Thank you for bringing this up, Dean. I hadn't heard about it. Okay, first of all, let me state that I am Jewish and I am absolutely appalled by Israel's behavior. Second, isn't this exactly the kind of thing that got Trump impeached? Third, how can Jews support someone who wants to turn the US into a Christian country? And last, for now, where is Merrick Garland? No, wait, there's one more thing: that thing with the pagers was a war crime. Netanyahu should be in the Hague. (I do not support Hezbollah or Hamas but I do believe in acting in a civilized manner and that and Israel's treatment of Gaza are not it.)

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It seems Trump already enjoys immunity for acts of treason.

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It does seem that way but of course technically that horrible Supreme Court decision about immunity does not cover presidential candidates.

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Yet you'd never know it from the behavior of our legal & judicial systems.

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Too bad we can't impeach a Presidential candidate.

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We don't need to. We have a justice system that's supposed to take care of these kinds of things. Or at least I thought we did.

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What she said 👆

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With my Jewish heritage, I am with you 100%. There are just too many things here that don't make sense. I don't understand Jews voting for trump any more than I understand blacks voting for him.

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I also don’t understand women voting for him. Project 2025’s ultimate goal for women is to disenfranchise us, and confine us to the kitchen. We are also supposed to bear a child every year, and our mothers are supposed to care for them while we are having another baby. I had five pregnancies, and it took my body several years to undo the damage that pregnancy caused.

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Agreed. These women who are anti-abortion. Can they not imagine a situation in which they'd need one? Would they rather die?

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How could I have forgotten women?!?!? I've never been pregnant, but I am not surprised that it took several years to recover. I wonder how women who don't believe in birth control manage.

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And imagine a Black man saying we should bring back slavery. What kind of a person does that?

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Paula, the answer to your question is: a very scary one. The thing I ended up wondering was if he is what we used to call "an oreo cookie". He's the same one who said some people need killing. IMO, he should possibly be the first of those??

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Obviously he's very sick, Susan. What I don't understand is how he ended up being lieutenant governor. Did people actually know what he was like when they voted for him?

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I have argued for months that Trump, maybe directly, maybe via Kushner, was colluding with Netanyahu to keep the war going thru the election. It damages Biden, especially in Michigan because Joe can't bring himself to cut the weapons pipeline that keeps Bibi in bombs. In spite of the fact that Bibi, charged war criminal, is using those bombs to murder Palestinian civilians both in Gaza and on the West Bank. We know that Bibi needs to keep the war going in order to stay out of prison. We know that Trump needs to win in November to stay out of prison. Their interests absolutely intersect. The cat almost came out of the bag when Jared, moron that he is, spoke publicly about wanting to build beachfront condos in Gaza.

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There seems to be a collusion among Trump, Putin & Netanyahu to put Trump back in power & avoid prison for both Trump & Netanyahu & avoid The Hague for all 3. In addition to what was mentioned in this article, Trump sent Putin classified US information on Israeli military operations to Putin, which may have been used to help Hamas plan the attack against Israeli citizens on Putin's birthday, which Netanyahu, with foreknowledge of the event, inexplicably let happen, & (along with Hamas) insists on pursuing, with encouragement from Trump, despite the great dangers of a wider war (which they all actually seem to want) & the condemnation of the UN & the rest of the international community. This, along with the social unrest in the US to which all 3 of them have been contributing, benefits these sadonarcissistic psychopaths by keeping Netanyahu & Trump out of prison & all of them from The Hague trials, taking international attention away from Putin's brutal war on Ukraine, harming the Biden/Harris administration, & boosting Trump's chances, which affects the fortunes of all 3 (although it's hard to see how Israel could benefit more than they already have with the stalwart military support they have had with this administration as they've had with all US administrations, except with actual physical participation of the US by, for example, bombing Iran, which is what Netanyahu really wants).

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Harris for the People!

Project 2025, MAGA's "Black Nazi", The Chosen One & the race to the extremist bottom:

The Republican Party as currently constituted is an irredeemably authoritarian & is "facing the reality that it has become so extreme it is hemorrhaging former supporters and mobilizing a range of critics”.

A prosecutor of predators vs a predator felon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTKAQjW9sIU https://www.threads.net/@kamalaharris/post/DADwnFjIF25?xmt=AQGz6HUG-XxmNVXW8qV_Qvtk070r_jTx0CFBNvKKIAJVKQ The only option to restore a healthy democracy is to reject MAGA extremism & #VoteBlue.

Stephen Curry: “My beautiful half Haitian mother will be roasting a pig tonight, just like Kamala Harris did during the debate.” @stephencurry30

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That Curry quote is priceless! Thank you for sharing it.

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Very concerned about the terrorists Trump will set on innocent people and don't know why he hasn't been put on alert to stop hist HATE CRIMES...Springfield is outrageous...so upsetting...where is the GOVERNMENT STOPPING THIS

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I've been complaining about this for years now. Trump is a national security threat & as such should be imprisoned (while awaiting trial, which would also be a good way to expedite the trials), as would happen to anyone else who had said & done what Trump has.

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Netanyahu has the same autocratic aspirations as all the other dictators that Trump so admires.

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The SAVE act is also an effort to disenfranchise woman, who will have difficulty providing documentation matching their birth certificate because of surname changes after marriage. It is just more Republican voter suppression because they can't win free and fair elections on policy. The current gender gap has women favoring Democrats by a historically wide margin, so as far as Republicans are concerned, the fewer woman that vote in red states, the better.

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WOW. I hadn't thought of that! Are they really smart enough to plan for this? There really is no bottom to how low they'll go.

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There is no bottom, they will just keep digging under the bar. One day the hole will cave in on them. It has to be soon to save democracy.

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Are you saying that a married woman can't use a combination of marriage license and birth certificate to prove who they are? In many cases, like mine, my maiden name has become my middle name, and its on my driver's license that way.

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If you have all the necessary documents such as those, you should be OK, but if you don't, you may be in trouble. It may be harder for women, compared to men, to maintain all the documents they need to qualify.

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Even though I live in a red state, I have been registered to vote here for 16 years. I don't think I'm in a group that is vulnerable, but if need be I do have the necessary documents.

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I think that combination might be acceptable, but both would have to be original certified copies with the state seal, IIRC.

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It's astounding who the pro-life party is willing to kill in the name of getting elected.

Think of all who've died already in order to keep him out of prison.

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Israel did an air strike on Lebanon this morning. Netanyahu, like Trump, a malignant narcissist is willing to sacrifice his own people by ignoring the warnings of the October attack to justify a genocide against the Palestinians in Gaza. Is now moving to take the West Bank and expanding the war into Lebanon. Biden needs to support the United States stop the spread of what may well become a global war - just as trump has been hinting at during his campaign with talk of nukes.

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This is really scary stuff, which I had not heard about. IMO the reason trump and Netanyahu support each other is because they are both trying to avoid prison time. My father's cousin was one of the founders of Israel, so I've always thought of it as a special place. No longer. Under Netanyahu is is no better than Russia, Iran or China. Very sad.

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Pissed. Thanks for bringing this to our attention though

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Add this to the long, long list of reasons why the US needs to pull support for Israel.

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Thank You Dean for reporting on this!! If it wasn't for you,no one would have had a Clue.🙏💙🇺🇲🌊

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What can the government do about this?

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The man is scum.

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People don't realize that Adelson has made her money from her methadone program that's not at all a treatment program. It keeps heroin addicts addicted .Once they sign up their eligible to go to a crusty nasty dirty county building daily for a dose of her methadone. Then they're eligible for subsidized poverty housing and food stamps. This now makes their family in a poverty program that the counties make millions never ever rehabilitating anyone.Over years methadone causes organ failure to the point of the bowels and anus become protruding out of their body. It's a horrible way to die .Heroin isn't as bad . Their heroin addiction is no where as bad in their bodies than methadone. And that's how Adelson has made her money off American drug addicts , making Ng her the richest lady in earth. She's worse than the drug dealer ...because she's doing the same thing , conning people but legally they the govt programs . Just like Musk , these foreigners have no business profiting off of the American people . Her program is a shame

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How odd that part wasn't included in most media coverage. He is openly admitting he doesn't think he can defeat Harris and needs help from Israel and openly begs for it.

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