I totally agree: "it’s far more undemocratic to 'engage' in an 'insurrection' designed to prevent the peaceful transfer of power. And...we can’t ignore the conditions clearly imposed on candidates set forth in the U.S. Constitution... if we want to remain a democratic Republic."

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I really hope the case finds trump disqualified, I mean, can anyone imagine trump in prison governing the country... Governing? The World would be laughing and at the same time disgusted. 'Destroying' is a better word.

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He never “governed” the country when he was OUT of prison. He tried to rule it...us...as though it was his private fiefdom. He also sees the presidency as a for profit enterprise, as long as he’s the one profiting. Let’s hope this trial will be the first crack in the dam, and that other states will follow the lead.

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I thank you for pointing this out. Must be why I subscribe.

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Thank you!!

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My bet is that Trump loses in Colorado and perhaps even the 9th circuit, but SCOTUS stays the decision pending review...which happens on the 12th of never...

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Peter- if he loses in Colorado it would cause chaos in the GOP race for President -that would be fun :)

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Watching the MAGA House clown show has been fun as well. But the country needs less fun and more stable governing.

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I think the fact that Neil Gorsuch already stated that states can exclude from their ballots candidates who are constitutionally disqualified can only hurt Trump, assuming that he remains consistent. We know that Clarence Thomas would never vote in favor of excluding him, but I bet a couple of other justices, along with the three liberal female justices, could be persuaded. Or, SCOTUS could refuse to hear the case on its final appeal. Anything that would keep Trump off the ballot is a gift. However, he would never win in Colorado anyway, even if he was on the ballot, so it’s important that other swing states follow through.

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I think SCOTUS agrees to take the case, but stays lower court opinions (that would go against Trump) until they rule. Which doesn't happen until the 12th of never, or after the 2024 election, whichever comes first.

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I saw your comment above. I’m hoping that doesn’t happen so that this could move quickly to a final determination. It will make absolutely no difference in this election if he is prevented from being on the Colorado ballot. Colorado has been reliably blue since at least 2004, but I would like to see him off the ballot in some important swing states. One can dream...

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I wouldn’t trust Gorsuch not to flip.

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It only takes so many states before surmounting the electoral college becomes impossible. So the directive is to encourage other Secretaries of State to follow suit. A number of them are sure to get through. Which states is also key. 🔑

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I think it was Georgia that essentially neutered their SOS. Why bother to have one if they’re power can be over ruled by a bunch of sycophants?

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I think the walls are beginning to cave in on the Republicans. And I think other states will follow suit. If they want to take it to SCOTUS, let them wait 10 years like everyone else! Trump’s republican pool of supporters is shrinking daily. Jim Jordan, trumpolini jr, can’t get enough votes for the Speaker of the House. The republican cesspool is circling the toilet drain.

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I can’t wait to see who they come up with next. Meanwhile everyone who will be effected by a government shut down should really be getting prepared and thinking ahead. Republicans don’t seem to give a dam.

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So true. Be prepared, plan ahead. And understand that no one in the US should be without basics when we’re able to send billions overseas for wars.

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You hit every point solidly, as usual! I am comforted by your arguments and stand resolutely with you re TFG being jailed while awaiting trials.

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...perzactly....? cd even refer to ARTICLE III, SECTION 3 ?

....i am stuck on naming him Enemy of the State....

....A III, SEC 4 should keep jordan, all potus candidates who refuse to accept the results of the 2020...&'22 elections

....how many of us have brought suits?

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So David Sea looks into his crystal ball and here's what he "seas."

1. SCOTUS will return the option back to the States.

2. All the Blue States will exclude Trump and all the Red States will exclude Biden. Biden wins all the Blue states, just like 2020, and Trump, the Red, just like 2020.

3. This puts the election in the hands of the Swing States, (as usual.) Depending on how they each interpreted 14A, Sec3, so, too, will go the election.

4. No candidate got 270? Off to Congress.

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I don’t see how red states can just decide not to put Biden on the ballot.

From the article:

“Judge Wallace wrote in her opinion, “If the Party, without any oversight, can choose its preferred candidate, then it could theoretically nominate anyone regardless of their age, citizenship, residency.” She added, “Such an interpretation is absurd; the Constitution and its requirements for eligibility are not suggestions, left to the political parties to determine at their sole discretion.”

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Especially since Biden is the incumbent.

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Red states may claim Biden has "given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof," because something something Liberals. They wanna do it because we're "doing it to Trump."

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Not enforcing the US Constitution because of fear what Republicans will do in response is not compelling to me at all.

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Agreed. And in the case I describe above, the Dems are following the Constitution, and the Republicans are following the Democrats.

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And we all know which way Fla goes.

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That's nice. What about Jordan? Scott? etc. etc.

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Purposeful plot by the MSM to negatively propagandize JB's reascencion to the throne!

The enemy of my friend is the lie.

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There is another step if courts or, in the case of Trump, the Jan 6th committee, decides that he is an insurrectionist. The 14th Amendment gives Congress the sole power to remove the impediment to holding office for any insurrectionist who has previously held office and taken an oath to support the Constitution.

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Do trust any republican to do that considering they have the majority?

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If both Houses of Congress fail to have a 2/3 majority to allow the insurrectionist in question to hold office, that person continues to be barred from any local, state, or federal public office in the US.

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"Although presidential state dinners could be awkward if required to take place in the prison’s dining hall!" This cracked me up. But, seriously, folks....

If Trump doesn't make it on enough ballots to run or if he runs and loses, what impact will that have on his followers? His die hards are with him to the end, or their end, I guess, but will any one peel off? Is there anyone left on the fringe? Is there a fringe any more? I think Dean had a guest on a few months ago that said if he doesn't win in 2024, he won't have the potential for power that comes with being a president and a lot of his followers will drop off.

What an embarrassing time for our country.

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From your keyboard to the goddess’ ear!

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I don’t trust the SCOTUS any longer to make decisions in the best interests of the United States. They would likely throw this to the wind. The Republican nominees kowtow to Trump.

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