Has anyone brought these facts to the DA's office? They should be notified immediately and sworn affidavits from anyone who observed Trump editing the pages his "surrogates" read from and submitted with the motion to hold Trump accountable for violating the gag order for the ELEVENTH time.

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Diana… excellent point. If these edited T notes were gathered…

While difficult for anyone to get close… the article aptly describes “ the new proud boy’s uniform”.

I am reminded what behavior looks like from a small group of 10 yr old boys. Pretend this is a “token birthday party”. The tokens are handed out so u can ride the bumper cars.

They all put up their hands 1 st, they push and shove to be the first. It’s like they run to be 1 st in line, regardless of anything. It’s a competition to see who can out shine thr one next to them.

The difference here is theses boys in suits…. Especially Johnson/ he holds a positron, do they actually watch and listen to themselves later?( a mature, consistent disciplined man grows in his maturity, shouldn’t they?

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He doesn’t care. If he cared about the rule of law not only would he be nowhere near the trial but he’d be nowhere near the Republican Party. Everything he says and does is a negation of the 9th Commandment. I just wish some journo would ask him how he feels about breaking it so often.

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Yes and remember the mob…. He doesn’t have to ask them. They know what he wants.

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The Democratic Party should use these video statements repeatedly in their campaign advertising.

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Very hard to do, since none of the thugs are residents of New York state. I believe the judge does NOT have jurisdiction. Sorry. That said, the feds might be interested in treating these GOP Goons as part of a larger RICO conspiracy to obstruct justice. Just a thought.

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The MAGA Republicans would not be held in contempt. Trump would be. I was hoping that was clear from the article

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I think we should all call Hakeem Jeffries office and let him know that the House Democrats should no longer save Johnson from being ousted by MTG in retaliation for the Speaker’s little stunt today in showing up to 45’s trail and giving a press conference to savage the witnesses on Trumps behalf. Johnson should have been working in DC to bring that border bill to a vote. I just sent my thoughts to his office at https://democraticleader.house.gov

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Alas, that's too indirect. He would need EVIDENCE of their collusion. Not just that they had the exact same talking points. *SIGH!* They are a bunch of piss-poor mobsters, but just as dangerous.

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PS: I'm not a lawyer, but a retired policy geek and now data cruncher for our LOCAL Dems (all 6K of us!).

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There was Tubberville’s statement to the press.

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And the observations of Andrew Rice. 🤔😉😊

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So what can all of us do? Can we write letters to Marchan? The DA??

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Dean : yes it was clear.

It just seems like these boys that want a top position in government , are willing to do anything to get in the brass ring.

If u believe in the bible, it’s fairly consistent what greed and pride is.

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There were 147 gqp house reps who refused to certify the EC, President Biden's winning the election. Those were rewarded with $44 million donation by corporate and industry PACs back in 2022 per citizensforethics.org; none of us should be surprised by this show of solidarity! and nor should we fool ourselves in thinking that there will be consequences for them nor drumfp. It's beyond shocking that they ditched their duties as rep of Americans to speak on behalf of putinsboy.

The blue suits+red ties have simply replaced the hood.

Only silver lining here was/is that no ordinary magas showed up and hence drumfp had to summon these loyal gqp to work around gag order.

No one, even Democrats, is coming to save us from these traitors and save our democracy; we are on our own with only "vote blue" recourse. And even then, with gqp already declaring that they won't accept the election results, we don't know what will happen. Again can hope that magas won't take the bait and come to DC for encore of J6 to fight gap war on democracy.

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I did enjoy Rachel Maddow's snark last night on their identical suits: "Dressed up like a group of Rockettes!" I fell on the floor with laughter. They are dangerous, but we SHOULD mock them for their sheer cravenness.

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But the judge could sanction fat ass!

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That is an excellent thought! RICO doesn’t always work but in this case I think it would. There is more than enough evidence to convict each and every MAGAt!!

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Why would they need to be from

New York. He cannot direct anyone. But i don’t think

Merchan will

Do what we want. The end is near. So frustrating.

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Because the crime was committed in NY State, by a NY resident. But you are correct, he mustn't directly "direct" anyone. That said, what is your evidence that he is behind this?? I suspect these losers are quite capable of being thuggish on their very own. *SIGH!* And they are not bound by the gag order.

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These folks make a mockery of freedom of speech. They make a mockery of rule of law. This is, I think, just more of the same from them … its what they have been doing in Congress. They havent been governing, they have been obstructing progress … and calling that patriotism. He tells them what to do and they do it. We really must get these people and anyone who supports these people out of positions of power

I do support action being taken to obstruct tRUMPs obstructions and obstructors but I question whether anything can be done at this point. I’m also worried about the direction things have taken w Michael Cohen and find it interesting that this new development is happening when it is. It reveals desperation on the part of tRUMP, his legal team and his little mob of “surrogates”/sycophants.

I feel sure the prosecution is pondering all this and wonder what they will bring today (Friday). Judge Marchan is also, no doubt, wondering what his best course of action is. Maybe his daughter should bring a case for defamation of character.

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No they are not

Bound by it. Still


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And to clarify: We're talking about 2016, when the OF was still a NYS resident.

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Merchan needs to hold a hearing TODAY on this matter. He needs to drag all of these assholes in, put them under oath, and ask them about the report that Trump was feeding them their lines. When they lie, put them in Rikers. Even better, just charge Trump with contempt, put him in Rikers, and tell his surrogates that he stays there until a) they give him the truth and b) he is convicted and sent to Attica.

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I would love to see him in Attica! He would not last a day. Think of all the people he and his father discriminated against. They never forget. Rikers would be great for now all of them because what they are doing is tampering with the law.

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Trump seems to manipulate the system, never to his detriment, apparently immune to being sentenced. Whatever happened to tax evation, fraud and racketeering, obstruction of justice, the classified document debacle? I don't think this orange tub of trash will ever serve a day in prison, sadly.

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Jose… I’m beginning to feel the same.

T has to sit there, isn’t he still the snake in the court room?

Weaving and slithering , I heard some friends recently repeat the word farce… and another one the boys in suits said.

The mirroring is communicating to which side they believe.

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I’m still not able to think about acquittal as a possibility … but I do believe that irregardless of what happens in this case, Biden and BLUE will carry the day. We must make it happen though.

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Hope you are right.

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This is another example of the danger orange jesus represents. He has made and continues to make a mockery of justice even as he spews his claims of martyrdom.

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I said yesterday that the judge should have found him in contempt yesterday, made him report to jail immediately after court yesterday evening and ordered to stay there until Friday end-of-day except to attend court. If it continues, next time he will have to stay a full 7 days. If the trial is still ongoing, then 2 weeks for the next infractions. It’s really simple as long as there is the will to uphold the law.

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I’m mixed on this. Yes. I want him in jail; however, I worry about a jail sentence during the trial causing a mistrial. He needs to be told he is going to jail after the trial and future actions will determine the length of time behind bars.

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I understand your point; however, any decision that gives him any delay is payment (punishment) can be spun by him as a win and he pulls his supporters right along. The threat of an increased sentence at the end of trial would not register with someone like him, especially if he really thinks he will get off (it only takes one juror) or will be reelected and can quash it all. We some accountability now or some of us, on the brink of hopelessness, will give up.

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I understand your point, too. I think the best scenario would be a conviction and jail sentence.

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We are 💯 in agreement on that!

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We all are crying out loud. Literally.

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The “mob boss” ordered his capo’s to do his bidding and they complied - right down to wearing the correct outfits to identify themselves. That’s why Michael Cohen was such an effective witness. He had been the boss’s “Consigliere” until he became inconvenient when Trump went into the White House. The Trump machine is playing with the justice system more skillfully than the best mob boss because they are being backed by huge money.

In the meantime - the average person is watching a two tier justice system play out like a joke on them.

Unequal treatment by the justice system results in protection rackets and average people finding ways to ensure their fair treatment.

If the system is corrupted, police are put at risk because they don’t have a reliable judicial system backing them up. Just like the Capital Hill police were left to battle the rioters without backup for 3 hours by the man on trial in Manhattan.

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I'm wondering what would happen if a Democratic elected official talked to reporters before and after Trump and his co-conspirators. The press is already there. They could take the mike just before the break, then not leave until Trump has to go back into court. They could rebut all his nonsense and quote from their own legal experts. If there's a press group waiting, why are they only waiting for Trump? They'd have to report on remarks from others, wouldn't they?

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They won’t, I believe they are afraid of the mob. I remember Tip O’Neal one of the best speakers of the house. He would never put up with this BS, Harlem Jeffries needs to take over the house by forcing the traitors out of the government. They have all the proof they need to show the American people what they are doing.

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I think we should all call Hakeem Jeffries office and let him know that the House Democrats should no longer save Johnson from being ousted by MTG in retaliation for the Speaker’s little stunt today to savage the witnesses on Trumps behalf. Johnson should have been working in DC to bring that border bill to a vote. I just sent my thoughts to his office at https://democraticleader.house.gov

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I could not agree with you more strenuously. It is obvious that Trump is behind this for the reasons you mention and it’s so blatant that a third-grader could see it.

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Must have been a sale on red ties. But the stores were out of orange dye.

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Yeah they could have looked like oooompa looompa

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And somehow the dementia-riddled orange turd is still capable of being the vilest human in America sending his proxies info to lie about. He can’t bother to stay awake and alert in the courtroom but he’s still got his vengeance that has to come out one way or another. POS!

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Hey isn’t that Tommy Tuberdildo out front!

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Johnny needs one week jail time. Hauling out every morning for his criminal trial.

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Grrr. Should have read "donny".

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You can edit your contribution by clicking on the three dots at the right of it. It's saved my ass many times :)

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Mine too! 🤣😂

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Smell Check Stinks

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So does google's voice to text

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I’m not an attorney, but this “action by surrogates” appears to me to be forms of witness and juror intimidation and personal threats. It is an incredibly frightening and scary thing to behold.

As a juror, I would view such an intimidating and coordinated action as an aimed personal threat coming directly from elected officials in DC who are perceived to have the political and personal power to do whatever in hell they want to do. It is nothing short of an organized terrorist threat against anyone and everyone who doesn’t pledge fealty to the orange monster.

All of the participants and TFG are thugs and gangsters who took TFG at his word and violated their oaths of office and likely a litany of laws, rules and regulations to support his every wish. In a sense, this is a repeat of 1/6, only worse.

If ordinary Americans didn’t believe that TFG is an actual deadly dictatorial tyrant up to now, maybe this action will wake them up. Maybe DOJ will wake up too and charge, arrest and jail the whole lot of them, including TFG.

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They look like the "men in suits" sent by the mob to come take you away, maybe after first beating you.

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It's about time for Judge Merchan to snap Trump's poop and jail him so he will stop having his political sycophant's fly up from D.C. to violate the Gag Order. Trump is nothing but a litigious snake and a political cockroach. Hopefully he will be found guilty and unanimously convicted on all counts in this election interference case. Then we'll await the appeal as the beat goes on!

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Democrats and other governmental agencies -DOJ, are in essence rolling over and saying, “yes, you are getting away with this.” This IS the coup!

They are not only are taking the opportunity to tell their propaganda and lies but they are taking out yet another brick in the wall that separates “rule of law” societies from dictatorships!

Democratic voters are getting sick of watching them take us down brick by brick with little to no pushback!

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