The lying, the lying authoritarian , religion pushing republican cult is at it again . Well, they’ve never stopped, just gotten more manipulative and evil. And it will continue.

These twisted individuals were sent to be representatives of the people.

Instead they insist on having their viewpoints foisted on the people.

They insist their beliefs are the only acceptable beliefs. And if you don’t share their beliefs, you must still agree to have them think for you.

This is the essence of authoritarianism.

“ I alone can fix this”.

‘I have the money and the power and you must yield to this. ‘

This is the essence of Donald Trump , with 91 charges for criminal activity.

But he and his followers think they should run the show.

A reminder, these authoritarian republicans were sent to represent our views.

We must insist they do so. Use the ballot box as well as activism supporting “ We , the people...”

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by Dean Obeidallah

I'm awed at how many women I know who have had abortions voted for these idiots. I'll never, ever understand it.

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Aug 30, 2023·edited Aug 30, 2023Liked by Dean Obeidallah


I can't really believe that these fundamentalists are really concerned about the fetus. It's all about controlling women and putting them in their places. Otherwise, they would talk about the male role in pregnancy and what they can do to stop unwanted children. J.C., I despise these religious nuts.

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And it’ll go to the Ohio Supreme Court where our governors son sits as a justice along with his other Republicans friends who most kelt will openly flout our state constitution! It’s enraging at every level to have to spend so much energy defeating these arseholes when the majority of the residents of Ohio clearly do not want their crap policies! Doing everything I can to not only defeat their efforts, but to eject them from elected office... though the OHSC gerrymandered map despite it being clearing unconstitutional, makes this an uphill battle.

I’m tired. So are a lot of other Ohioans. Beyond tired and just now *REALLY* pissed off. Stay tuned... keep bringing up their cruelty and send help, not just words, thoughts and prayers.

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by Dean Obeidallah

The Christo-Fascist Ohio GOP thought voters were too stupid to see right thru the bullshit plan to change the amendment rules at the last minute. They think voters are too stupid to see thru the rewording of the amendment's ballot language at the behest of the forced birthers. But the voters of Ohio are not as stupid as the GOP thinks they are, at least on this issue. They have been stupid enough to send a fraud like JD Vance to the Senate and re-elect the odious Mike DeWine, but this issue, and the GOP's attempts to cheat, may spell the end for all of them.

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I call them [Notso] Fun-dumb-mental-ists.TheoCrazy is their game, it's in their name!

They feel no shame and are never to blame, so VOTE to reclaim our stately separation from same!

Put it in D for deliverance from their evil. Democracy will not die, if we all VOTE to keep it!

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I sent an email to the CA secretary of state's office to have Trump removed from any ballots in CA for violating Section 3 of the 14th amendment. My girlfriend sent an email as well. This authoritarian takeover loses a lot of steam when it loses Trump.

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I have been re-reading BLACKWATER by Jeremy Scahill (pre-trump stuff) and the most unsettling about it all is that these freaks actually believe this crap. I mean, I could actually rest much easier if I thought they were using religion as a cynical justification for their mendacity, cruelity, and murder. That is very frightening. The most salient thing about Trump is that he worships himself and thus there is no room for an imaginary external force with all those pesky rules.

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In recent years, as women and people of color have been getting more and more opportunities, they are showing they can be incredibly successful. The good ol' boys cannot handle that. They know that their time is just about up and they are going out scorched earth. They will lie, cheat and steal to make laws to hurt as many people as they possibly can, including themselves. People with some sense need to show up at the ballot box sooner rather than later.

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Now theres a thought. Clearly common sense is lacking in these jackasses

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If the GOP doesn't lie, they can't win.

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The trouble is we don't have a "witchhunt" as we found the witch.

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Megadonor the Pope of Christianity how much did he give to stop reproductive rights in Ohio, the rot of society the Pope or the Nat ionalist C hristians > Nat Cs donated $1M in favor of the yes vote, F the fucking Pope who is an Fn >Nat Cs, & F Christianity both are the scourge of society, My Religion: Meha4:20. When does the poison of religion end answer Never bc religious people beliefs don't change just their tactics F your religion & F your god s Anti-theist Atheist Apistevist me🌹🫂💞✌️

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