Jim Crow has ended? Jim Crow is just a brand, a name. That particular brand may not exist but the underlying product has never gone away.

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Check your voter registration or register to vote! Red states are removing people from the rolls. Absentee ballots going out soon. In about a month, you won’t be able to register for voting anymore.

Hold the lines, stay in line AND CHECK NOW your voter registration here 👇


And wear this Harris/Walz shirt with pride 👇 😊


Kamala: The only choice. She will preserve our Democracy.

We’re NOT going back. We’re going FORWARD.

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Sep 5Liked by Dean Obeidallah

Paxton is not a constitutionalist is he?

Dear goddess, Texas sucks.

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Parts of it, like El Paso, don't suck. It's a wonderful place to live. Mostly it's the state government that's the problem.

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OK. But the state government didn't become the state government without the majority of it's citizens voting FOR THAT THUG government.

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The majority of the state is apparently deep red. There are only 3 areas (El Paso, Houston, and Austin) that are reliably democratic. I understand that Dallas is trending more blue, and I think San Antonio may be also.

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Nope, all 5 cities are very blue. Houston, Dallas AND Fort Worth (and all the cities in DFW), Austin, El Paso, San Antonio and Corpus Christi. And the counties outside the urban counties are getting more blue.

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Thank you for the good information. I think that between Beto O'Rourke and Jasmine Crockett, that all sorts of people are getting the message.

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Paxton should have been imprisoned long ago for all of his criminal activity but, like his hero trump, has escaped accountability. He’s a festering boil on Texas’s rear end.

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Sep 5Liked by Dean Obeidallah

This is just heartbreaking what they do. Why why why do they feel it’s so necessary to intimidate people, break laws, use innuendo and outright lie? Most people know Ken Paxton belongs in jail. To me this is another failure of Merrick Garland in not investigating Texas politicians.

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No. I tired of reichwing thugs. My heart doesn't break over them and what they do to us; it makes me angry. Our democracy is at stake.

Thank the universe that TX isn't a swing state.

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Sep 5Liked by Dean Obeidallah

Paxton and Abbott, two prickly peas in a pod

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I liked Abbott better when he was working with Costello, and Paxton when he was chasing tornadoes. (Yes, I know that’s an old and easy joke, but I’m old and easy myself.) 🤔😉😊

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Ah ha ha, me too

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It's absolutely Appalling, Dean!! This is the only way Republicans think they can win elections, because they're policies are so unpopular with the American people!!? It's Insanity, and the statics Show IT! This poor woman?! I'd be looking around for someone to represent me to press charges against the person who gave the Orders to do this Horrific injustice!!! You got my blood boiling this morning, Dean, Good One 💯💙🇺🇸

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Jim Crow hasn't ended, they are just doing it better.


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I can’t read or listen to more infractions by the Republicans on people’s voting rights!! I would hope the DOJ or FBI would investigate immediately but they seem to be in the wind!! Who is left to right all the wrongs happening in Texas and across the country?

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Paxton needs to be sued into the Stone Age by his victims. And while the lawyers are at it, take down the law enforcement agencies that executed Paxton's fraudulent warrants and the municipalities that employ them. And of course, if Merrick Garland had some balls, he would investigate these obvious violations of the victim's civil rights.

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Sep 5Liked by Dean Obeidallah

Thank you for this warning.

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This is a HUGE mistake and the Democrats need to make the world aware of how FASCISM is alive and well in America.

Where's #ColinAllred on this?

He's not much of a leader if he doesn't pickup the ball and run with this.

This story should bring down the #GOP it's disgusting!

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I totally agree. This is why I despise CONservatism (CON D or R).

There is too much going along with the extremists to get along with the extremists anymore.

Democrats have to pick a side.

Kumbaya never works with thugs or mafia.

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No doubt about it! Watch out for those who say, both parties are the same, they're all corrupt.

That's Russian propaganda meant to dampen your enthusiasm and destroy your belief in democracy.

While money in politics presents a huge problem for both parties, the #GOP is doing their best to monopolize on LIES and CORRUPTION.

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Very true, too!

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"This is why I despise CONservatism (CON D or R)...."

If only this were CONservatism rather than EQUAL OPPORTUNITY INSTITUTIONAL CORRUPTION as any observer of our body politic and Pay2Play mass media may attest and have been attesting from every soapbox and many a publisher throughout the land. We simply can't discuss it via 21st Century advanced broadcast networks due to our Pay2Play credo and deeply ingrained and mass media reinforced ethos.

On that note, sister Andrea, I'm obliged to disclose that "We'll be right back...."


Manufacturing Consent Noam Chomsky and the Media (Documentary) 1080p

Inquire the Mind

Or pick any critic around the world or in any language of Pay2Play mass media HIGH TECH and low trends of the 20th Century and read widely.

My own fast-acting Rx (I am not a certified Mass Media critic) is the time and calmness of the late great and ever always local activist educator of plain speaking my former neighbor in the working class borough\county of Queens, Neil Postman.

Read his book (slowly and where it won't be interruptive, OUT LOUD). Think about it, dream on it, wake and asleep. Persuade others to take the brief time to consider Neil Postman's condensed critique and prescriptions for fighting off the continuing Pay2Play HIGH TECH Mass Media Marketing plagues.

Without the freedom from Pay2Play and the will and steadfastness (Sumud in Arabic) to properly analyze what corporate-capture means institutionally on a society dependent on it, as we've all become in the inter-connected and Cyberian networked world, we condemn ourselves to an eternity flapping desperately in muck and mire. Theater of the Absurd, anyone?


Yours from our globally interruptive republic.,

health and balance to US all

Tio Mitchito

Mitch Ritter\Paradigm Sifters, Code Shifters, PsalmSong Chasers

Lay-Low Studios, Ore-Wa (Refuge of Atonement Seekers)

Media Discussion List\Looksee

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I really hope the Democrats don't cave on their threat to shut down the government.

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Democrats know they need to get the word out. It has to be The People, like our military, who need to call their reichwing thug/mafia representatives & tell them they won't stand for reichwing ransom games.

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for these searches to be valid at all, there had to be search warrants. I hope that someone is looking into the probable cause behind those warrants. Without probable cause, taking people's phones and computers is basically theft, and forcing someone to stand out side, with or without a nightgown, is false arrest.

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Is it a competition, this headlong rush to the very bottom by Texas and Florida? Potential bounties on pregnant women?Swatting octogenarian Latinas? Targeting education, books and science as harmful to (white) children? Welcome to the New Confederacy! But when both states beg for money when climate actually calls, these brave white supremacists beg to be bailed out.

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ReTHUGliCONs do what Rethuglicons do.

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You know, I think that Ken Paxton is the only person I truly hate. I am ashamed of what he is doing to our state and particularly my community (El Paso). Ken Paxton is the lawless one, not the Latino population. He could learn a lot of good things from the people he is oppressing.

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Reminder: Paxton is far from alone. He only gets away with his thuggishness and outlaw behavior because everybody else around him LIKES what he does, approves of his sociopathy.

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As one who lives in Texas, it's hard not to know and understand that.

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I am currently reading the new novel by Attica Locke, part 3 in her Highway 59 Texas series. Her protagonist is a Black Texas Ranger, whose life has been made miserable by a racist attorney general. His pov of life in east Texas since tRump's election is excruciatingly painful and feels authentic. It also includes the fears that Latinos face. It would almost be too painful to read if the story and characters were not as compelling and gripping as they are. I'm only 60% done, but can confidently recommend it highly. It's not necessary to read the first 2 books, though they are wonderful and worth reading.

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