How is it that the Ultra MAGA followers in deep Red America are OK with an Elon Musk, a person from South Africa, running our country? I thought they hated foreigners.
Larry Harris, ignorance is bliss......most likely, they know absolutely nothing about the musk-o-vite other than his shitty deathtrap cars and rockets. They're not into reading and deep thinking....hard to think deeply with less than 3 brain cells to rub together.
This will be a full out shit show! The tension between Trump and Musk will escalate. The narcissistic ass holes will fight for power. Even though Trump is loosing his mind he will not allow Musk to take the reins. We live in interesting times. I am glad the majority of the GOP is voting against Trump.
On one hand I’d love to see the GOP implode. But that creates a power vacuum, and I’m very aware of JD quietly in the background also pulling strings and plotting.
I've never believed for a hot second that the actual money and power behind Trump would ever give him any decision making power. He's a dolt at best - a wrecking ball. He is simply the high priest of necessary lunatics. Necessary because without useful idiots none of anything about this disadministration's agenda would make it out of the sewer.
Dean, calling Musk a cancer is not harsh. It's just the truth. I am personally very glad to see that republicans, even in the house are defying trump. I am hoping that they continue in that vein and that they pay attention to what their voters need, as some seem to be currently doing. The way they've been behaving gives me a glimmer of hope that our politics might be heading back toward more normal (at least what us old folks think of as normal).
It seems that the GOP members of Congress don’t want to give up their power to an unelected narcissist. The felon, even in his failing mind, will soon tire of Musk getting all the attention. It will be interesting to see what happens next in that situation.
I agree, it will be interesting to see. trump may tire of musk getting all the attention, but there is an inherent conflict in giving him up, because he wants access to musk's money. As you said, it will be interesting.
Agree! Calling him THE Pimple on the ass of humanity, or the dumb in freedom, or the dick in dictator, or the scum in discomfort, or the ass in fascist, or the bore in boring, or the (rotten) fish in selfish, or the shit in Shitake, or the pusillanimous perpetrator of pukeitude, there isn’t a sufficient word or words or descriptor to sufficiently capture the vile, venal, vacuous vulgarities to describe the Don in hedonism. He’s the most sinful sadistic sinister spiteful sneaky shallow sluggish scornful shameless sack of shit that we, the suffering citizens of succotash must endure. Fuck his fascist foolish fawning fallacious filthy feral fat faulty foggy feeble freakish fascist friends at Fox and Friends and fraudulent fools fouling freedom for following fubar fiends. Forward fearlessly!
Yes! It needs to be said - and it needs to be reiterated - Trump & MAGA are all about “Whites Only” … and his evangelical Christian nationalist followers, The Church of Whites Only.
Unfucking monster belief that, in a social media comment, a person who should be deported ,moves American domestic policy. There was a time that people called into radio shows, and wrote letters to the editor of papers. Papers? What the fuck is that? You mean that flavored shit you roll dope in? This is crazy
That was Timothy Snyder’s name for the Musk/trmp combo. That’s the way I’ve started referring to them as well. It’s obvious which one of those two creeps is in the catbird seat.
Snyder’s full brand name for this administration is the “Mump Regime.” I used a one word version as an homage, knowing Dean & Snyder have overlapping audiences.
Interesting, interesting! I agree that Trump is failing mentally … but I never thought he could be replaced so easily. DeSantis tried, and still suffers for it. Musk? Another meddling narcissist? Never occurred to me. ‘Twill be interesting to see how - or if - Trump strikes back.
Equal Branches of government: the three are to provide checks and balances: congressional is Not Under the executive ! and why is press megaphoning melon husk, who is also mucking in the United Kingdom, and pals with the Nazi fascists in Germany as well as bff with putin and xi? yikes.
Yep, for sure. We've never been so vulnerable to attack by our enemies, a shameful embarrassing nation of fools electing fools, and the rich picking off the scraps.
trump doesn't give a damn about governing. He doesn't care about Americans of any color. Everyone and everything is disposable.
All he cares about is self enrichment. A.n.y. work he actually does do will only be to steal more money from us and blackmail other countries. He doesn't give 2 shits who's flag we are under. He only cares about himself and his money.
The immigrants we should be concerned about are the foreigners who want to control America. Patrick Soon-Shiong, George Soros, Elon Musk, Sergey Brin, Peter Thiel, Rupert Murdoch. These are the immigrants who threaten America. A border wall is useless against them.
Also interesting to see: Will MAGA accept Musk? Some signs already that they won’t. Excellent time for the few true Republicans left to regain their party: If they’re already uneasy with Trump, they’ll never accept Musk … and are starting to show it.
How is it that the Ultra MAGA followers in deep Red America are OK with an Elon Musk, a person from South Africa, running our country? I thought they hated foreigners.
And oligarchs who run the "deep state". Hypocrites, and ignorant ones at that
Larry Harris, ignorance is bliss......most likely, they know absolutely nothing about the musk-o-vite other than his shitty deathtrap cars and rockets. They're not into reading and deep thinking....hard to think deeply with less than 3 brain cells to rub together.
Diane you’re so right. People who watch Fox “news” (so we don’t have to) are reporting they’ve covered very little of this.
They hate only those with non-white skins.
Notice how no one is talking about Vivek?
He kind of just tags around with Elon. Not sure where Trump is.
Signing hats?
Because he is white, of European ancestry, and rich.
Only those of a different hue.
He’s white and rich.
This will be a full out shit show! The tension between Trump and Musk will escalate. The narcissistic ass holes will fight for power. Even though Trump is loosing his mind he will not allow Musk to take the reins. We live in interesting times. I am glad the majority of the GOP is voting against Trump.
Please send 45 all these articles and memes! 😉
T rt
On one hand I’d love to see the GOP implode. But that creates a power vacuum, and I’m very aware of JD quietly in the background also pulling strings and plotting.
But they don t mind racist bigots
drumpf is not even a pino. He's just a Covfefe Boy
Oh my goodness, thank you for this Steven -- I can just see the t-shirts now, -- "Drumpf the Covfefe Boy"
I love this I want one!
I've never believed for a hot second that the actual money and power behind Trump would ever give him any decision making power. He's a dolt at best - a wrecking ball. He is simply the high priest of necessary lunatics. Necessary because without useful idiots none of anything about this disadministration's agenda would make it out of the sewer.
Trump is a demolition tool and marketing prop.
Trump is Putin's best and most useful idiot of all time.
Dean, calling Musk a cancer is not harsh. It's just the truth. I am personally very glad to see that republicans, even in the house are defying trump. I am hoping that they continue in that vein and that they pay attention to what their voters need, as some seem to be currently doing. The way they've been behaving gives me a glimmer of hope that our politics might be heading back toward more normal (at least what us old folks think of as normal).
It seems that the GOP members of Congress don’t want to give up their power to an unelected narcissist. The felon, even in his failing mind, will soon tire of Musk getting all the attention. It will be interesting to see what happens next in that situation.
I agree, it will be interesting to see. trump may tire of musk getting all the attention, but there is an inherent conflict in giving him up, because he wants access to musk's money. As you said, it will be interesting.
Agree! Calling him THE Pimple on the ass of humanity, or the dumb in freedom, or the dick in dictator, or the scum in discomfort, or the ass in fascist, or the bore in boring, or the (rotten) fish in selfish, or the shit in Shitake, or the pusillanimous perpetrator of pukeitude, there isn’t a sufficient word or words or descriptor to sufficiently capture the vile, venal, vacuous vulgarities to describe the Don in hedonism. He’s the most sinful sadistic sinister spiteful sneaky shallow sluggish scornful shameless sack of shit that we, the suffering citizens of succotash must endure. Fuck his fascist foolish fawning fallacious filthy feral fat faulty foggy feeble freakish fascist friends at Fox and Friends and fraudulent fools fouling freedom for following fubar fiends. Forward fearlessly!
You must have a ginormous thesaurus! 🤣😂
Why, of courserous! 🤪🤷🏼♂️
Yes! It needs to be said - and it needs to be reiterated - Trump & MAGA are all about “Whites Only” … and his evangelical Christian nationalist followers, The Church of Whites Only.
Totally true Aryan
Unfucking monster belief that, in a social media comment, a person who should be deported ,moves American domestic policy. There was a time that people called into radio shows, and wrote letters to the editor of papers. Papers? What the fuck is that? You mean that flavored shit you roll dope in? This is crazy
That was Timothy Snyder’s name for the Musk/trmp combo. That’s the way I’ve started referring to them as well. It’s obvious which one of those two creeps is in the catbird seat.
Snyder’s full brand name for this administration is the “Mump Regime.” I used a one word version as an homage, knowing Dean & Snyder have overlapping audiences.
I like the Mump moniker but my favorite is Elump - it has a disrespectful ring to it that really resonates.
Interesting, interesting! I agree that Trump is failing mentally … but I never thought he could be replaced so easily. DeSantis tried, and still suffers for it. Musk? Another meddling narcissist? Never occurred to me. ‘Twill be interesting to see how - or if - Trump strikes back.
That is PPINO - pussy President in name only
Putin and the muskrat are in charge now. Government workers will subvert Trump’s second term, just like his first! We will protect our sacred democracy:
Too bad that your appropriate name for elon is an insult to otherwise good creatures…
Even the rat part!
Equal Branches of government: the three are to provide checks and balances: congressional is Not Under the executive ! and why is press megaphoning melon husk, who is also mucking in the United Kingdom, and pals with the Nazi fascists in Germany as well as bff with putin and xi? yikes.
Yep, for sure. We've never been so vulnerable to attack by our enemies, a shameful embarrassing nation of fools electing fools, and the rich picking off the scraps.
trump doesn't give a damn about governing. He doesn't care about Americans of any color. Everyone and everything is disposable.
All he cares about is self enrichment. A.n.y. work he actually does do will only be to steal more money from us and blackmail other countries. He doesn't give 2 shits who's flag we are under. He only cares about himself and his money.
Transactional to the bone.
The immigrants we should be concerned about are the foreigners who want to control America. Patrick Soon-Shiong, George Soros, Elon Musk, Sergey Brin, Peter Thiel, Rupert Murdoch. These are the immigrants who threaten America. A border wall is useless against them.
Also interesting to see: Will MAGA accept Musk? Some signs already that they won’t. Excellent time for the few true Republicans left to regain their party: If they’re already uneasy with Trump, they’ll never accept Musk … and are starting to show it.