This forced religion is actually exactly why we left England! America is not a Christian nation! It's a Nation where you're allowed to be a Christian! Or allowed to be no religion! America is the Land of the Free!🖤
Yeah, as if Biden or the Democratic Party did anything at all to prevent something like what has and is happening. Biden and the Democrats had two years in the majority, though they could count on enough Democratic senators to block legislation, Obama also had two years and other presidents since R vs E previously.
Just the 'Citizens Untied' case was warning enough to move on balancing the court and legislating corruption out of SCOTUS, setting aside Congress legislating it's own corruption problems.
His first action along with the Democratic Party should have been to take scholarly advice and move on what to do to balance a captured SCOTUS. That should have been The Number One achievement of his first 100 days. Absolutely anything moderate Democrats or otherwise wanted to do absolutely hinged on that one accomplishment. Universe knows he and the Democrats had enough constitutional brains around to advise on the correct way to do that. Biden could, maybe, have used executive privilege as the presidents had before him.
Biden's been in government long enough to be BFF with an avowed Racist, so he's known forever the Republican agenda and playbook, he should know how to block or that he should be blocking their efforts. As for R vs W that should have been codified in the Constitution (the fact is Biden doesn't want abortion to be legal*). It's amazing that: From NPR interview;
{the Southern Baptist Convention, they actually passed resolutions in 1971, 1974 and 1976 - after Roe v. Wade - affirming the idea that women should have access to abortion for a variety of reasons and that the government should play a limited role in that matter, which surprised us. The experts we talked to said white evangelicals at that time saw abortion as largely a Catholic issue.}
*From the New York Times March 29, 2019 on Biden.
Excerpt: The amendment — which the National Abortion Rights Action League called “the most devastating attack yet on abortion rights” — cleared a key hurdle in the Senate Judiciary Committee in March 1982. Support came not only from Republicans but from a 39-year-old, second-term Democrat: Joseph R. Biden Jr.
I'm apologize for this screed, but I really thoroughly believe Biden could have and should have attempted to balance the courts. I know I'm not the only one that read about the different ways scholars were proposing and publishing and advising ways he could legally/lawfully balance the courts after the alarming attack on Human Rights that R vs W. The Louisiana case is not an aberration given that practically in the same announcement on R vs W, SCOTUS signaled they were willing to overturn any established amendment or Constitutional right/law their ideological brothers and sisters wanted kill.
Interesting concept, and it is certainly on our wish list, but no, it probably would not have worked. Biden needs to get the centrist vote. And that’s what he will get. He will get it all the more because of the extreme right-leaning court’s horrific decisions. Yes, it is playing with fire - but that’s what is happening in our government now.
(And I don’t mean this as an insult, but are you even American??)
Yes, I'm am a U.S. citizen and have watched and worked in the labor force that has been hollowed out by the neo-liberals, of course I didn't understand why that went hand in hand with the loss of human rights we experienced since before Ross Pero tried to warn people that NAFTA wasn't the lofty treaty being sold to the country as a deal that would lift everyone's quality of life.
Can we skip the whole this is why we left England bit? Less than 10% of Americans have English ancestry. We should also probably come to terms with the that the US has never (NEVER) been the fucking Land of the Free. This is a fucking lie that white Americans have been brainwashed into believing. For me, a Jewish, American (dual Swedish citizenship) and many it is a joke. I trust absolutely no one who is a Christian or a conservative or a Republican or a MAGAt. And I trust maybe 30% of white Democrats. And even that trust is limited. I saw an interview with an American 10/7 survivor who said, despite everything, she would feel safer back in Israel than in the US (she’s a New Yorker). I agree 💯, no 1000%.
Yeah, the US breaking away from the UK had nothing to do with Religion and everything to do with hating the Crown and being subject to laws made thousands of miles away.
Lol, England didn't force it's religion on you (yes there was a religious 'theme' in England, but thanks to Henry the 8th wanting to have his cake and eat it we became a protestant nation, we broke away from Rome so avoided and kicked the crap out've the Catholic idiocy of the times, tf we had the best Navy of the age) Your main problem stems from the fact we forced the total and utter religious nutjobs (Catholic btw) to flee from our protestant nation, unfortunately for you guys, they landed on Plymouth rock. (Yeah as much as they called themselves, they weren't actually Pilgrims, they were religious fundamentals) For all America rails against what happened in Iran when their religious nutjobs took complete control of the country, it sure seems like your religious nutjobs want to replicate the same thing in your country 🙄. Just an observation from a Mackem Athiest (BTW, the UK IS an athiest nation, we're even converting Muslims to atheism, so even though your Religious nutjobs are funding our racist, fascist wannabes to fight their fight against the rising numbers of people of a different skin colour by spouting the Sharia law crap, great replacement BS, the % of Muslims in the UK is staying the same, slightly shrinking than it has been for decades. Islam will not take over the UK, we don't bow down to religious nutjobs).
My Father always maintained that England sent all their religious nuts to America and their pickpockets to Australia and Australia got the better deal. 😄
OK, post the damn Commandments...on stone Hebrew. Or post them with an English translation as well, and when little Billy Bob asks the teacher what adultery means, tell him to ask his Mommy, who was out with little Ellie Mae's Daddy at the No-tell Motel last week. Or maybe just the youth pastor at his evangelical church. This people disgust me.
They claim that the 10 Commandments were foundational for the Constitution. They are not wrong, but not how they think. Madison was a separation of church and state absolutist, not because he worried about the corruption of the state by the church, but because he foresaw what has happened, the perversion of the church in service to politics. Madison, Jefferson and others were clear, America is not a Christian nation, it is a nation in which Christians are free to worship according to their particular lights. This Louisiana Law is a direct afront to that concept in that it seeks to impose a particular version of Christianity on everyone. Sounds like a violation of the establishment clause to me, but I'm sure Alito will find a workaround.
As long as the Governor is using Moses as the basis for requiring the posting of the Ten Commandments, perhaps he considers us a Jewish nation, and if so, he should require the posting of the 613 Jewish Commandments. Now what would he say about that?
I want the courts to produce evidence there actually was a Moses. Also and this in important, Abraham came before Moses so ALL Abrahamic religions need to be included not just Christianity. Christ came much later than Abraham and Moses. So how many different religions does make?
No joke. I tried to kill myself just prior to 2020 Election Day. And again after my MAGAt brother threatened to kill me after January 6th. Again after he was convicted for that along with a swatting incident. I won’t survive if Biden loses. I’m not sure I have the will, strength or courage to wait until November. Best of luck to all. Signing out. 💔😞💔
Breathe… stay away from all the ones you can. Look at nature. Take walks. The sun rises, the birds sing, the grass grows and you got this. Be strong and breathe!!! You sound like a empath which is hard now. Feeling all things. Bring your kindness wherever you can. Hang in there!!
I don’t know if you listen to Simon Rosenberg he is on YouTube! Listen to his video from two days ago, and it might give you some HOPE!
He has a political analyst & strategist.
He understood in 2022 the red wave everyone predicted was not actually coming!
I realized to take better care of my mind and mental well-being, I had to stop watching so much politics! I check in for short periods of time throughout the day to keep up-to-date.
I cannot obsess and watch it all day long!
I have a couple of dogs and enjoy doing needlework It helps to control my anxiety and give my brain a much-needed break, but keeps my hands busy!
I hope you can find some bit of Hope & Peace of mind - I think we will get through this!❤️
I think Louisiana is like the 47th or 48th state with lowest education rates in the nation. You would think they would put up something so they could actually learn but no, just keep them uneducated so they don’t ask questions…
The Qur’an is not equivalent to the 10 Commandments – the Qur’an is more equivalent to the Bible - but (from my studies; I am Christian) the Muslims’ own rules are not so different than Christians’.
Malignant narcissists, sociopaths & psychopaths compulsively want nothing less than total domination, but even that won't satisfy them because they are empty inside being incapable of love.
They want an America modeled on their evangelical beliefs. That's not the beliefs of the majority of Americans, you say? Too bad, the majority doesn't count because they are the real Americans and they're tired of letting us live here unless we live under their own version of sharia law.
Absolutely no way should religious dogman be forced into the classroom. Full Stop 🛑 If folks are hell bent on this sort of stuff,go to a Private religious school and leave the rest of the kids alone. Also,I really don't dig having my taxes subsidizing Churches and or religious schools. They're tax exempt?! Something is seriously upsidedown here. Thanks for letting me vent,just a tad,Dean. Good topics All💯
Yes, they certainly don’t follow my brand of Christianity. My faith is based on love, theirs on hate. I’m tired of them giving all Christians a bad name.
Christianity has been co-opted just as the republican party has. Elements of each have opted for power and supremacy and in the end have corrupted both their religion and politics.
So: •which• version of the 10 Commandments is to be posted? There are •2• different versions in the OT; and the Catholic & Protestant versions also differ from each other. They who are insisting on this need to be asked this question in exactly this way.
As far as I can tell having the 10 commandments around hasn't prevented sex abuse from happening in the Catholic churches or the Southern Baptist churches... in fact children and women are much more likely to be harmed in church than just about anywhere else. According to those employed in religion or those who are Republicans have the highest numbers of sex crime perpetrators compared to every other group. So I'd say that having the 10 commandments posted somewhere in a building or being able to recite them isn't going to lower crimes or prevent them or do anything helpful to humanity.
If those young people take those ten commandments to heart, there is no way they will be voting republican when they come of age, considering that the Great Leader and most of the rest of those republican assholes in the house and senate have broken every damn one of those commandments over and over on a daily basis.
Now, now. The Extremes didn't say a coach could stand in the middle of the field and make his team pray. They got to their decision by lying about what he did, characterizing it as standing quietly praying on the field. That has actually been OK for some time. The dissent actually included a PICTURE of him in the middle of the field with kneeling players, but that didn't stop the court from saying the it was a quiet moment of prayer. Strictly speaking we now have precedent saying the a crowd of kneeling players listening to prayers on 50 yard line mid field is quiet personal prayer.
As we know, this court can make up facts as it pleases. Pretty sure it will simply say that the 10 commandments have nothing to do with religion but are just a work of world literature.
My suggestion is that any teacher forced to put up this poster have a poster set up by its side, listing for each a politician or other revered figure who has broken that commandment.
I'm still waiting for their implosion, which would've happened long ago if not for a tremendous infusion of money by billionaires. They have nothing to offer the world but hate, division & huge tax cuts for giant corporations & billionaires. The GOP should be banned for being a subversive terrorist organization.
I have to disagree with that. We need to find better ways to meaningfully communicate. Here’s a great podcast episode with some terrific food for thought on this topic.
I was enjoying a read from a Substacker that I felt was accurate, then it veered off into haterd of the millions upon millions of illegal immigrants Biden was inviting into the country. I was totally on board with the accuracy of their piece until that out of right field attack on Biden. My point is that we all agree on certain issues and those issues we can come together on. Why should it be all or nothing.
I have friends, family and neighbors I can share views on, but no one ever expected us all to walk in lock step with each other before. I think that changed dramatically between Clinton and Trump by some political think tank that wanted a fractured society. Sure it had been changing since Reagan and Karl Rove's machinations maybe even before that. The Powell Memo/Doctrine was a plan that it appears was adhered to which explains where we are today.
I am tired of this insanity. America is not a theocracy and it is not stuck in the language and time of the founders. All of these cultists must be stopped using any possible means, including the theocrats, all of them, the FEDSOC gang of lawyers who are warping law with their small town approach to judge and court shopping, the crooked SCOTUS gang who think they are some sort of invincible gods, and CFFG. Gloves off. No rules.
Enshrine the Greek and Roman Gods, Buddha, Shinto, and of course the Devil, Ra, and the Aztec gods, with a heavy dose of atheism, then the state religious authorities can paper away in the classroom.
Once the burnings at the stake start again maybe the American people will remember what made America great (liberal freedoms) & what the Real Revolution was fought for (freedom from state religion & ending taxation without representation)
This forced religion is actually exactly why we left England! America is not a Christian nation! It's a Nation where you're allowed to be a Christian! Or allowed to be no religion! America is the Land of the Free!🖤
It won’t be if tfg and his cult party get control. 💙💙💙💙💙
Yeah, as if Biden or the Democratic Party did anything at all to prevent something like what has and is happening. Biden and the Democrats had two years in the majority, though they could count on enough Democratic senators to block legislation, Obama also had two years and other presidents since R vs E previously.
Just the 'Citizens Untied' case was warning enough to move on balancing the court and legislating corruption out of SCOTUS, setting aside Congress legislating it's own corruption problems.
His first action along with the Democratic Party should have been to take scholarly advice and move on what to do to balance a captured SCOTUS. That should have been The Number One achievement of his first 100 days. Absolutely anything moderate Democrats or otherwise wanted to do absolutely hinged on that one accomplishment. Universe knows he and the Democrats had enough constitutional brains around to advise on the correct way to do that. Biden could, maybe, have used executive privilege as the presidents had before him.
Biden's been in government long enough to be BFF with an avowed Racist, so he's known forever the Republican agenda and playbook, he should know how to block or that he should be blocking their efforts. As for R vs W that should have been codified in the Constitution (the fact is Biden doesn't want abortion to be legal*). It's amazing that: From NPR interview;
{the Southern Baptist Convention, they actually passed resolutions in 1971, 1974 and 1976 - after Roe v. Wade - affirming the idea that women should have access to abortion for a variety of reasons and that the government should play a limited role in that matter, which surprised us. The experts we talked to said white evangelicals at that time saw abortion as largely a Catholic issue.}
*From the New York Times March 29, 2019 on Biden.
Excerpt: The amendment — which the National Abortion Rights Action League called “the most devastating attack yet on abortion rights” — cleared a key hurdle in the Senate Judiciary Committee in March 1982. Support came not only from Republicans but from a 39-year-old, second-term Democrat: Joseph R. Biden Jr.
I'm apologize for this screed, but I really thoroughly believe Biden could have and should have attempted to balance the courts. I know I'm not the only one that read about the different ways scholars were proposing and publishing and advising ways he could legally/lawfully balance the courts after the alarming attack on Human Rights that R vs W. The Louisiana case is not an aberration given that practically in the same announcement on R vs W, SCOTUS signaled they were willing to overturn any established amendment or Constitutional right/law their ideological brothers and sisters wanted kill.
Interesting concept, and it is certainly on our wish list, but no, it probably would not have worked. Biden needs to get the centrist vote. And that’s what he will get. He will get it all the more because of the extreme right-leaning court’s horrific decisions. Yes, it is playing with fire - but that’s what is happening in our government now.
(And I don’t mean this as an insult, but are you even American??)
Yes, I'm am a U.S. citizen and have watched and worked in the labor force that has been hollowed out by the neo-liberals, of course I didn't understand why that went hand in hand with the loss of human rights we experienced since before Ross Pero tried to warn people that NAFTA wasn't the lofty treaty being sold to the country as a deal that would lift everyone's quality of life.
Is Biden awaiting for his second term to enact some of the above, especially with the trump lost and maga less of a concern?
Can we skip the whole this is why we left England bit? Less than 10% of Americans have English ancestry. We should also probably come to terms with the that the US has never (NEVER) been the fucking Land of the Free. This is a fucking lie that white Americans have been brainwashed into believing. For me, a Jewish, American (dual Swedish citizenship) and many it is a joke. I trust absolutely no one who is a Christian or a conservative or a Republican or a MAGAt. And I trust maybe 30% of white Democrats. And even that trust is limited. I saw an interview with an American 10/7 survivor who said, despite everything, she would feel safer back in Israel than in the US (she’s a New Yorker). I agree 💯, no 1000%.
Yeah, the US breaking away from the UK had nothing to do with Religion and everything to do with hating the Crown and being subject to laws made thousands of miles away.
Lol, England didn't force it's religion on you (yes there was a religious 'theme' in England, but thanks to Henry the 8th wanting to have his cake and eat it we became a protestant nation, we broke away from Rome so avoided and kicked the crap out've the Catholic idiocy of the times, tf we had the best Navy of the age) Your main problem stems from the fact we forced the total and utter religious nutjobs (Catholic btw) to flee from our protestant nation, unfortunately for you guys, they landed on Plymouth rock. (Yeah as much as they called themselves, they weren't actually Pilgrims, they were religious fundamentals) For all America rails against what happened in Iran when their religious nutjobs took complete control of the country, it sure seems like your religious nutjobs want to replicate the same thing in your country 🙄. Just an observation from a Mackem Athiest (BTW, the UK IS an athiest nation, we're even converting Muslims to atheism, so even though your Religious nutjobs are funding our racist, fascist wannabes to fight their fight against the rising numbers of people of a different skin colour by spouting the Sharia law crap, great replacement BS, the % of Muslims in the UK is staying the same, slightly shrinking than it has been for decades. Islam will not take over the UK, we don't bow down to religious nutjobs).
My Father always maintained that England sent all their religious nuts to America and their pickpockets to Australia and Australia got the better deal. 😄
OK, post the damn Commandments...on stone Hebrew. Or post them with an English translation as well, and when little Billy Bob asks the teacher what adultery means, tell him to ask his Mommy, who was out with little Ellie Mae's Daddy at the No-tell Motel last week. Or maybe just the youth pastor at his evangelical church. This people disgust me.
They claim that the 10 Commandments were foundational for the Constitution. They are not wrong, but not how they think. Madison was a separation of church and state absolutist, not because he worried about the corruption of the state by the church, but because he foresaw what has happened, the perversion of the church in service to politics. Madison, Jefferson and others were clear, America is not a Christian nation, it is a nation in which Christians are free to worship according to their particular lights. This Louisiana Law is a direct afront to that concept in that it seeks to impose a particular version of Christianity on everyone. Sounds like a violation of the establishment clause to me, but I'm sure Alito will find a workaround.
As long as the Governor is using Moses as the basis for requiring the posting of the Ten Commandments, perhaps he considers us a Jewish nation, and if so, he should require the posting of the 613 Jewish Commandments. Now what would he say about that?
I want the courts to produce evidence there actually was a Moses. Also and this in important, Abraham came before Moses so ALL Abrahamic religions need to be included not just Christianity. Christ came much later than Abraham and Moses. So how many different religions does make?
To paraphrase The Felon Donald Trump, what do the Christians get out of it? They're just suckers and losers!
Sounds just like The Harper Valley PTA!
When Billy Joe McAlister jumped off the Tallahachie Bridge...
To escape these assholes no doubt.
No joke. I tried to kill myself just prior to 2020 Election Day. And again after my MAGAt brother threatened to kill me after January 6th. Again after he was convicted for that along with a swatting incident. I won’t survive if Biden loses. I’m not sure I have the will, strength or courage to wait until November. Best of luck to all. Signing out. 💔😞💔
Breathe… stay away from all the ones you can. Look at nature. Take walks. The sun rises, the birds sing, the grass grows and you got this. Be strong and breathe!!! You sound like a empath which is hard now. Feeling all things. Bring your kindness wherever you can. Hang in there!!
Hang in there!😕 I know exactly how you feel.
I am so overwhelmed I could just scream!
I don’t know if you listen to Simon Rosenberg he is on YouTube! Listen to his video from two days ago, and it might give you some HOPE!
He has a political analyst & strategist.
He understood in 2022 the red wave everyone predicted was not actually coming!
I realized to take better care of my mind and mental well-being, I had to stop watching so much politics! I check in for short periods of time throughout the day to keep up-to-date.
I cannot obsess and watch it all day long!
I have a couple of dogs and enjoy doing needlework It helps to control my anxiety and give my brain a much-needed break, but keeps my hands busy!
I hope you can find some bit of Hope & Peace of mind - I think we will get through this!❤️
Then we’ll need to also put up representation of all the world’s religions alongside and ask the children if they have any questions.
I think Louisiana is like the 47th or 48th state with lowest education rates in the nation. You would think they would put up something so they could actually learn but no, just keep them uneducated so they don’t ask questions…
Hoo boy, I can’t wait to see the Quran next to the Ten Commandments…NOT!
The Qur’an is not equivalent to the 10 Commandments – the Qur’an is more equivalent to the Bible - but (from my studies; I am Christian) the Muslims’ own rules are not so different than Christians’.
Worth learning about, for certain.
Malignant narcissists, sociopaths & psychopaths compulsively want nothing less than total domination, but even that won't satisfy them because they are empty inside being incapable of love.
They want an America modeled on their evangelical beliefs. That's not the beliefs of the majority of Americans, you say? Too bad, the majority doesn't count because they are the real Americans and they're tired of letting us live here unless we live under their own version of sharia law.
Absolutely no way should religious dogman be forced into the classroom. Full Stop 🛑 If folks are hell bent on this sort of stuff,go to a Private religious school and leave the rest of the kids alone. Also,I really don't dig having my taxes subsidizing Churches and or religious schools. They're tax exempt?! Something is seriously upsidedown here. Thanks for letting me vent,just a tad,Dean. Good topics All💯
Actually I’m all for it if they pay taxes ;-).
Republicans don't follow or embody the teachings of Christ. They act to impose them upon others in contradiction to the teachings of Christ.
Yes, they certainly don’t follow my brand of Christianity. My faith is based on love, theirs on hate. I’m tired of them giving all Christians a bad name.
Christianity has been co-opted just as the republican party has. Elements of each have opted for power and supremacy and in the end have corrupted both their religion and politics.
And that is precisely why we absolutely must have a separation of church and state. Combining the two creates a toxic, nasty mixture that harms both.
Just like those Zionists giving non Zionist Jews a bad name......religion poisons everything!
So: •which• version of the 10 Commandments is to be posted? There are •2• different versions in the OT; and the Catholic & Protestant versions also differ from each other. They who are insisting on this need to be asked this question in exactly this way.
more interestingly, which Sabbath? Saturday or Sunday.
As far as I can tell having the 10 commandments around hasn't prevented sex abuse from happening in the Catholic churches or the Southern Baptist churches... in fact children and women are much more likely to be harmed in church than just about anywhere else. According to those employed in religion or those who are Republicans have the highest numbers of sex crime perpetrators compared to every other group. So I'd say that having the 10 commandments posted somewhere in a building or being able to recite them isn't going to lower crimes or prevent them or do anything helpful to humanity.
If those young people take those ten commandments to heart, there is no way they will be voting republican when they come of age, considering that the Great Leader and most of the rest of those republican assholes in the house and senate have broken every damn one of those commandments over and over on a daily basis.
They likely won’t be ABLE to vote when they come of age. This is what happens when fascists assume control. Or, they can but it won’t matter.
Again, the solution is removing the problem. Either expand SCOTUS or impeach and replace at least three of them.
Now, now. The Extremes didn't say a coach could stand in the middle of the field and make his team pray. They got to their decision by lying about what he did, characterizing it as standing quietly praying on the field. That has actually been OK for some time. The dissent actually included a PICTURE of him in the middle of the field with kneeling players, but that didn't stop the court from saying the it was a quiet moment of prayer. Strictly speaking we now have precedent saying the a crowd of kneeling players listening to prayers on 50 yard line mid field is quiet personal prayer.
As we know, this court can make up facts as it pleases. Pretty sure it will simply say that the 10 commandments have nothing to do with religion but are just a work of world literature.
My suggestion is that any teacher forced to put up this poster have a poster set up by its side, listing for each a politician or other revered figure who has broken that commandment.
The GOP needs eradicated from society!! 💙💙💙
I'm still waiting for their implosion, which would've happened long ago if not for a tremendous infusion of money by billionaires. They have nothing to offer the world but hate, division & huge tax cuts for giant corporations & billionaires. The GOP should be banned for being a subversive terrorist organization.
I have to disagree with that. We need to find better ways to meaningfully communicate. Here’s a great podcast episode with some terrific food for thought on this topic.
I was enjoying a read from a Substacker that I felt was accurate, then it veered off into haterd of the millions upon millions of illegal immigrants Biden was inviting into the country. I was totally on board with the accuracy of their piece until that out of right field attack on Biden. My point is that we all agree on certain issues and those issues we can come together on. Why should it be all or nothing.
I have friends, family and neighbors I can share views on, but no one ever expected us all to walk in lock step with each other before. I think that changed dramatically between Clinton and Trump by some political think tank that wanted a fractured society. Sure it had been changing since Reagan and Karl Rove's machinations maybe even before that. The Powell Memo/Doctrine was a plan that it appears was adhered to which explains where we are today.
I am tired of this insanity. America is not a theocracy and it is not stuck in the language and time of the founders. All of these cultists must be stopped using any possible means, including the theocrats, all of them, the FEDSOC gang of lawyers who are warping law with their small town approach to judge and court shopping, the crooked SCOTUS gang who think they are some sort of invincible gods, and CFFG. Gloves off. No rules.
Enshrine the Greek and Roman Gods, Buddha, Shinto, and of course the Devil, Ra, and the Aztec gods, with a heavy dose of atheism, then the state religious authorities can paper away in the classroom.
Don't forget my favorite: Quetzalcoatl, who introduced humans to chocolate…
For that alone, he should be supreme! ❤️🥰
Once the burnings at the stake start again maybe the American people will remember what made America great (liberal freedoms) & what the Real Revolution was fought for (freedom from state religion & ending taxation without representation)
I say don’t sue, VOTE!
Why just Christian comandments? Why can't children get the 400+ Jewish commandments? Muslim commandments or rules as they are called?
When does the Satanic Temple sue?
um, that would give approval to diversity. These people can't and won't do that.
Make that 613…