There is no way I'll ever be a Libertarian, (thank you, Rand Paul), but I am really pleased to see that as a whole, they are smart enough to understand what trump is doing. I also find it disgusting that the rubber chickens were confiscated, and that the sign holder was dragged away by security. If nothing else, those actions should be a warning about who trump is. Apparently, non-violent free speech is not allowed at trump's rallies. 'Nuf said.

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If the orange daughter molester gets back in, free speech won't just be squashed at libertarian venues...

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Absolutely true. I have long suspected that your designation is true, but this is the first time I've seen anyone say that. Thank you!!

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If I saw anyone put their hands on my preteen daughter the way Dump did his, they'd have some serious medical bills. I think most parents would feel the same, an yet millions give Dump a pass. Racism and tax cuts are powerful drugs.

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My husband had you nailed as one with a daughter. Unfortunately, not all parents feel the same (I'm a case in point). I hope your daughter stays safe, and doesn't encounter anyone like trump in her life. I wish honesty was as powerful a drug as tax cuts and racism. Those are the drugs of greed and insecurity. Thank you again for truly caring about your daughter. Encountering people like you warms my heart.

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Thank you, Susan for the kind thoughts.

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It doesn’t matter which “contestant” wins .. it’s all set up for ONE WORLD ORDER.. one world religion.. Read Revelations. Quit fighting about elections and get right… the DEW and other nefarious “hologram” UFO scares occur. Get right if you know what I mean..

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It’s called “Revelation.” You’d think if it was so important to you, you’d be able to get the name right.

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You mean “showering with his daughter”?

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Oh you poor delusional thing 🙄

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May 26Liked by Dean Obeidallah

TRUMP GETTING BOOED!! Glorious! HOW AWESOME WAS THAT?! 11/10 it went to 11.

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Trump is being held accountable to the rule of law for the first time in his life, so he wants to destroy it. So he went to people he thought would relate. He literally said “If I wasn’t a libertarian before, I sure am now.” He thinks libertarians are 1) against all laws, and 2) OK with a dictatorship as long as it’s a white male one that won’t affect their day-to-day lives.

Now, I haven’t had much interaction with libertarians, so I don’t know what percentage of them fit Trump’s impression. I do know it’s not zero. But evidently it’s a lot smaller than I thought, or Trump thought. Good for them.

It’s always good to remember the very few times Trump has appeared in front of an actual audience that wasn’t screened (or literally hired) to cheer for him. He really is hated, no matter how hard our wealthy media stars try to hide that.

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Those boos were the sweet sounds of Democracy.

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May 26Liked by Dean Obeidallah

republicans should take a clue from these folks

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Booed him as they should have! He is no “libertarian”. He’s an authoritarian thug!

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Who told you that? Serious question because either one is in lockstep to destroy AMERICA. Read the recent past…

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My most concerning fact about Libertarians is that Ross Ulbricht is one of them. He's serving life in prison without parole for creating and operating the darknet market website Silk Road. Silk road facilitated the sale of illegal drugs, was a money laundering site, and provided fake IDs to all sorts of nefarious people. That's who the "Free Ross" signs were about. Of course said he would commute the sentence on his first day. I think Libertarians are almost as dangerous as the GQP, but commend them for their disdain of the #tRumpdumpster.

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Libertarianism is a mass delusion, Fantasyland, pay it mind. Just boys who got caught with their hand in the cookie jar and want to abolish all cookie jar rules. Idiots.

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Um, pay it NO mind, that is

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One thing about Libertarians, they are more confident you can make your own decisions than you are.

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They can think that all they want.

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And they’d be right, though they really don’t care.

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You can be pretty sure that the Secret Service confiscated the rubber chickens because they knew that the Ayn Rand Incel Fanboyz that make up the Libertarian Party would have used the Dumpster for target practice. Libertarians are generally pretty useless in any political discussion or debate, but damn they sure have Trump pegged. And which one of his supposedly crack campaign staff thought a speech to those assholes would be a good idea?

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I dipped my toe into the Libertarian pond in my 20s, but gave it up quickly for reasons too involved to go into here.

Nonetheless, this was delicious! In the words of noted philosopher Curly Howard, “Nyuk! nyuk, nyuk!” 🤔😉😊

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I'm reading that Trump apologists are claiming the booing was from paid agitators.

Vote BLUE.

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No matter who. 🤔😉😊

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What most commentators from our side don’t seem to be paying attention to, are the comments by Trump supporters. They appear in a feed below his speech, which was chock full of lies. We know that facts don’t change minds, emotions motivate people. And the supporters are definitely emotionally motivated. If you didn’t know who and what is behind him, Trump can seem courageous, likeable, and actually on your side like he says he is. We don’t seem to have an equivalent spokesperson, or do we? Where is he/her? We need rabble rousers for democracy!

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I blame their parents. And, letting our public school system rot like an old tomato on the vine.

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What if all these people booing Dumpy vote for RFK Jr and that takes votes from Pres Biden? I don't mind if they boo Dumpy as long as they vote for a Democrat.

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Very few of those folks would vote for Biden in any case. If not Bobby Jr, some other “libertarian”. The US Libertarian Party is a footnote. in NY and CA, they’ve become a joke.🤔😉😊

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Mango Mussolini - such a complete skid mark.

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It's astonishingly shocking that government through SS is protecting the alleged tutinpuppet traitortoamericahitlerloving rapist, racist, hater of everyone/everything, fraudbankruptbillionaire who steals from his own supporters.

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Couldn’t agree more with this article. It’s time for us all to wake up!

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IMO, It is tRump's cultish minions who are the real threat to democracy and the rule of law in America. Without them, tRump would be a vermin to be pitied and an object lesson to our children about the dangers of vast wealth handed down to those who didn't earn it themselves. The red hatted followers of tRump are idiots who cannot think for themselves, are pissed off about their own self made conditions, and who follow because so many others are. They are to be booed and jeered at every opportunity we have. Liars are losers. Haters are hellish.

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