May 31Liked by Dean Obeidallah

Yes, vote!! Because we need to get those wanna be felons as far away as we can from any public office. These folks aren't fit to collect our garbage/recycling.

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Agreed! This needs to become habitual for the next 20 to 24 years at least until many are no longer residents of earth. Somehow I fear sweet reason won't resolve this though.

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But perhaps a decade or two of continual political humiliation might go a long, long way to restoring the rule of law.

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Trump chose his attorneys—the best money can buy—and they signed off on every single juror and Trump determined their strategy, chose their witnesses and chose not to testify. He’s now been rightfully convicted of defrauding the American people in the 2016 election and has been charged with trying to overturn Biden’s legitimate win in 2020. 2024 is about the rule of law and democracy and it’s a referendum on Trump’s crooked and criminal conduct.

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One of the talking points that Dems should keep hammering on is to point out that a person can't be a supporter of both law and order and a convicted felon.

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Why do the Republicans hate America so much?

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Great job all around, prosecution, jury, and judge! CONVICTED FELON TRUMP will never live this down.

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FELON. is not the same as TEFLON!

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But have you noticed if you move the letters around and remove the T, teflon becomes felon. I guess he is, at his age, losing T in more ways than one.

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May 31Liked by Dean Obeidallah

☠️☠️☠️👺Vote 💙💙💙 ALWAYS!!

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We should have zero doubts that if the verdict had come the other way, the sycophants would be praising the "vindication of our justice system". We must call the BS for what it is and respect the rule of law.

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May 31·edited May 31

MAGA/GOQP rejection of every loss at every level is their new normal; post trump era this is all we are going to see and hear. It is very probable that like some of the formerly nascent eastern European democracies of the 90s move towards totalitarianism, so are we, via the GOQP/party of trumputin. I do not want to resort to becoming an expat, there is no reason why those of us who love our freedoms and liberties, be run out of our own country by these criminals. But in the end, it may be an option to consider, depends how deep the rabbit hole the party of trumputin and its SCOTUS takes our country. VOTE BLUE because our very way of life depends on it.

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Exactly! This is why I’m glad I renewed my passport.

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I agree - vote blue. But, given the electoral college and gerrymandered districts in battleground states...we might win the popular vote by several million votes, yet lose the election. We must energize independent voters in swing states to stand a chance. I can vote blue in my safely blue state all day, but if we don't snag a few purple or red states, we lose. If we lose, we need to shift to active resistance.

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Any honorable citizen would say multiple versions of the following, loud and often:

"Stop threats of violence and violence itself, we can only overcome through words, not weapons. Do not threaten and, especially, do not injure or kill anyone, most particularly not the judge, the jury members, the government attorneys, or anyone else involved in the trial. Do not riot in the streets or damage the property of others. The verdicts can only be reversed in the courts, by due process."

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My fear is that even if he is the loser at the ballot box, as he is in life, and there are lawsuits to reject the outcome of the election and those lawsuits find their way to the shittiest court of the land, they will support his claims and he will be placed in the White House anyway. We have been witness to their loyalty to him and his Nazi cult for years now and it has just gotten worse and worse.

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Got to hope even the unsupreme court wouldn’t go that far, but who knows these days.

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Dean, from what you said about trump being very much involved in picking the jury, it sounds like he rigged his own trial… Personally, I was very impressed by what I learned in the prosecution's case and the way it was presented. The defense was too obviously orchestrated by trump. With regard to the maggats, I don't know about the others you mentioned, but I know that Ted Cruz has been out to destroy everything he can ever since he got elected to the senate. I am really hoping that we Texans finally manage to vote him out this November.

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CONVICTED FELON TRUMP and his TRAITOR colleagues now in full control of the so-called republican party, also known as the MAGA/GQP/WCN Extremist Cult.

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I use to support Dean but have been kicked off of Treads (and Twitter) for expressing my views. If anyone heard me please lodge a complaint in my behalf.



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Great column. Hunter Biden is also going on trial. Is the system rigged against him as well?

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Trump, Johnson and others claim that Biden has weaponized the justice system.

If Trump wins, he promises to use his DoJ to come after Biden, judges and others in retaliation.

But as Biden didn't actually weaponize the DoJ, wouldn't any “retaliation” actually amount to Trump weaponizing the justice system himself??

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Too much logic there.

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Important Excerpt from Deans article;

“This is yet another reminder that Trump and MAGA are an American version of a fascist movement. One of the signature traits of fascism is blind loyalty to an “infallible leader.” To that very point, Yale Professor Jason Stanley, author of the book “How Fascism Works,” explained in July 2020: “Fascism is based on power, loyalty, and fear of the other. The fascist leader is infallible.” He added, “And anyone who opposes him is immediately a traitor to the nation.””

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