And is there not more to be known about the casual bystander who just happened to be hanging around the hedge forming the outer perimeter of the golf course [and who does that?] who happened to notice some guy running out and had the presence of mind, and the cellphone readily available, to take a picture of him and his car, including the license plate?

Or am I missing something, or have my information or "facts" wrong?

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And NO ONE noticed/reported a car that seems to have been parked nearby since 1:00 AM? One would think that would have aroused suspicions for some of the people who travel this evidently very busy road.

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Did the bystander see the “shooter” run from the bushes before SS shots or after? Did “shooter” realize he was spotted by SS and left because he really didn’t want to be shot or caught and fled his post? Is that why when SS shot they didn’t hit him?

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I live in the area and where the bystander saw the suspect on Summit Blvd and Congress Ave does have some pedestrian traffic.

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THANKS for this helpful input. 😀

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Thank you for staying on this, Dean. I think you're taking a very reasonable and responsible approach in questioning the authenticity of the alleged attempted attempt.

For me personally, any and all things Trump are suspect - and this is no different. Too many things seem to magically work out for him. That's not reality. That's not this world.

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Ah, but it is trump's world!

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You are on to something and I am not a conspiracist. For me, the start was when Trump squashed any medical reports following his injury two months ago.

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I did not know trump had squashed medical reports, but it comes as no surprise. I appreciate the new (to me) information.

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Highly unusual. What would be usual is for the medical team to speak with the press about - in this case - the former President ‘s condition. Trump disallowed any reference to his condition, treatment, outlook and medical information.

His ear patch appeared to be “home made”. Trump and his minions strike fear through threats, intimidation, and manipulation of the legal process. And, he gets away with it.

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You are right about what the medical team would usually do, but trump has never allowed his real medical status to be known. About the ear patch, I for a long time had the feeling that it was gauze still in its wrapper…

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You are correct.

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Stevie Wonder could see that these "assassination" attempts have been staged by Trump and his thugs in an attempt to shore up Trump's rapidly dropping poll numbers. There are far too many loose ends and fishy elements, and Trump has every motivation to try pulling these stunts. One day I'm sure we will learn what happened and how it was planned. In the meantime, I'm guessing that Trump's alleged "assassin" won't live much longer. He may commit "suicide" in jail--you know, like Epstein did.

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I felt this way after the first "attempt". At least yesterday there was an official accounting, whether truthful or not, there was one. But with the first one, afterwards, crickets. Not one official accounting of his bogus ear injury. Why is that?

Soo many questions.

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Until I see an actual medical report on Trump's supposed bullet wound, I'm going to remain unconvinced that either of these incidents were real threats to Trump and not set ups by the usual slate of dirty tricksters to divert attention from Trump's abject failures. Let's hope the FBI or the Secret Service bothers to check this latest idiot's bank accounts.

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But - but - he wore that huge bandage on his ear! There must have been a YUGE wound under it! /S

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Plenty of weird stuff in this story. I always thought that the ex president was a sitting duck at his motel a largo as he plays golf. Same for Bedminster New Jersey. Most bizarre was his reaction to his first assassination attempt, raising his fist and shouting fight! And why is this convict free to roam and incite violence? The judges are negligent.

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Especially the Supreme Court.


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Same. I can believe crazy shooters, I do not believe Trump was so calm that he wasn't rushed away but was so ready to raise a fist. The unreality of it is why I feel no shock at an assassination attempt. It didn't feel like anything.

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Except someone was killed.

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The person killed at the first attempt was probably considered to be collateral damage as was the shooter. I am not a conspiracy theory type of person but all of this was just too bizarre and too “well-planned” to happen without forethought.

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Very sad and two injured. Not part of the plan 😢😢😢

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I doubt he even considered the possibility, and I would be he doesn't even have any recollection of that happening now, because it didn't happen to him.

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And two more sustained gunshot wounds.

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Remember that he’s put in an incredible amount of judges (witness A. Cannon, the three SCOTUS justices) who have been helpful to him. . . so far. The wheels do move slowly for justice.

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Please stay on this Dean! You raise many, many solid questions that Americans need to have answered. There’s so much here that, at this time, do not add up or make any sense. There are too many unanswered questions.


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Can't the GOP finally hire a marksman who knows what he's doing? Or maybe this is all part of a ploy!

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Look - I don’t like the guy, but we shouldn’t wish gun violence or death on anyone…

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How about a necrotic tongue? Could we wish that on him? At least it would give us some peace and quiet because he wouldn't be able to talk anymore.

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I’ll allow it 😅

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I think a stroke would be nice where he can no longer talk, he is confined to a wheelchair, has to be spoon-fed his jello and required assistance with toileting.

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I’m sure that there would be plenty of unpaid volunteers to provide these services for him. If he owes money it probably won’t be paid anyway.

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Hear! Hear!

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Dear Kelly! Since when has Trump been anybody? He has crapped all over the Constitution and the American justice system and deserves ABSOLUTELY no form of"normal"

decent treatment. Hence we can only wish the very worst for him!

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I won’t vote for him but I’m tired of the hate and separation. He has my permission to lose the election, golf his dark & empty heart out, and fade into the Florida sunset along with all of his bullshit stories.

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AFTER his future court dates, yes?

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Yes… after he is released from prison.

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Question is, will he ever go to prison, or will he flee to a non-extradition country with all of this ill-gotten gains?

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SCOTUS will prevent any prison time.

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Not before a Harris inauguration, they won't. Do you think they'll care afterwards? Not like he's going to run in 2028.

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If that’s what it was

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Why would they want to accurately shoot their meal ticket?

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Immediately following both "assassination attempts" (which were immediately followed by his attempts to assassinate his campaign), he blamed the talking points of the democratic campaign calling him a threat to democracy in the hopes of scoring points and within minutes used that as fund raising fodder. Who wants to start a pool that the third attempt will be next month and there will be more injuries or deaths involved? Perhaps at his planned Ohio rally where he and Pee Wee Jr have already stoked the flames? 🤔

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Gerald Ford was a candidate in September 1975, having launched his campaign in July 1975, when he was the target of two assassination attempts 17 days apart. So, sadly, not unprecedented.

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Not unprecedented, but the attempts on Ford were probably real. He didn't have a history of being a reality show "star".

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They were real attempts. One was by a female Manson family member. Memory is that one was in Sacramento.

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My memory won't bring back her name immediately, but I remember the incident with the female Manson family member. And it would definitely have been in California. I was living in CA at the time, and it's hard not to remember the Manson family.

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Squeaky Fromme. Currently 75 years old, was paroled about twenty years ago. (https://is.gd/JxsvO3)

Sara Jane Moore, 94, was paroled in 2007 but is back in prison for violating that parole. (https://is.gd/EXeuzD)

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Thank you, Jeff. It's interesting going back that far in history, reliving it.

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I had to look it up - Squeaky Fromme.

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The Manson follower was ‘Squeaky’ Fromme and the other was a distract housewife on meds named Sarah Jane Moore, if memory serves. They both did long stints in prison or mental institutes.

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Squeeky Fromm, manson follower

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Didn’t remember that!

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I'm not ready to jump on the bandwagon yet. There were similarly credible doubts about the JFK assassination (and Oswald was shot dead before he could talk), but we don't know enough about this truly weak attempt to call it a set-up. Hope Routh can survive to his trial (think Epstein).

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And, Oswald (JFK)

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"Adding to the questions are that CNN reported the gunman told the judge at his arraignment that he had “zero funds” in his own savings. If he had no funds, how did he afford the truck he was driving, the weapon, the camera? Where was he staying?" Credit, my dear. Nobody has the cash to buy a vehicle, a camera or whatever. There isn't much the cops are going to share about this guy. As for Trump, it's just another distraction set up to keep people from using their heads and seeing that Trump is too old, too senile and too corrupt to be allowed another term as president.

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Well, he had the "concept" of an assassination!

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Har har 👍

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Adds up perfectly, this was choreographed to look like an authentic attempt. But many things don’t add up-except-this smacks of a Trump contrived event.

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And like his phony tv program, poorly designed and badly executed. (Just read an article about how the apprentice was a “reality show” like the survivor.) The set was fake because TFG’s “tower” was run down, chipped furniture, smelly, & the producers knew he was good tv but a failed business man. Gun barrel seen through a high leafy hedge across a water hazard, & —- ? An old Russian weapon— all BS.

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False Flag Op

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