
I hope everyone watches a clip of Pres Biden today at rally addressing the debate. He was objectively great https://x.com/Acyn/status/1806748370532536705

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I certainly hope enough people recognize what's truly important. I am 75, but I would like to live and work for my remaining decades in a land of civility and freedom.

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Jun 28Liked by Dean Obeidallah

Kimmel said it all. “Just because Alfred is old, you don’t put The Joker in the Batcave.”

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I have to share that the callers to my radio show are rallying around Pres Biden bigly!!!

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I agree, Dean. Things are moving in the right direction. I can always find a country for those who are aggrieved living in the USA. 🇺🇸

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Biden can confidently run on his record. The longer I’m awake this morning (after last night’s fog) the stronger I’m getting!

I will vote for DEMOCRACY each and every time. In four months things will get mitigated and I believe more people will vote to save our country from this scourge.

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In order to make our choice clear to the criminal tRUMP, WE ALL MUST VOTE! Every single vote will count! The crybaby needs to be out down hard! I’m fed up with his lies, even during the debate! P.S. HOW will Crybaby run the country while attending his upcoming trials? I still cannot believe he has not ben disqualified yet! VOTE FOR AMERICA! Vote BLUE!

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Technically every vote should count, but my votes for president haven’t counted in years. I live in Tennessee.

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Yes, me too - I live in Kentucky but am very BLUE.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

I disagree. What record does he have?

He ignored all our problems for 4 years, and some of them got better and some of them got worse.

Being better than Trump is not a qualification. 98% of people in the country are better than Trump.

Look at hard numbers. His policies have had no significant impact on greenhouse gas emissions. His environmental policies are mathematically closer to Trump's than Obama's. His appointees have not laid down a sound foundation for future infrastructure. His AG hasn't even taken action to ensure that the most notorious criminal in the country is brought to trial for his most notorious and public crime. He has taken minimal action to expunge the taint of the previous administration on our courts, or on public discourse. Citizens today have fewer rights today than they did when he took office (see Supreme Court decisions, and state-laws being passed), and he has done effectively nothing to advance an agenda that protects citizens' rights.

His record on human rights is poor. His record on keeping his promises is poor. His social outreach and presence is basically non-existent.

The presidency is not 2nd grade, where as long as they follow the rules and do their paperwork, they are rewarded.

How about you ask people under the age of 40 what we think of his record.

The guy has a 38% approval rating (and rapidly falling), for a reason.

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Jun 28Liked by Dean Obeidallah


This barred owl in austin this morning telling us to shake it off y’all. Down in my creek while I’m reading all the other Substack negativity. Swear.

Maybe it’s cause im an OBGyn in Texas, but we gotta keep focused on realistic strategy and stop replaying the Republican narrative all day.

Get ready for the next fight.

Thank you again Dean🔥

Thank you again Dean

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Thanks Dean. As one told me this morning.. This is 1932 German election.

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If Presidents Biden was in a coma, I'd still vote for him@

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All of this. All of this. Thank you.

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Oh thank you so much for not being a downer today! Your comments that promote a galvanized and strengthened resolve to stand and fight are very welcome. Stand together.💪👊🏼

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This election is also The People of the United States vs the Corrupt Partisan Supreme Christo-fascist tribunal.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

Heil! Spelling ain't my strongest point.

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Heil! But I your point is made.

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Just said something very similar to my friend who was depressed after watching the “debate” last night. We are leading the charge to restore women’s rights!

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I was down last night. However, I know myself and knew I would wake this morning in a fighting mood and ready to do more to help save our country. Being down is a luxury we cannot afford. Off the mat. Fight on, fight on. We can all help to win this.

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Your voice and encouragement is much needed as some of us struggle to stay focused. Might I add do not waste one second trying to convert a MAGA voter to the cause even if it is your brother. As Simon Rosenberg says with Dems we do better. Robert Hubble also is an encouraging and much needed voice.

As my 3 year old grandson said in a video as he tried to walk across a fallen limb, “I can do it, I can do it, I can do it!” And so can we! No matter what happens I will face myself with the knowledge that I did my best for democracy and for future generations.

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Jun 28Liked by Dean Obeidallah


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This race is the U.S. Constitution versus Project 2025. Vote Blue,no matter who!

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Not only does Trump lose on every issue looked at rationally but everyone on Biden's team is superior to anyone on Trump's "team". Unfortunately many people do not vote rationally.

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No, but I still believe most still do.

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