I heard about this last night and it absolutely insane! It’s also complete BS…meant to cause confusion and fear! Attorneys should hopefully be moving on like business as usual!

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We have a rogue regime in the executive branch. I am not a lawyer, but it seems this would be eligible for some sort of legal relief. But, the larger issue is that we have a Constitution which was neutralized in just 7 weeks... If we survive it, we need a Constitution with real teeth in it and a mechanism for removing an entire regime.

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The Imperial Presidency must also be repudiated.

Too much power concentrated in the person of a single individual is a BIG PROBLEM when this individual goes rogue as Trump & stooges have.

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But it's really the business of the other branches to OPPOSE this deleting of their rightful powers - the fact they are just bowing down & accepting this is beyond ridiculous - don't they realize what they are doing to the structure of this country - everybody knows they would NOT accept this from the Democrats !!!

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We tried two times to impeach him and both times the Mitch McConnell led Senate refused to do their part. Now they’re scared to death they’ll be primaried by Musk. Money in politics needs to be addressed if we ever get this Tar Baby out of the White House!

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Mitch McConnell should rot in hell twice — thrice: two times for blocking Trumps impeachment and another for blocking Garland from the Supreme Court. Because of that we have the horrible presidential immunity ruling.

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We can make laws correcting the immunity ruling, and other much needed corrections, but we need a Dem majority and President. Dems candidates need to visit eith the Dem voters we lost in previously Biden blue areas and nearby red areas to listen to what they need and want. You figure out how to accomplish those things, then there's your message and way forward. Keep doing it and be deeply prepared for '28. In '24, people needed economic relief for things the president couldn't change: the price of housing and groceries. Trump took advantage of these folks' needs and lied to them. Also, an appreciable number of voters stupidly felt since neither candidate seemed like they were going to help them, they didn't bother voting despite unavoidably hearing about project 2025 and knowing how damaging it could be to them and our entire country - making them even worse off. So, now that we're all having to live through a demonstration of what trump and republicans do when given power, I hope that the betrayed magas, the people who thought they didn't need to vote because "it won't really happen", the people who voted for third party candidates, and anyone else who couldn't comprehend why getting another trump nightmare, will have experienced enough trump-abuse to know to vote for whoever the Democratic candidate is like their life depends on it. Without fail, the rest of their lives. It feels like the cretins in Congress are passing laws not for the range of needs throughout the country, but whatever they want themselves. If non maga people are able to live with those limitations, it's just a fortuitous accident. I can't help thinking trump's electoral comeuppance is going to dawn starting with the midterms and continuing on in the 2028 Presidential election - which I'll bet he runs for again. I know we're going to come through this, the repair will be expensive, though. There should be enough to prosecute trump and musk for long jail terms and lots if large financial penalties.

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How can we “not allow this to happen.” Please tell me (us) what we can do about this?

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I'd also be very interested in that, as well, Michelle.

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Again, it’s Trump punishing people for his own incompetence. Trump U, Trump

Charities, 34 felonies, the Carroll sexual assault … Trump lurches from idiocy to lunacy, and then blames others for having arrived.

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Wow, this is quite frightening! I hope there is some way to fix this situation. It's all Steven Miller's wet dream.

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Total immunity decision from the SC, remember? Shame on these bastards!! SHAME! 😡😡

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I assume these firms will fight back against this outrageous abuse of power. Also, a letter was written to the Georgetown law dean saying they will not hire students due to DEI teachings??? I hope they sue, sue, sue, fast fast fast!!!

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I'm sure they will. No school can afford for their grads not to have job opportunities. It'll put them out if business. They can teach whatever they want as long as there's not a law against it, which there isn't a law against "teaching DEI".

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Manchurian candidates, Russian agents, historically shameful & depraved...Trump, Musk & MAGA, in their vision of gangster government & kleptocracy, believe that democracy is for sale & that they've bought control of the US government...that Trump, Musk & their MAGA oligarchs can act with impunity. Threats of retribution & prosecution for those who would uphold the rule of law are intended to silence opposition & compel obedience in advance.

Who has seized control of ~20% of federal payment & employment control systems with his illegal hackers? Musk with tens of billions in government contracts & companies that paid zero taxes...who has promised pain for the middle class & needy while he enriches techno kleptacrats like himself & other uber wealthy authoritarians.

The battles for democracy & the rule of law will require resilient resistance…


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Two X spaceship crashes in two months—DEI must be to blame.

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O. M. Fuck'n. God!

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Trump thinks his corrupt SCOTUS gave him immunity. Trump thinks the voters gave him a mandate to engage in his campaign of vengeance. He's wrong on both counts. And sooner or later he is going to fuck with the wrong law firm, the wrong agency, the wrong Republican sacred cow, and his own party will force him out just like they forced Nixon out in 1974. Why couldn't they? Vance is just as much of a vindictive right wing motherf'ker but comes with much less baggage.

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Back during Nixon's attempt at dictatorship, eventually, the republican party rose to the occasion and saw what Dems saw. This time around, the republican legislators are intimidated sycophants who wouldn't raise a hand or sound an alarm for constituents. But, there's going to be some slip-up where more than one segment of the population realizes it and they're tired of taking it. That time is approaching with paychecks, government payments and benefits that should've been paid except for a royal screw up with them. Then there will be a personal issue on fire with thousands of Americans all at once. Clean up on aisles 1 through 10, simultaneously. I'm waiting to see if my SS check comes on time. If it doesn't, my republican Congress person and Senators will hear it from loads of their not-so-happy other constituents about VA, Medicaid, or Medicare, SSI, etc. Their bats will come home to roost.

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I hope you're right. I, too, am holding my breath on my next Social Security payment. Worried about the Medicaid cuts too. I don't have full Medicaid bc I make too much money (My SS is $45 a month too high) 🙄 but they do pay my Medicare premiums. Thankful for my part-time job. But won't be able to survive on that if I lose benefits.

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Are the firms fighting back!??? I sure hope so!!

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They will. They can't afford not to reclaim their preeminence in those specialty areas with clients.

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Notice this sort of shit is ALWAYS from the Republican side ???? They are such nasty pieces of work , nothing is beyond them or not doable because it's illegal or out of bounds for moral reasons - there is NO morality anywhere in the Republican party !!!!

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Is Vance a parrot, yes man? Repeating whatever makes trumplethinskin feel good? He certainly knows what happened on January 6 and the threat to Pence. Vance did attend Yale Law school. Typically vp’s don’t have much to do, except as a sounding board. We know all that we’re hearing and seeing is personal vendetta—vengeance. He’s not rational and he inherited his father’s dementia. He has other health issues we were never apprised of because he never had released his records ( of any kind for that matter). He’s 78 and he might not finish this term courtesy of Mother Nature 🤞.

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Exactly right vcragain!

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So basically, after removing competent people in the Federal administration and replacing then by incompetent but loyal stupid cows, after putting in place more brown-nosed-ass-licking disciples as his cabinet members, after suing media to eliminate any dissent, there they go against law firms—Project 2025 anyone?

I just cannot understand, let alone stand, how the presidential prerogatives of the pungent excrement can enable him to shut his opponents—sorry: ENNEMIES—down like that, and I feel as an individual pretty useless.

That is why I’ve put together a PDF showing with EVIDENCE how they RIGGED THE ELECTION and how they are able to rig any further one. Which is fucking scary as hell.

I perfectly acknowledge that his suing of law firms went under the radar, and thank you very much for bringing it up under the light.

If my PDF can help tearing them down before it’s too late, I’d be grateful.


And the COUP continues: trumpet rigged the 2024 election with the help of muskito to avoid not crossing go and be sent directly to jail without cashing 200 million dollars…


                   🫵 YOU 🫵




        ⚠️WE OWE THEM SHIT⚠️


WE REALLY need to do something here…


Either we share this PDF with Senators, House Reps, Governors, Police, Military, Defense Groups, Election Officials and ALL our Contacts, OR WE’RE FUCKED UP!


It’s as fucking simple as that!





I STRONGLY suggest you take a look at this as well: https://substack.com/@zorhasbsfreezone/note/p-158250381?r=58o4ii&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=notes-share-action

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The word “petty” doesn’t begin to describe this despicable, orange shoe scum.

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Unfortunately, he is unlike anyone before him. Nixon, nazis, whatever…..he is his own brand of evil.

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