people will not wake up in time to stop these things.

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So, a whole lot of rich shitbirds donated a minimum of $40K each to his legal defense fund aka the RNC, then paid how much directly to him to stay in bedbug infested rooms and eat shitty overpriced food? What is wrong with these people? Do they really think that if they put this dementia riddled narcissist back in the WH that when he's done robbing us and putting us in prison that he won't come after them? He think's he's Putin, he'll demand tribute from each and every one of them or they will start falling out of 6th floor windows and drinking poison tea.

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I think 5th floor windows would work as well as 6th floor windows…otherwise, I agree with your comments. What Trump has gotten away with! I never thought people in this country could be so easily conned.

i hope Trump does spend time in jail for contempt. If I behaved as he has, I know I would be in jail; ANY ONE OF US would be! And why is it considered such a BIG deal to take that step?

Spirow Agnew was Vice President, yet whisked off to jail, after being convicted of tax fraud. No one hardly took note, to my recollection.

And getting back to Trump: I’d make it a regular Riker’s Island cell. Starting on a Friday, after court; maybe start out the day by outfitting him in his orange jumpsuit. He thinks he would like it? I’m thinking three nights—or maybe a 10 day stint—would change his mind.

But even more satisfying will be a conviction with serious jail time. It’s what he has earned.

NO ONE has taken him to task legally, for his policy of separating infants and children of migrants from their parents—It’s hard to imagine what that must be like for those parents. What about his mis-handling of the COVID-19 pandemic? And the roughly half a million Americans who died, most of them who could be alive today, if he hadn’t been so inept? That’s just for starters. Personally, I wonder how many people read his daily alarming Twitter message. No doubt he spent more time thinking up ways to alarm people who care about others, than he spent on matters of policy.

Oh, while I’m ranting—have any of you forgotten that for whatever reason, he’s sounding more and more demented? Even during the day, not just during evening rallies. Trump keeps calling Judge Merchan “conflicted.” That’s NOT normal English. On mental health grounds, ALONE, he isn’t fit to hold ANY public office.

If he were handing out nicknames—I know he loves doing that—and he was handing out a nickname for himself, it would have to be:

“demented Donnie,” or, else, “Donnie Demento!”

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Trump will need to stroke his own ego by being more autocratic & brutal than Putin. It's the nature of the beast.

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While Trump’s Gestapo comments are despicable, I think you overlooked Trump’s constant projecting his own desires onto others.

The real message is “I want to have my own Gestapo.” After all how does he plan to round up, put into concentration camps, and deport the 11,000,000 immigrants he has announced his intention to do?

Has anyone considered the economic impact this would have aside from its impact on our image. We would have to take down the Statue of Liberty and drop it in the Atlantic Ocean.

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If Trump did his deportation thing the economy would crash, but Republicans don't mind that, as long as only the little people suffer.

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Biden economy up/8X more jobs than 3 GOP admins, & crime down vs Trump depraved criminality, carnage & dystopia:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2RK2B5YE5M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCeuWpU-Jv4

Why are convicted felons, disbarred attorneys, & fraudster accountants the only (not under oath) witnesses for Trump? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGkjsruWVvw

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Yet the American public, according to polls, overwhelmingly think Trump was better on crime & the economy. If the electorate is so ignorant about what's happening, how can we expect them to make a wise choice at the voting booth?

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Good question.

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Oh my god! That Meidas touch report on those auditors is mind blowing!?!

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How is one genocide measured against another? What are the units of measurement?

Beware of the scales of the Egyptian God Horus.

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Trumps malevolence is so obvious ,his intent so salient that I wonder how’one man,one vote’ has become part of our DNA…

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I was too cryptic in my post. I had originally quoted part of the author’s post and musing how we can deplore the holocaust yet—as many seem to do—be obdurate to the suffering in Gaza. Which sufferings in the world grieve us as we raise our flags of righteousness while stepping over the bodies of others.

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I'm finding far more sympathy towards Gazans than just about any other persecuted group, including Kurds, Uyghurs, Chechens, Rohingya, Sudanese, even Ukrainians, who are fighting for their survival in the most critical conflict since WWII.

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I know. In a different post above you ask how we can expect the electorate to make a wide choice. Simple, I have no expectations of individuals and certainly not electorates—masses of people.

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Neither do I. Far more often than not, they make poor choices.

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PS. My original post was somehow devoured by a Substack black hole.

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Everything he accuses his enemies is what he is guilty of

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I wouldn't put it past tRump to be as bad as Hitler, given the fact that there is no low point to his behavior. Whatever horrible thing he says or does, he always has something worse in store for us. I have second hand knowledge of the pain of the holocaust, because my father lost 39 members of his family to it. So when I hear about rounding up immigrants and putting them in detention camps, it's hard not to think about what Hitler did to the Jews. Ditto for the way tRump treats Muslims. It just occurred to me that if tRump got his way, and the whole country was people just like him, he would hate it, because there would be too much competition for all the spoils of scamming.

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I’m currently reading “How Democracies Die” and it’s scaring the shit out of me. There are many references to dying democracies in other countries throughout history. I doubt Trump has read any historical accounts of the steps to take to destroy our democracy, but he has plenty of help from people around him who tell him what to say. One thing that struck me the most is for democracy to remain, candidates and parties need to be able to lose. Trump will never admit to losing.

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I thought Biden was using gazpacho tactics. Hey, it’s Cinco de Mayo, after all… 🤔😉😊

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You should equate Trump with Hitler. It may be an earlier stage of Hitler before he had the chance to murder so many people, but Trump is getting there. If he has a chance to murder his opponents with impunity, which is part of what his call for presidential immunity is about, don't you think he will?

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MAGA didn’t just surface with Trump, and they will be here long after trump. The Republican Party has always played around with fascism, authoritarianism, racism, extremism, and every ism you can imagine to get the evangelical community. Trump saw it and capitalized on, he let the fleas out of the jar.

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