Just a reminder that these are the same justices who think gun laws, vaccine mandates and student loan forgiveness are tyranny, but Trump’s lawyers literally said presidents can have their opponents assassinated and they all said “Hmm interesting.”

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How did we ever get here? The rest of the world will be leaving us behind eventually...

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Mr Biden could have done corrective action with the stroke of a pen (if he really wanted to) and still could. Maybe if he did, he would be electable to people that, like me, think he's a homicidal maniac. And he could have overrun the SCOTUS by doing a bunch of much needed executive orders. That way this corrupt court would be busy fighting off attacks FOR a Democracy. It's not as though that once SCOTUS turned over R. vs W. they didn't invite the cases they wanted to overturn. Cynicism Here.

Oh well, for someone with Trump's daring, it would work. If a guy like Biden were to follow him, the executive orders would have held. After all, Biden only continued Trump's abusive policies and even expanded them.

As I've noticed over the years, elected Democrats appear and act weak, but they're not.

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As I have said before:

The dilatory democrats discuss

As repugnant Republicans regurgitate

Inaction as “the blob”

Engulfs those watching

Digests those talking

Anyone remember a movie called “The blob”?

Inaction is rhetorical action

Of doing nothing.

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Exactly. I've been saying this for years, years (it's not some kind of weird phenomenon) whenever I see/read/hear the old Democrats just don't know how to win. BS. I get push back every time.

I say, "What? In over forty years they still don't know how to get a SIGNIFICANT legislation or block done? Then they ALL should be fired and told to clean out."

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My question:

Why are Clarence Thomas and wife not being investigated for obvious corruption?

Why was the DOJ so slow to take action for 11/6?

Why did Dems just focus on presidential elections as state governments were being taken over?

Why did Obama in his first two years, when he had real political power, think he could work with the crazies?

I could ask a thousand more questions, none of which will be answered.

I’m very suspicious about both parties.

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As you know, this is not new behavior. More "in your face" behavior because no one will face the fact that the Democrats' inaction is really an action they deliberately take. It's not "the Poor Democrats Their To Nice" and I'm sorry, but people have to open their eyes.

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So stupid and wrong. You know trump didn't say that. You pushing lies to ignorant followers.

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Trump's lawyers have said it repeatedly. And you know that they say nothing that isn't pre-approved by Trump. And remember, Trump said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose any followers. He's a narcissist, a psychopath and a dicktator (if every so tiny and mushroom shaped) wannabe.

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You are a retarded liar. You said Trump said it...

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The only thing I disagree with you on is the gun laws part. Gun laws are blatantly illegal. Gun control also has historically been used as the first step to oppressing marginalized groups.

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They are so Pro Putin and Pro Ruskie there is no doubt who is donating to them giving them millions if not billions of dollars to try and pull our country apart . Because of citizens united and the Inferior S🏴‍☠️preme Court we don't even have access to information about who is buying our politicians. We need to eliminate this trash from our body politic and out of our civil society as soon as possible. 2024 would be a good year to trash can these people and come up with a way to put them where they belong, in jail as traitorous scum. Yes, yes, and yes, Let us make America great again by getting rid of the fascist and those coordinating with them like the neo-nazis the white supremacists, the vangelicals, the anti-American militias and their guns, laissez-faire capitalism, yes the fascist clowns on the inferior catholic anti-American upper court. The way to do that? Vote blue Democrat for anyone on the ballot especially the right wingy dingy judges that we have the opportunity to vote against. VOTE BLUE 🇺🇸 if it's the last thing you do. Pretend you're Joe McCarthy and get rid of these communists and communist sympathizers like tR🤡mp and his merry band of political traitors out of our political system.

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We should have started expanding the Court on Jan 21, 2021. We can’t fix the past obviously, but I see no signs of any movement should the Biden administration miraculously win this November. Just as no movement was made to prosecute the J6 planners.

Being soft and weak on political matters is going to be what ends the 248 year experiment

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The same day Trump should have been arrested and jailed pending charges.

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Exactly. Remember believing Biden would fix Trump's damage? Instead he embraced it and played his shell games.

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I never believed he would. I merely hoped*

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The dilatory democrats discuss

As repugnant Republicans regurgitate

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And the alliteraters alliterate

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Thank you for writing this damning critique of the traitorous betrayal (my words) of the American Constitution and We, the People, by the US Supreme Court. Quite frankly, even the so-called “liberal” justices are failing us in their inability to mount a spirited and valiant defense against their fellow Justices’ revolting and utterly unprecedented refusal to do their job and rule on the issue in front of them - and not just in this case! In the case brought by Colorado to remove Trump from their ballot, the Supremes, led by Elena Kagan who demanded in an imperious tone, “Why should Colorado get to be the ones to remove Trump from other states’ ballots?” Which wasn’t at question at all, but it was a great put-down that ‘seemed’ to be egalitarian while actually being the opposite. That’s the way it is with all of these “collegial” justices, who just get along great after the work day ends. Maybe they should actually NOT agree with one another when 6+1 spouse are plotting to overthrow democracy and trash the US Constitution…?

All nine justices should be replaced at once by jurists who respect the Constitution and will not pervert it to their own political ends, all the while enriching themselves personally from wealthy benefactors controlling major corporations with cases pending in front of the court, or in many cases, already ruled upon by the corrupt Justices.

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I don't think the "liberal" justices are perfect compared to the so-called "conservative" justices, who are anything but conservative, but they are mostly better. I really miss RBG.

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Loved your thoughts, the solution is getting folks in our judicial System who wholeheartedly believe in a core of truth/justice. Folks who will mentally say "Goddamn You" to the devils who may sit beside them on our revered courts of justice here in America.

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Agree I believe those appointed by Trump fear him and know if they don’t support him if he gets reelected he will go after them. Instead they should be doing their job and make sure he never gets into any office again

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They should fear him even more as president. The Fed did, the DOD did and the SCOTUS is stupid to put someone like him in place above them and that's what it be, ABOVE them.

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Impeach the whole lot of them, expand to 13 justices, and start over from scratch.

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Probably best solution yet! None of the current justices are champions of democracy or the Constitution.

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How so?

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I must confess that I didn’t know who you were until I saw you on a segment of MSNBC. I can only watch MSNBC or any cable news if I have a mute button since it is five commercials, one news story, six commercials, one news story, repeat. As with everything in this country it is about profits. Ok, I get it, that is just reality. However, what was especially true for CNN, was hosts trying to give equal time to numerous to con artist fascist. Remember that schmuck Boris Epsteyn all over cable news who is now indicted? Dammit, this is war. It was OBVIOUS who he was and who these people were and are.

Imagine being a rational, philosophical person living with judges of the Inquisition, the Salem Mass witch trials, Putin, antebellum southern courts, current courts in Texas, Alabama, Idaho. Imagine all the nations courts like that. Imagine being a smart guy like Galileo living under a Catholic Court. Imagine going to court with Matt Gatz—a lawyer—or Marjorie Taylor Green as your judge. Isn’t that what we are living under now?

Yes, we need to get rid of this SCROTUS, the Supreme Coprolite. However, as an attorney, hopefully you recognize that the entire legal system is screwed up and highly tilted towards those who can afford it.

Here in southern Arizona, a rancher murdered an illegal immigrant crossing his ranch trying to get to a better life. Hung jury because of one nut job.

I have over 25 years testifying as a so called “expert witness” and have a front row seat to the machinations, ignorance and injustice of the legal system where you can only get as much justice as you can afford.

As in the 1976 movie NETWORK, I’m metaphorically sticking my head out the window and screaming, MAGA, Trump, SCROTUS, You make me sick.

Ok, I have vented.

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The dilatory democrats discuss

As repugnant Republicans regurgitate

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I’d love to have someone force the court (Thomas, really) to re-examine Loving vs. Virginia. Wonder how he’d feel about marriage equality then! Hypocritical asshat!

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I couldn't agree with you more about reforming the supreme court. I would like to see Thomas, Alito, and Gorsuch impeached and removed from the bench. The one good thing I can see about expanding the court is that it would be much more difficult to pack the court the way the Republicans have done. I also like the idea of term limits (which would hopefully immediately remove two of the justices mentioned above). The idea of rotating them to a lower court is also an interesting possibility. However, at this point, I think the most important thing would be to remove the obviously corrupt justices from the bench. Their job is to interpret the constitution and pay attention to precedent, not to legislate.

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Call me naive but why is it okay to break ANY laws as an elected official/president? Seems like an obvious determination

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Especially since the Executive Branch, which the pres is the head of, is charged with executing the laws of this country not breaking them. The answer to presidential immunity is so simple there is no argument to make for it. No one is above the law! That means don is not above the law.

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We were on our way to this point in history the second The Southern Strategy was launched. Whenever politics becomes "normal humans against vermin" it never ends well, and that is what the Southern Strategy evolved into. What was once a cynical play has now become dogma and dangerous rhetoric designed to instill fear and compliance. And now it sits in the highest court in the land. God help us all.

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During the Supreme Court hearing on Presidential immunity the entire group of justices and attorneys sounded like a group of eighth graders who may not qualify to graduate. The Supreme Court clearly is above the law. Terrifying!

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It is truly sickening.

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Expanding the SC to match the number of Districts should be done; however there will come a time when the 13 Justices will be out of balance for whoever’s political views, and there will be cries to expand the SC again. If we expand the SC we should also implement term limits. That will keep a good balance over a period of time.

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Term limits plus binding and enforceable ethics code. We can't trust the appointments to be faithful to the law unless they can be forced to follow it, just as we are.

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Maybe in the meantime, a Democratic government can fix the corruption in the government. We could start with the SCOTUS and work up and down, it's supposed to be sideways, but that no longer the case. Equal branches of government went away a long time ago.

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Also, the first task of a new Democratic House of Representatives is to impeach* Justices Clarence Thomas and Sammuel Alito for accepting luxury travel gifts from individuals, in direct violation of the Constitution’s emoluments prohibition.

*Justice Amy Coney Barrett stated that Supreme Court Justices can be impeached, during the Supreme Court hearing on Presidential immunity, broadcast live on April 25, 2024

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"That is why Democrats going forward must make reforming this court a priority."

One proposal I've heard is to have a dozen or so SCOTUS members appointed, nine of which are randomly selected onto each case. I don’t know if that is workable, but it sounds interesting.

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Absolutely! I agree completely.

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Would someone (who knows how to do such things) PLEASE put together a petition to the President Biden to expand the Extreme Court? He's uncomfortable with messing with the numbers (or something), but now it's got to be clear as day that expansion is the ONLY way to save the democracy we love.

The MM is unaccountably reluctant to cover the garbage that the GOP and its Orange Malignant Leader are doing. The lower courts can't do the job alone. We're in serious trouble here, and the High Extremists aren't going to hold the line. SOMETHING has to be done to convince the (real) president to do this before it's too late.

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Look at the chess board folks. First step in SCOTUS reform lies with the voters. An overwhelming blue vote across the ballot will reap a democratic majority. Next step is SCOTUS reform, court packing, backflip Roe vs Wade and Citizens United. Then the road will be clear to finally address immigration, gun control, climate, etc.

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Ray, you’re a man after my own heart and mind.

Expand the Extreme Court to 13, make them adhere to the same ethics all other judges take oaths to. Get rid of the electoral votes act, the filibuster and gerrymandering. Then we’ll have good government.


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YOU got IT, "Blue Minds" need to be at the reins.

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I think he is waiting until after the election. He will be more powerful as he doesn’t need to worry about approval polls, etc … God willing, we take control of the Senate and/or the Hose. A miracle of all three maybe, a trifecta.

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I'm sure you're right, and I would like to believe that all the moving parts that we normal humans can't see will save us, but... yeah, I really think we have to have the House and the Senate; I remember far too much obstructionism in the Obama years.

Everything I've read says the chances of holding the Senate are not great, but the House is doable. I think we've outperformed every election since the Orange Malignancy was forced out, and this will be better. The only big unknown is how much the GQP is going to screw with voting. Our best, maybe only, chance is to register every voter in the country, and make SURE they all get to the polls!

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The "righteous six" will probably surprise us and give trump the immunity he wants, and will forever change the nature of our civil rights, personal freedoms and way of life, if a political foe can be eliminated by a standing president. Only despotic countries like Russia, China, N Korea resort to this kind of response to opposition.

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Republicans and the so called conservative, evangelicals are turning our country into a third world nightmare. Soon we will be reminiscent of Haiti, lawlessness, crime worse than it is now, rape of women and children and no one will care, it will be dog eat dog! And we will have the idiots of the Supreme Court, a demented morbidly obese orange clown again as president who will entertain porn stars in his White House chambers, and the rich getting richer, all the whole Melania Trump walks are ions with a jacket with the slogan ‘I don’t really care do you?’ Then as father orange becomes more demented probably due to his tertiary Syphilis, Putin will already be moving in.

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