Does TT even really WANT women in the military? NO! He does not. It all starts from there. I also strongly believe that TT’s religious reason is subterfuge for forcibly holding these positions open so when tRump returns to the presidency, tRump can fill them with his own sycophants.

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I find it ironic that the people who want to impose their Christian beliefs on their fellow citizens, whether they share those same beliefs or not, are deathly afraid that if a Muslim were to be elected, that somehow Sharia law would be imposed on them. Their hypocrisy is astounding.

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This is the logical result of Dominionism, a Christian heresy, running amuck in evangelical circles. I saw it start in the 1980s, focused part of my research agenda on it until I retired in 2021, and can blather on why it's a fundamental RISK to the USA. Fascism, whether it's European (see Nazis, Italian Fascist, Dutch racists) or American (see KKK, White Citizens Councils, John Birch Society, or these new thugs) is a Christian derivative. It's an existential threat to the liberty of ALL Americans and to the health of our beloved country. We need to challenge it every day, and if its proponents engage in any law breaking, they should enjoy the due processes of the American justice system. They will always be accorded far more justice than what they wish for us.

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They all say it is because of their religious beliefs, but the truth of the matter is that they are afraid of women, and therefore, they control us with their bans. Tuberville isn’t doing it for pro life reasons either. He wants to hold open those positions of power so that if tfg wins, he can fill those openings with loyalists.

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I don’t believe that Tommy Tub-o-lard’s reason for blocking these promotions is, in fact, sincerely religious. I think, like most so-called “conservatives”, he uses the “religious excuse“ to support his fundamental prejudices.🤔😉😊

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Religion is to Tuberville as Family Values were to Charles Manson!

I'm just glad I'm an Atheist.

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His little tantrum isn’t going to stop one abortion. It is about making it more expensive and troublesome. As usual the cruelty is the point. That and making sure he gets on TV. And speaking as a Christian myself, not all of us agree that human life begins at conception.

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Right you are. He is much more successful at being an ignorant Fascist than he ever was as a failing football coach.

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Religion is faith. Our national security is fact.

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There is irony hiding in plain sight. Tommy Tubular and the others say that abortions defy the sanctity of life,.... and use the military to take their stand. The very purpose of a military is to kill people. Ugh. Fascists are dangerous and full of contradictions that they don’t see. As Indiana Jones said: Nazis. I hate these guys.

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Biden's economy is pretty amazing: What dystopian/authoritarian version of America do MAGAs live in?



Speaker Johnson's “biblical”/MAGA economics: Using Christian nationalism to "enhance plutocratic wealth” while promoting grifters, frauds & con men intent on subverting the Constitution & the rule of law. https://www.salon.com/2023/11/13/mike-johnsons-biblical-economics-using-christian-nationalism-to-enhance-plutocratic-wealth/

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Don’t underestimate the potential that Tuberville is attempting to keep those positions open until his Dear Leader is back in office.

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This is most likely the reason. Unfortunately, so long as they lie as to their reasons for very strange/fetishistic obstructions (in spite of the relative obviousness of it all) we are bound to bow to the paltry deniability of their goals - thus we experience a "happening before our very eyes" as it pertains to the end of our nation. I sure wish we had some Dems that were willing to be brilliant and take them on rather than the apparent slack-jawed, behind the curve, reactive approach their results seem to yield. Either that or just admit it's out of their hands and we shouldn't expect the them to intercede in any effective way. There will be no meaningful organizing of people until those same people feel they MUST act with the mindset of (while sifting for grubs) "what will I wish I had done, spoke out, marched, and yes, pushed back". And so long as the Dems are just providing a different form of deniability giving a wee morsel to believe that "maybe it won't happen", I would suggest people take the plunge and read the hard reads, say the difficult things on social media knowing their will be a vitriolic pile-on, get used to the reality before us and ask electeds what they are actually doing about this nightmare threat that stands against civility and any future prosperity for us and those who deem us their enemy.

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I strongly suspect it has zero to do with being “pro-life” and everything to do with working for Putin.

Since Putin is the only one who benefits from gooberville’s disgusting antics.

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I agree with other comments that TT is holding the top positions open for trump to fill. It's all part of #project2025.

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Thanks, bard

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It could be just simply that the federal government should not be funding and performing abortions on members of the military or on anyone else.

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In other words the GOP's religion should be law. Nah, not happening!

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So put a ban on healthcare for women?

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