Aug 20Liked by Dean Obeidallah

“Trump is laser focused on the message that he believes will help him win in 2024: Racism and sexism.”

Agreed! This is Trump’s “Fat Elvis” revival tour on CRACK! The problem is the 80’s are over and the fat lady is about to sing: Her Swan Song, of course….:)

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Rehearsal is over. The choir needs to sing.

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The Bloated Yam HAS an agenda:

Personal revenge, grifting for money, dictatorial power, his vast ego, and rape.

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And staying out of jail.

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Correct. This IS his message. It's weird to hear Republicans saying he needs to stay on message, as if there's a different one that he's veering away from. Attacking and dehumanizing people for their race, looks, gender, and disability IS his only message. Talking about the economy would actually be straying away.

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There's no shortage of delusion among reichwing fascists.

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This is when I really wish I were a better student (I need hands on). I hate being a White person without a college degree. But maybe I'm a bad student. I'm still not stupid. #thankyoujoe

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Janet, two of the smartest women I know are in your category. It has nothing to do with being stupid or a bad student. I do have a college degree, but that is due to what was expected of me by my family. It has absolutely nothing to do with intelligence, or what kind of student you are. I got into college with a C average.

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Remember that many of Trump’s former officials and supporters hold degrees from elite, Ivy League universities. Now that’s outrageously stupid!

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Point taken. I think all of them think we are stupid.

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Cynical Ivy League Trump backers are NOT STUPID, unless they're Trust Fund Babies who never learned from their protesting peers out at the state and community colleges. We the Body Politic or as Batya Ungar-Sargon's new book breaks US down into only 2 classes left: FIRST CLASS and SECOND CLASS, we the privileged children of that greatest anomaly of Post WW II Middle Class creation and growth spurt into Baby Boomer Generation of educated citizens are perhaps zombified by our tech minders and babysitters or BIG Pharma, but even we are more cynical than stupid.

Mitch Ritter\Paradigm Sifters, Code Shifters, PsalmSong Chasers

Lay-Low Studios, Ore-Wa (Refuge of Atonement Seekers)

Media Discussion List\Looksee

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Susan Thank You

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You are welcome, ant.

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There's nothing wrong with not having a college degree. Don't you dare beat up on yourself for that. Some of the smartest people in the world don't have degrees and some of the dumbest do.

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Remember, all the Wizard needed to give Scarecrow to make him smart was a diploma. 🤔😉😊

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Don’t think of yourself as a bad student. Different teaching methods work for different students. It only took me 23 years to get a 4 year degree to learn that. You are definitely not stupid, just needed better teachers.

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Have you considered community college for a beginning? Community colleges offer classes that teach you how to study and do effective research. They also offer tutoring and if you have a disability such as dyslexia or dysgraphia they offer accommodations such as extra time to take tests and in some cases help with note taking. In addition to these options it is possible to take classes that are more along the lines of an apprenticeship. If you study better by hearing something repeatedly, most instructors will let you tape their lectures. Instructors also have office hours where they are available for questions. With all of these advantages you could also be successful in learning. It can be as simple as being willing to apply for classes and take all of the opportunities available to you. I hope this has been helpful to you, and encourage you to believe in yourself. You already know that you aren’t stupid.

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It’s not the degree that makes one smart although it does open some better economic doors for some. It’s life experience, how much you learn by keeping your two ears open and your one(big)mouth shut, caring more about others than yourself and being empathetic. Life isn’t about college degrees but what you have made out of it using experiences and perspective. Humans should get better with age not worse.

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Two of the most successful business owners I know never went to college.

Then you look at the MBAs who ran GE and Boeing into the ground. Yikes

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His statement that he is “better looking” than Kamala just proves his detachment from reality. He is ugly inside and it shows on his face, I can’t stand to look at him.

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My wife and I always watch the evening news, fingers on the ready to mute his horrible voice. I wish there was a mute for the video, too. #deplorable #disgusting #lockhimupnow

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He’s a walking, talking picture of Dorian Gray. 🤔😉😊

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Don't we know by know to be a reichwing MAGAt, you are divorced from all reality, truth and facts and embrace delusion & fantasy?!

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There are many reasons people vote for Trump, depending on whether they’re the rich who don’t want higher taxes, the religious who think the end of days is near, the isolationists who think America doesn’t need allies, but I agree the largest cohort are exactly who you say they are.

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Sad but True, Dean, donOLD's popularity isn't his Policies or Issues(he has None) it's his"Be Afraid"and"Hate" also,his"Poor Me" always the"Victim"song and dance. The only memorable thing at the RNC convention, was donOLD sitting there sporting his"Pity Patch" that made him look absolutely ridiculous!!! Good Read this morning, Dean 💯💙🇺🇸

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I’ve always suspected that there was a lot more racism and sexism going on in the United States of America, but it was not proven until Donald Trump came along and gave these people the confidence to expose themselves (& boy, do they ever).

The United States is still a great nation in spite of this.

Generally we are no different than the rest of the world where racism and sexism is still a big thing in many, if not all nations.

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He normalized the hatred and allowed the haters to come out from behind their hoods....he's Hater #1 and, to be sure, I hate him!

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I disagree that economics doesn’t explain the MAGA mindset. The loss of union jobs has pushed many people out of the middle class. They are upset and looking for someone to blame. The usual targets are identified, illegal aliens, immigrants… I don’t believe that the MAGA crowd is just born racist and haters of women. They have been misled into believing the problem is immigration and women when the real issue is politicians allowing income inequality to become the worst it has been since the Gilded Age. It is time to bring back the middle class by giving opportunities to the majority of our population. Break up massive corporations and increase the tax rates for both corporations and the rich.

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I’m with you, Anne McKenzie. I like how you think. Clear-headed.

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So where is reichwing common sense? Or critical thinking skills? Because I lost my union job back in the 90s and I didn't go on the warpath against desperate poor immigrants!

I always knew the problem was greedy CEOs and the reichwing pro-Raygun trickle-down CONservative BS our media was feeling us for decades.

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Do you think things have improved?

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With Trump we slid backwards. Definitely. Biden and Harris have brought us back up to par. Let’s keep moving it forward!

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I'm not sure I should have read this before breakfast… Trump is disgusting and sickening. In a way, I see the sexism as more projection - he pretty much had sex wherever and whenever he could, and thinks everyone, especially women, are like that because they have nothing else to offer. Don't forget that not getting STDs was his "Vietnam". And if sex is all he has to offer, buyer be warned! I cannot fathom why any women respond to his sexist messages.

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You wonder how any female would want to have sex with orange blob? Money. And appearance of power. Just having media spread his name making that loser famous, "a thing" in the most glamorous city in the world, well, young, ignorant, lost & struggling women gravitate to that!

What do you think every one of his wives mindset was? Power + Money.

Look at Hugh Hefner! Perfect example. Another controlling sociopath who knew all he had to do is show his name had power &that he had $$$$$ and he had women lining up to be part of his twisted world.

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I still, as a woman, have never understood that attraction. And that's even when I was an emotional mess. I guess my problem is that I was always looking for love, and just never found the idea of money or power attractive. It's very clear that power and money are what motivate Melania. I hadn't realized that Hugh Hefner was another sociopath. Thank you for enlightening me.

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"Playboy Murders," is a series on ID TV. True crime TV. For decades, The Playboy Mansion was completely under Hefner's control and domain. It was another world completely. Famous and rich from all over the world would visit. Many, countless women that no one ever knew about were beat-up, raped, drugged and NEVER did Hefner ever allow one single leak to the press about those scandals at his mansion! He had mostly older women that he put in charge, promptly put the kabosh on any possible scandal that could destroy the Hefner name & his business.

Some Playboy models were killed over the years & Hefner was, again, quick to dissociate from them.

Women were all disposable to him. Once you were chosen to be a Playboy model, you were expected to join his wide circle of orgies--every time Hefner demanded it. THEY are gross and invited VD! You caught some VD, you didn't complain, you went to the doctor. And these women got paid like prostitutes & were granted all kinds of plastic surgery from Beverly Hills and designer clothes and jewelry--again to keep them under his control and mouths shut. He didn't want to hear you had a boyfriend or husband.

Only the famous models like actresses, Pam Anderson and Kim Basinger were safe from Hefner's control & domination.

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Wow! I had no idea. Clearly I fell for the propaganda. Thank you very much for this info, Andrea.

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Your welcome. With misogyny so openly promoted now from the reichwing cultists, we women need to be more aware of it and recognize the signs. To me, it's strange that so many of us don't want to talk about this growing issue.

Like a lot of wealthy men, what you see on the outside is very different than the reality of who they really are.

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Misogyny should be discussed openly. I know I was raised to believe that I needed to have a professional career, but also that I would not be able to make it through life without a man. There are an awful lot of men who are still that way, believing that. I've said elsewhere that I'm sure the reason they are so misogynistic is because they are insecure, and it makes them feel better. (BTW I did eventually get married - at age 63.)

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Ralph Nader described Trump perfectly in his book 'Let’s Start the Revolution'

published 23 July 2024

..."Trump's corporatist wrecking crew is running federal agencies into the ground.

While corporate outlaws fill Trump's coffers and hotels with riches, he gives them and his family huge tax escapes and starves infrastructure. The word 'corruption' cannot fully embrace how this foulmouthed, self-indicting megalomaniac is tearing apart our country, our democratic practices and our moral norms. Protections for children, the elderly, veterans and workers are all on Trump's chopping block."

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Everyone needs to pay their fair share…INCLUDING DOPY DON!

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Yes, I believe he operates on Quid Pro Quo, something common to corrupt business practices but not particularly appropriate in nation-leading. Unless your objective is self enrichment.

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Aug 21·edited Aug 21

“Quid pro quo” implies you give something in return for the take. Trump takes and then stiffs you on the give. He’s all “quo”, no “quid”. 🤔😉😊

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I know what you mean. Biden was able to recruit an enormous amount of support for the hostage deal. Coordinated with several nations. We don’t know the details of what may have been promised in exchange, but history tells me it was more about cooperation to achieve a common goal. For trump it’s about Do this for Me or I’ll destroy you, ally or not. Or, I’ll sacrifice American interests for a personal favor.

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Trump does Trump, and it's ugly. But the ones I worry about are the white heretical nationalists behind him that I worry about. Their goals go way beyond racism and misogyny into outright, blatant, total control over all the resources, all the money, and all the power. They have no souls.

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That lifeform you're referring to are called reichwing fascist billionaires and greedy uber rich.

They are the true puppets behind every reichwing politician.

You may recall when this session of congress began in 2023, and the reichwing majority had countless days of not being able to find a House leader. On MSNBC, they leaked out that behind the scenes, reichwing billionaires were meeting with their sock puppets in the House and telling them what to do.

It's no secret. Just like those 6 sociopathic reichwing politicians in black robes sitting on SCOTUS.

They operate according to their billionaire masters.

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We're Not Going Back!

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At lunch today, my friend and I came up with a great slogan for the Harris/Walz campaign:

“Help us finally get rid of this asshole!” 🤔😉😊

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Denise, the Rethuglicon platform--for decades now, has been all about taking from the poor and middle class & giving it all to their greedy uber rich donors.

That doesn't sell well to voters. They desperately needed a cult leader, a practiced pathological liar & conman to get their gun-loving sheep to the polls.

Who better than orange Mussolini?!

That's why Mitch, Graham and really every other Dumpty hater could easily look the other way every 4 years.

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And, BTW, #ThankYouJoe

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Ok you explained Trump’s appeal to some men, but what appeals to republican women?

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Two words: Internalized misogyny.

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Also: racism.

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I’d agree except that I’ve had radical feminists use that on me because I don’t really care for a lot of their doctrine 💁

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I totally don't get it. I have a cousin I called to tell her I was thinking about her on her late mother's birthday Sunday. My aunt raised her kids to be good Christians. This cousin left the Catholic church to join a born-again cult and has been difficult to communicate with ever since. Sadly, the conversation devolved into her telling me I HAD to support her MAGAt cultists and the argument went downhill from there. I asked her how a good Christian could support an adjudicated rapist, cheat, pathological liar, and convicted felon and she told me I just wasn't looking at the right media outlets. All my info was tainted and misinformed. I'm pretty sure we are finished talking to each other for good. If I believed for ten minutes in a god in a heaven, I'd surely pray for her misguided soul (if she has a soul). Or if I did...

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If she has bought into Christian Nationalism (many of the Evangelicals), then they believe in an ordained hierarchy in which men rule over women. It’s base on the Garden of Eden and writings of the Apostles. I have relatives who believe it. Jesus Christ Himself did not teach that but for these “Christians” it doesn’t matter. They also don’t follow most other directions from Jesus. Your relative has been brainwashed. Actual Christians are finally arguing against the lies of Christian Nationalism and calling them blasphemy. Trump and “Christian Nationalism” must be defeated - they are all about power and money. These people have into the temptation of “power over the kingdoms of the earth”. Money and power

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The Republican War on Women and the widespread belief across the evangelical community that Paul was right when he said in I Corinthians 14:34-35:

“Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.”

“Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.”

King James Version


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Just “be finished.” There are plenty of good people to spend time with. Your cousin has her own path. Just do yours!

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I’ve asked myself this, and agree with Amy that women can be horrible racists too. We’re not angels. I wonder too if a lot are loyal to their men in a christian sort of way, meaning the man is head of the household, including his political views. But honestly Glen I know there are women out there who are attracted to domineering men. I’ve personally known a few, and it’s cringe.

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A feeling that women shouldn't be "uppity." Low self-esteem.

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Seems to me I recall being “over that” BS back in the 70s. Catch up, people! And try keep religion out of it. Our Founders certainly made that CLEAR in our Constitution. Separation of church and nation.

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A man that is the old stereotypical "strong but silent type." The 'strong' part meant that men had to show old stereotypical behavior of not crying or showing feelings in any setting and acted like basically like unfeeling cavemen. Reichwing father figures AND mother especially, message their daughters in their youth: "A woman needs a man to be complete."

A reichwing couple, Karen, told me she calls her retired cop husband (perfect reichwing stereotypical male) an a**h***, but that she married him because he's really good at fixing things around their house. She told me she met Stan after working out. She had developed a pimple after working out that Stan teased her about relentlessly & she ended marrying him.

In other words, bullying is part of his character and she finds that attractive--she's brainwashed.

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Brainwashing. I recently heard a comedian talking about the popular question on some social media currently are Texas wives asking: "Can my husband find out who I voted for?"

Reichwing women fear & some actually hate their husbands. They stay married because their other needs, usually material needs are being met.

They are brought up to believe they should feel 'at home' with a man who tells them what to do, say and think. They are raised to believe females are "less than" compared to men. Subordinate.

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