This is so hideous that I can’t even find the words to describe my disgust. I sit here in shock, while knowing that nothing frump does should still shock me. He is beyond the scope of vile.

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I share your exact feelings- As I wrote this article I truly couldn't believe that this monster could be elected again

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I don't know who I'm more disgusted with, trumpers or feckless spineless democrats.

And I have no doubt that Trump would like nothing else than an excuse to declare martial law.

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Today is just another sad day for an America that I no longer recognize! WHY is the election going to be certified without any objections??? Section 3 of the 14th amendment states that the 🍊 nightmare is not eligible for the Presidency!!!

I was so hopeful that our democracy would provide us protection against this very day! My roller coaster of emotions ion a daily basis has started to get overwhelming. So disappointed

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I’m with you, Laura. In the deepest part of my heart, I prefer to think there was enough cheating to swing this election…rather than believe our citizens have sunk this low.

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Marge, I'm with you and Laura. Please consider following (and supporting) Greg Palast. He's our country's best political crime investigative reporter, and is on the trail of AGAIN showing foul play in our election loss.. https://mailchi.mp/gregpalast/carter-the-kochs-and-the-donald?e=465c5b2fc2

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Thank you, Tom! I went ahead and subscribed. I’ve been following others in the tech industry that also believe there was election fraud. Whether there was or not, this was not a free or fair election! America was lied to, duped, by a conman who, along with his wealthy conservative Christian White Nationalist friends, decided that having all the money in the world wasn’t enough! They purchased the election!

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Greg is the best reporter on election fraud our country has!

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What good is a reporter if Dems are still cowards?

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Right on, Jim. Democrats, if the law won’t save us, break the law!

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Me too…thank you 🌹🇺🇸

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Thanks much to both of you for checking out Greg Palast's work. While you're at it, be sure to watch his most recent movie.. Vigilantes Inc. (https://www.watchvigilantesinc.com/) It is very informative, gripping, and will not disappoint..

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Omg…I really have no words! Are we ok to spread this!

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Where have all the spines gone?

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I thought our courts would protect us but even Judge Merchan doesn't understand where we are. Trump doesn't give two shits if he's called a felon and in fact, will monetize that "honor" like he always has.

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The Ukrainians didn’t indict the Russians, they shoot at them. If a dog has rabies we kill it. If someone has cancer we kill the cancer. There is nothing wrong with violence as self-preservation

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Take heart, Laura. The fascists utterly destroyed Germany and the survivors built a fine country on top of the wreckage. We’ve just got to help each other survive them.

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Thank you, Ken 🌹

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It is shocking, and sadly it’s good we can still be shocked because it means you aren’t accepting it, inured to it or normalizing it. There have been political differences throughout our history, but I never thought our country would came to this.

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Note that according to at least one of Trump's wives, he kept a copy of Mein Kampf at his bedside. He really *is* a fascist and seemingly a power-hungry narcissistic Hitler wannabee.

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And they wonder why we call Trump a fascist. You can’t make this stuff up. Pathetic & deplorable!!

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Just like Trump - pathetic and deplorable.

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I would like to suggest that in remembrance of the brave officers who fought the mob on that day, we all buy and/or borrow, but certainly read, books by Michael Fanone (Hold the Line) Harry Dunn (Standing My Ground), and Aquilino Gonell (American Shield). These heroes have gone through hell for us. We owe it to them to read their stories.

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Jan 6Edited

Today, America certifies its first convicted felon and Constitutionally illegitimate president.

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Im with you all, I feel it deeply this morning. Dean has covered it completely- the horror. I’m sad and I’m also MAD. We need to hold our leaders-- Democrats-- to account. Logically, they should ALL be speaking with the outrage Jasmine Crockett shows. The memory of Biden welcoming that dick to the White House front of the civilized fire -- while he knows probably more than the rest of us-- sticks in my throat. (Of course I admire Biden’s accomplishments-- but this is war.

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That’s right, Ruthy. Joe Biden is a nice man, but nice men don’t win wars.

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Trump is America's Hitler and his ally Musk is trying to install white nationalist authoritarians in governments around the world. Trump and Musk are a threat to us and the world. They should not be allowed to take power. It is insane that they will control the worlds most powerful military in 14 days. They will not give up power, they do not believe in democracy, they will not respect the outcomes of elections. Biden should not transfer power to a violence-loving dictator like trump. Biden has been appeasing the maga fascists for the past 4 years and is overseeing the death of our democracy. He is observing the formality of democracy while enabling its utter destruction here and abroad.

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Forget about the Dems saving democracy or us. The time has come for us to start talking about how we are going to save ourselves.

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They will become the Bloated Yam's "Alte Kampfer."

At a ceremony every year, the banners of the Three Percenters, Atomwaffen, and Proud Boys will touch one of the bloodied flags from January 6, 2021, and all involved will march down Pennsylvania Avenue behind the Bloated Yam's golf cart, re-enacting their moment of triumph.

By then, all those convicted traitors and seditionists will be high-ranking members of Kash Patel's new secret police that will replace the FBI...they will all wear their gleaming new uniforms.

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It's disturbing how easily people can be misled and goaded into doing awful things they would never ordinarily do, conceivably to "save America", but destroying its very substance. If America is not synonymous with democracy, then what is it? It should be about putting trust in reason and law, and persisting at it despite all difficulty.

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Luigi time for this mofo.

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Donald Trump, messiah of lies and hate, has brought Nazism into America to stay. Even if we survive - and Trump is equally famous for being stifled - we will bear the Trump Taint of shame and corruption for decades. Look at Germany—still struggling for nearly 80 years.

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There have been 59 presidential elections since 1789. That means that 59 times Americans who sought the presidency, only one has done what Donald j trump did after he clearly lost his attempt at being re-elected. That one was trump himself. Only he, in the 235 years of presidential elections, has supported and encouraged an insurrection to overthrow a lawful election. Just he headed the attempt to keep the legally elected Joe Biden from taking his place in the White House. Not only that, but as we have seen, trump has and will offer sympathy and solace to the ones who broke into the Congressional buildings to attempt to violently keep the Vice President from carrying out his Constitutional duties. Yet, as clear as this is a violation of the 14th Amendment, he will skate freely to resume his place as president of these United States. He will, as one of his first actions, pardon many of those found guilty of the insurrection itself. He will pardon those felons who breached the Congressional buildings and did unspeakable things to the sacred buildings and offices of the US government. This man, donald j trump, compared fairly and accurately to Adolph Hitler by the author of this article we all just read, will soon be elevated to President of the United States of America for the second time.

I am left spellbound and horrified by all the hideous behavior of this man, that almost half of the voting public has chosen to lead them, and who has chosen to follow in the footsteps of the most villainous human being of the past two centuries, Adolph Hitler. We are left without any way to prevent him from taking office short of what he encouraged a large segment of his sycophants to do on Jan 6, 2021. Not only would that fail as his did, it would be wrong beyond any measure to attempt such an idiotic thing. I want more than anything to prevent trump's taking office, but there's nothing I, or any of us can do to stop him. The next four years may prove to be the most difficult years we have had to endure since WWII (Not that I was alive for that). I'm left only hoping that trump won't end up being nearly as horrible as Hitler, but I find no comfort in that.

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See also- the 1870's. As Mark Twain dubbed them "the Gilded Age"

"First published in 1873, The Gilded Age is both a biting satire and a revealing portrait of post-Civil War America-an age of corruption when crooked land speculators, ruthless bankers, and dishonest politicians voraciously took advantage of the nation's peacetime optimism. With his characteristic wit and perception, Mark Twain and his collaborator, Charles Dudley Warner, attack the greed, lust, and naivete of their own time in a work which endures as a valuable social document and one of America's most important satirical novels"


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is anyone really surprised coming from the white racist nazi that he is. After all, he kept speeches of Hitler and his Mein Kampf on his bedstand.

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You said..”That was a despicable event—but not expected”

I suspect you meant to say “but not unexpected “

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